
Ethereal Empires

Alex gets transferred to the desolate land as the new king. As he d iscovers the mythical ore in this world, he may uncover incredible powers or abilities tied to the ore, leading to his transformation into a superhero figure and a great king IT WILL CONTAIN CHARACTER WILL SUPERPOWER BUT NOT AT THE STARTING

hint · Sci-fi
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2 Chs


Current world : year,1981


Silvershore was a vast, underdeveloped country that had been exploited by the global superpowers, rather than just a single monarch, leading to the depletion of its natural resources. Despite its immense size, featuring expansive mountains, lakes, and rivers that encircled its borders, Silvershore suffered from a significantly low population. This was a result of the extensive exploitation and neglect it had endured over the years, stunting its growth and development. Silvershore's situation resembled that of a vast, untapped territory, akin to a colossal version of Earth's Australia, but it remained largely unexplored and underutilized due to historical factors and external influences.

In this historical period, a significant event occurred in Silvershore. Alex, the last surviving member of the Silvershore royal family, found himself thrust into the spotlight. Having tragically lost his parents, he inherited the throne of Silvershore from his uncle, who passed it down in recognition of Alex's rightful place as the sole remaining royalty. With this unexpected responsibility placed upon him, Alex faced the immense task of leading his nation towards a brighter future, bringing hope and progress to the people of Silvershore.

Alex pov :

I woke up, disoriented and bewildered, not recognizing my surroundings. Confusion engulfed me as I realized I had somehow been transported into the body of a king overnight. The weight of this unexpected responsibility bore down on me, leaving me feeling overwhelmed.

As I tried to gather my thoughts, a sharp pang pierced through my head, as if unlocking a floodgate of memories. In a rush, I witnessed the state of Silvershore, a country underdeveloped and sparsely populated. These memories revealed that the world was caught in a global conflict reminiscent of Earth's world wars, but this alternate Earth was far more technologically advanced, with unique countries and regions.

Before I could process it all, a knock on the door startled me. It was Chris, the aged secretary who had served the previous king. Despite his years, his military background made him a trusted advisor to the monarchy.

Chris had come to inform me that today marked the official coronation, where I would be crowned as the new king of Silvershore. This event held tremendous significance, taking place at the majestic Astral Temple perched atop a towering mountain in the northern region.

Silvershore, despite its underdevelopment, boasted a rich tapestry of religious traditions and diverse cultures. The coronation was a deeply spiritual affair, centered around a precious meteor stone, believed to have descended from the realm of gods. The stone was said to hold the divine power of their revered deity, the Dragon King, Drakoros. It was whispered among the people that this sacred stone had the ability to grant wishes and fulfill their deepest desires.

As I absorbed this knowledge, a mix of apprehension and determination welled up inside me. I understood the challenges that lay ahead, both for Silvershore and the wider world. However, armed with this newfound understanding and the unwavering support of Chris and the people, I pledged to utilize my position to bring about positive change, breathing life into the dreams and aspirations of the people of Silvershore.

As I ascended the hill, I gazed upon the multitude of people gathered below, eagerly awaiting the sight of their new king—a beacon of hope for their prosperous future. As I entered the temple, a profound hush fell upon the crowd, and every head bowed in reverence to their newfound ruler. The head priest guided me to the pinnacle, where a meteor stood as a symbol of destiny.

The ceremony commenced, stretching over an hour of solemn rituals and ancient chants. At its culmination, I was instructed to offer a drop of my blood upon the sacred stone, a gesture that would connect me with the Dragon God in the neutral plane. In that moment, my soul detached from my physical vessel, and I found myself traversing the cosmic expanse adorned with resplendent stars and celestial bodies.

Awakening from my ethereal journey, I beheld a colossal dragon with a regal aura, its form adorned in shades of deep black and royal purple. The Dragon God addressed me as a descendant of the Ashore family, expressing surprise that any survived the tumultuous past. With a humble response, I declared myself as the last heir and the newly crowned king of Silvershore. The Dragon God, acknowledging its divine duty, pledged to bestow upon me the power bestowed upon my ancestors. However, it cautioned me, emphasizing the importance of preserving my land and not succumbing to the mistakes of the past.

With a mere flick of its mighty claws, my soul was instantaneously returned to my earthly vessel. As I awoke, I witnessed the entirety of my subjects—the priests, the men, the women, and the children—all prostrating themselves before their newly anointed king, ready to follow me on the path that would lead Silvershore to its rightful glory.

A few days after the grand coronation ceremony, I wasted no time in setting my plans in motion to develop the nation of Silvershore. It was a fortuitous moment, as other countries were embroiled in ongoing conflicts, leaving them too preoccupied to pose a threat. Silvershore's geographical advantage, with its borders surrounded by water, provided an additional layer of security. However, my foremost priority was to investigate the meteor mine, a resource bestowed upon us by the Dragon God himself—a potential catalyst for our country's development.

On route to the mine, I reminisced about the Dragon God's words, which revealed that the stone contained a metal extracted from its very body. While not as resilient as the Dragon God itself, this metal possessed extraordinary magical properties. Though Silvershore was still in the early stages of development, the previous king had placed great emphasis on education, resulting in an abundance of theoretical knowledge among our people. Consequently, I harbored no doubt regarding our ability to comprehend and harness the potential of this extraordinary material.

Upon reaching the mine, a staggering sight awaited me—approximately 1,100,000 scientists had assembled, representing the entirety of our country's scientific community. With a sense of humility befitting my role as their king, I addressed them, knowing that our collective efforts were crucial to unlocking the secrets hidden within the meteorite. I pledged my unwavering commitment to serve our people and guide our nation towards prosperity. I implored each and every individual in this modest yet resilient nation to devote themselves wholeheartedly to the cause of research and development, to toil day and night in pursuit of unlocking the meteorite's fullest potential.

With a resounding call to action, I charged them with the responsibility of uplifting our beloved homeland. The people of Silvershore, perform exceptional theoretical knowledge, possessed the intellectual capacity and hunger for discovery necessary to embark upon this monumental endeavor. Together, we would unlock the mysteries of the meteorite, paving the way for Silvershore's ascent to unparalleled heights.

And so, with unwavering determination and a united spirit, our nation set forth on a path illuminated by the promise of progress. Silvershore would emerge from the shadows of obscurity, propelled by the brilliance of our scientists, the tenacity of our people, and the guiding presence of the Dragon God. In the crucible of exploration and innovation, we would forge a future worthy of our collective aspirations—a future where Silvershore would shine brightly as a beacon of ingenuity and prosperity in a world yearning for hope.

1 year later