
Eternal Martial Journey

In an ever growing universe, thousands of galaxies, millions of planets, quadrillion of races, I, Zhong Yi stands alone at the pinnacle of existence . Zhong Yi, an ordinary fifteen-year-old found himself a rusty metallic mirror. Little does he know, the mirror will change his whole life. He will travel through the starry sky, walk on everlasting flames, slay nine-headed asuras. This is a journey of a martial artist, an Eternal Martial Journey. *** Notice: - I am not a native English speaker and English is not my first language so you might find a few mistakes in my work. And this is my first time writing so feel free to complain. -The guy in my cover is not mines. It's a fan art of ORV. If you are owner of the art and doesn't want me to use it, you can contact me on discord, C1Tokun#4860.

C1Tokun · Seni bela diri
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12 Chs


"It's a 1 vs. 23. If we gang on in, we can defeat him!" a bunch of mid rank 1 martial artists rushed towards Zhong Yi. Zhong Yi grips the Heavenly Sword of Gathering Clouds tightly. "TWELVE INVINCIBLE GATES OF EMPEROR GARDEN" "BIRCH GATE STANCE SLASH" Zhong Yi slashes the gangster that rushed towards him vertically. BLASH!!! Blood spilled out of the gangster's abdomen. The gangster's body was sliced in half. "Ahhhh! He killed someone!" the gangsters start to panic as their fellow friend gets sliced into half in front of them. The muscular man's veins popped on his forehead. "LITTLE BOY! YOU FUCKING MADE ME DO THIS!" the bald man runs towards Zhong Yi. "FLASHY EAGLE STRIKE" He uses his palm and slammed Zhong Yi's stomach. Zhong Yi was shocked at how fast he was. "You survived the legendary FLASHY EAGLE STRIKE! Impressive."

Zhong Yi uses "CLOUD STEP" "FIRST STEP" to fall back. "You guys! Stop being a pussy. He killed one of our comrades! We must avenge him! Gang on him!" the muscular man shouted. They rushed towards Zhong Yi with all their might and moves. It may look like the gangsters have the upper hand, but Zhong Yi has a trump card.

"Hahaha! You fools!" Zhong Yi laughs menacingly. The Oni-Smiting Mask absorbs the soul of the gangster that Zhong Yi killed.

[Oni-Smiting Mask(????? Treasure)(Level 1) have absorbed one soul.]

[Strength: +1]

[Oni-Smiting Mask craves for move souls.]

Zhong Yi slices the gangsters like slicing butter as they run towards him. He was so fast that they didn't even get to hit him.

[Oni-Smiting Mask(????? Treasure)(Level 1) have absorbed one soul.]

[Strength: +1]

[Oni-Smiting Mask(????? Treasure)(Level 1) have absorbed one soul.]

[Strength: +1]

[Oni-Smiting Mask(????? Treasure)(Level 1) have absorbed one soul.]

[Strength: +1]

[Oni-Smiting Mask(????? Treasure)(Level 1) have absorbed one soul.]

[Strength: +1]

Zhong Yi killed all the gang members in a flash. "Kid, no, sir! Please let me live. I was wrong. I will act like this incident never occurred." The bald man begs him. "Umm…" Zhong Yi wonders. "If you killed me now, the higher ups will hunt you down and the martial association won't let you off easily after you killed many people." The bald muscular threatens Zhong Yi. "Sure… Run from me as far as you can, before I decide to kill you " Zhong Yi replied. The muscular guys ran away from Zhong Yi. "Hahaha, idiot not only the higher ups will come to hunt you down, but I will also tort…" His head was cut off before he knew it.


[Mission: Eliminate all the gangsters. (Complete)]

[Mission Rewards: +17 qi points]

"Idiot, I will show no mercy towards anyone who threatens me. Even if the heaven threatens me, I will show no mercy and one day destroy it. Hahahaha!" Zhong Yi laughs arrogantly. The whole place was covered in red blood and dead bodies that are equally cut in half. The motel manager came out of the office and noticed the bloodbath. He wet himself instantly after he saw Zhong Yi holding a bloody sword behind a bunch of corpses. "Ahhh!" he fainted. "Lol, that old man mentality is pretty weak."

Zhong Yi cleans his bloody sword with his shirt and puts it back into the sheath. "I should find a place to take refuge. This town is not safe anymore. Sooner or later the police and the martial association will come and find me." He ran away from the scene.

Zhong Yi found a solitary place located between two apartment. He tries to take off the Oni-Smiting Mask."Ghhh! This shit is hard to take off. It's like the mask is stuck to my face with superglue." Zhong Yi struggles to take off his mask. After a while, he finally took off his mask. "Oufff… Finally!" he sighed and checks his status.

[Name: Zhong Yi]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 15]

[Title: Zhong family trash]

[Level: 2--->4]

[Rank: Early Rank 1]

[Condition: Tired]

[Vitality: 9--->14]

[Strength: 10--->34]

[Agility: 10--->15]

[Mentality: 9--->14]

[Qi Points: 12--->29]

[Qi: Plum Blossom Qi]

"I have more strength than any other stats. Gosh! Am I going to be a muscular man?" Zhong Yi wonders himself as a brawny man with 19 packs with thick biceps and triceps. Zhong Yi suddenly vomits. "It was my first time killing a person and I killed more than 20 people. This world is scary. It was a kill or be killed situation. I will have to kill more people later down the road, so I must be mentally prepared." Zhong Yi sighed.




"So, you saw a 6-foot tall teenager with a red oni mask after you came out of your office and you fainted?" a police officer ask the motel manager. "Yes, if you don't believe you can't check the CCTV." the motel manager replied. "Can you show me too?" suddenly someone spoke.

The policeman and the manager were shocked as the person showed up. That person was a beautiful middle-aged-looking woman wearing a military service dress with different types of badges on her. Knowing that the mysterious woman has many achievements, both the motel manager and the policeman greet her by bowing down on the floor. "Oh my. You don't need to bow down to me that much. I just came here, since I was interested in this bloody scene." They both keep lowering their head. Every word that she said has power in it to the point that a normal human being can feel that she is a powerful predator. The policeman was a mid rank 1 martial artist, so he noticed that the woman's rank is higher than rank 5 and starts to shiver.

"Who...Who… are you?" the policeman shivers as he asked her a question. The woman gently replied, "Umm…They called me War Demon" Both the manager and the policeman tremble in fear as they heard the name "War Demon".