
Eternity Stones

Simon is an orphan who doesn't know his real parents. He was adopted by a very kind couple along with his best friend Jack from the orphanage. One day, a murderer killed his family and tried to kill him, but his powers were unleashed and he killed the murderer. Right after that, he fell in the coma for 3 years. When he woke up, he realized that he doesn't belong to the world where he lived any longer.

Cyber_High · Fantasi
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7 Chs

The New Born Child

After Father was defeated by Arthur, he used his magic to teleport himself somewhere safe.

Wait this place is... a hospital!? This place is in my world. 

[Good morning doctor!]

"Good morning Sir."

[How is my wife doing?]

"Congratulations Sir, your wife just gave birth to your chil an hour ago!"

[Oh really!! Thank goodness! Is it a boy or a girl?]

"It's a boy! Come with me Sir! As his father, you have to see him with your own eyes."

My father followed the doctor to the room where there was a familiar woman who just gave birth to her child and a baby.

"Alexander, you're late!"

[Sorry honey I couldn't make it.]

So that woman is Father's wife? Could it be my mother. She has the same skin and hair as me so... so that means the baby is me?

[So, this is our Son?]

"Yeah, isn't he cute?"

"Yeaaah, I think my little brother is really cute! Hahaha!"

This voice! It's Arthure!

[Arthur! You followed me! Bastard!]

"How can you say such things to your own son?"

[What do you want now!?]

"You said that you had someone else to take over to you and maintain the balance between the Five Factions! So this is him?"

[Yeah, do you have a problem with that?]

"What if he becomes a monster like me? I took from you so much lifetime that I don't think you'll be alive a year later! What are you gonna do if your son becomes as evil as me!?"

[Both of you are completely different! You are the son of a mad devil that loved blood and death! But this baby is the son of a lovely woman who wants peace and hates war!]

"So this baby is a menace for me that I should take care of before he takes me down!"

[You're mad but how can you kill a newborn child!?]


At that moment, Arthur generated a lot of energy of destruction that would destroy all this area.

My father didn't have enough power to save anyone other than me. So he used his remaining magical powers to transport using dark flames.

Where were we? It's... it's the orphanage where I grew up! That means...

[Son! Your mother told me that if you were a girl, your name would be Alexandra and if you were a boy, it would be Simon. So nice to meet you Simon Dragonite. I'm very sorry but I think we won't see each other for a while!]


My father is hugging me! Then he touched my forehead with his hand and then someone came from the orphanage. It was Mrs Isabella! The woman who took care of me for 11 years!

"How did you arrive here? I saw you emerge from drak flames!"

[This is a newborn child whose mother just died because I failed to save her! The only thing I know is that his name is Simon so please take care of him.]

Then he gave me to her and disappeared in dark flames.

Suddenly, everything became dark!



"Yeah it's me."

How is this possible?

"I gave you a part of my conciousness."

Really?! Why?

"I have to tell you something about Arthur Dragonite, you big brother."

What's with him?

"He is the son of the previous Devil Empress. The devils are made of darkness. Your brother has the ability of controlling his own darkness so the Supreme Dragon Form that is known to be the form of a berserk dragon. The Perfect Dragon Form is the power of a dragon that we achieve by getting rid of our own darkness and by controling our power at 100%. These two forms are equal in terms of power and speed. But because I didn't know his true powers, I was surprised to see that ability and lost the duel."

Father, how do we gain these powers?

"They're based on your personality, your identity and your traumas. I personally don't know why I had the erasing ability."

Is my adoptive family's death related to my powers?

"The dragon clan is known as the strongest clan but also the most wicked. Their aura generates hatred towards them inside the hearts of others. The less is the power of a nearby person, the more he can try to harm you. Also the more a dragon becomes strong, the more that hatred increases but also the dragon falls himself into the darkness."

So, if I become stronger, I can probably be like Arthur?

"But you're also a human! Your humanity may help you control your Dragon Instincts. I believe in you Son!"

Thanks Father.

"I'm... I'm back?"

"How was the conversation with your father, young dragon?"

"The questions I have now in mind are more than the answers I had. But in any case I'm thankful."

"Very well."

"Old man! May I ask you something?"

"You may."

"You don't look that old but you look unwell. Are you I'll?"

"I had a little fight with your brother. He snatched my right arm and ate a lot of my lifetime. I'm going to die very soon."

"I'm sorry. I can't do anything. But one day, I will avenge you! I promise!"

"Young Dragon, I want you to become the Hero of the Hero Clan."

"So I will be..."

"That's right! You will become a member of the Five Factions Emperors."

"But I'm not from the Hero Clan."

"The members of the Hero Clan are humans with very strong bodies or with magical abilities. You're a dragon but it seems that your a human as well with both a strong body and magical abilities. All you need is training to master your powers. I'll be your trainer!"

"Isn't there anybody able to train me? I don't want to cause problems to you."

"I'm the Head of the Hero Clan and the strongest one of them. Since you're my successor, I'll have to take care of you myself."

"But you're-"

"I'm dying sooner or later. It doesn't matter any more now."

"Okay, if you say so, master!"

"So, this is my training camp?"

"Yes, it is an empty area."

"It looks like the place Father and Arthur battled."

"Alexander requested to let him face Arthur here. He also told me that Arthur wouldn't challenge him if he didn't have a plan. After the Great Dragon Fight, this area became a place for fights or training. It's called the Great Heroic Field."

"Is that so? When will we start the training?"

"Right now!"

"What do I have to do?"

"You have to keep running around this place and do 500 laps."

"What? Are you serious!?"



He freaked me out when he cried out so I had no other choice but to obey.

The training begins!!