

Not bothering to even look back Ulquiorra simply put his hand behind his back and blocked the sharp blade with but his mere dorsal

Witnessing what had just happened the Princess had at first refused to believe what had just happened

Looking at her Blade it seemed to have been chipped with clashing with mere flesh and one were to know that it was not a regular blade but one of the top 10 in the kingdom

While the Princess may have been Overwhelmed the exact opposite was happening with Ulquiorra, being honest he expected the blade to shatter as a whole but it seemed he underestimated the weapon of this woman

The Princes Face seemed to have also have become serious and said in a rather curious voice

"It seems that your strength is not lacking, then I presume the bone on your head is also not for show?"

Ah yes, the bone

Ulquiorra had in no way forgotten about it but unlike his hollow hole it could not be hidden by simply covering it

"That does not Concern you" although he had somewhat anticipated this answer he could not hide the frown that was begging to form on his face

"Heavenly Destroyer" without warning his sister attacked

And with the princesses voice came a stream of Qi almost transparent

Turning around Ulquiorra used the back of his hand to block the attack and completely dissipated it with a...Swipe?

"The Attack is undeserving of its name" Finishing his sentence he disappeared using Sōnido

After the Mysterious man left Wei shin looked at his Hot-blooded sister then sighed while saying

"You seem to still be unable to read the situation"

And with Confusion clearly in her eyes she asked

"What do you mean, I felt no Qi from him meaning he was but a regular human"

"Firstly, how did you know he was a human?"

To this question Wei Lin was unable to answer

"Secondly, you are right I too was unable to feel spiritual Qi from him which means he was a regular human or..." Wei Shin derailed from there as of waiting for his sister to continue the sentence

"His strength is much higher than ours.." she said unsure of her own words

Wei Shin nodded as If satisfied and said

"After what has just happened which do you think is more likely?"

Her whole body shaked after thinking of what she would have do.../ tried to do if not for her younger brother

With a little laughter her brother said "You really need to learn to think otherwise I doubt you will live for very long"

"Haha, very funny" she said annoyed but still grateful to her savor sometimes she truly wondered what she would do without him