
Escapism Of The Lunatics

An extract from the forbidden fantasy that test's an adolescent's morality, sexuality and strength: Peter watched my reaction. Eyeing every contortion and breath I made. I shyly looked down at his intimidating gaze, tangling my fingers in my tousled hair. Parts of me want to explore and be fine with this. With what he does. The way he treats me. Parts of me feign for how far I'm willing with his predatory side. Submit to his will. Parts of me willing to be his prey. But there's limits to me. There's limits to all of us mortals. And although he is capable of grief, I'm uncertain he's capable of sentiment. He's limitless. There isn't a number on how much Peter can stretch out your bones. Or shovel you so deep into the ground that you feel as though you belong with the dirt. He can tug your veins until they're wrapped around the Earth a thousand times. Still, no limit. He can show me greatest horrors in the mere palm of his weirdly uncalloused hand. I've seen him manipulate, abuse and bring terror first hand. I think off all the times he placed himself on me and it was more than 'I want to hurt you.', but it wasn't 'I want to please you.' either. It was, "I want you to satisfy me in the strangest ways." I don't satisfy his romantic desires, because, clearly, he obtains none. I might've satisfied his...dare I say...sexual desires when we kissed. I let him touch me all he wants. I know I shouldn't, but he is intoxicating. A shot of liquid gold. I loose control, I've always been in control. Although he is a monster, there is still a human amongst the remnants of what's left of Peter Pan.

Sadistic_sail0r · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

9 | His

"Morning meatie." Ian chuckled as I grabbed my breakfast and sat around the fire with the others. I didn't get any weird stares, so that was a good sign. I told him, "I have a name, you know?"

He smiled, "and what may that be?"

I thought about it briefly. I could tell them my name, but a part of me didn't want to. I couldn't understand why I felt this way. Maybe because I never was a fan of my name. Or maybe it's because I didn't like the idea of being segregated between the boys. I want them to see me as their equal, not a girl.

The boys looked at me for an answer and I simply said, "Just call me A.J. They are my initials."

The boys hummed in agreement, so I sat between Thomas and Frankie. Adrik and Maison were in front of me, eyeing me down. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under. I tried to stray away from their gaze and nudged Thomas, "Did you see the ship?"

He nodded while shoving his face with a slice of bread, "Yes but it's miles off and might miss the island by the looks of it. I wouldn't keep your hopes up."

I groaned, "What are they like?"

Thomas explained, "let's just say they're not great company, however it's fun when they put up a fight."

I trembled a little and whispered, "have you killed one?"

He sighed and there was a moment of silence between us.

"It's not-"

A loud whistle erupted from behind us. We all turned our heads in sync and Peter was staring directly at me. He put a finger up and gestured me to come up to him. A little nervous, I left my food and made my way towards him after giving Thomas an assuring look.

He was at the edge of the clearing and once I reached him, he ordered, "I want you to stay in your treehouse today and not come out until I say so."

I was in disbelief, "what? Why? I just got out of the cage and now you're putting me in another?"

"Hook and his grimy crew might be visiting and I'd rather him not know of your existence."

I crossed my arms, "You can't hide me forever."

Peter knew I would put up a fight, so he settled, "Fine. Only if you promise to behave and keep your mouth shut."

I didn't even stutter, "I promise."

I've always wanted to meet a pirate. Although my chances are low, I would never miss an opportunity like this one. As a child, I'd refer to myself and bloody bandit Betty. Bet for short. And I'd go on adventures on my pirate ship (aka my bed) and travel the seas with my crew (my toys). The money I'd give to have my imagination back.

Peter nodded, "Good. Now go and do your duties."

I didn't give him the satisfaction of saying anything back and instead just went back to the others. Peter's second in command, Felix, gave orders for half of us to hunt while the other half trade supplies with the natives. Immediately I was interested. When I asked Thomas about the natives, he explained they were just a normal indigenous village on the southern side of the island.

I was disappointed when I found out I had to go hunting. I wasn't exactly fond of the idea of killing an animal, but knew it had to be done. A memory resurfaced when I remembered my dad beheading a pet chicken, Susan. The look of fear in its eyes when it's head was over the sink and my father slitting it's throat. My mother tried to shield me from it, but my childish rebellion made me fight for the sight. I didn't cry weirdly enough. I just remember the blood; there was so much blood. I heard it's last cry for help, before there was nothing left. I never forgot Susan.

I tried to shrug it off. We were in the forest with an array of weapons. Charlie, Ian and twins, Derek and Daniel were by my side. We were following the footprints of a wild boar that Daniel found. Nobody had spoken in the last ten minutes and we all had our eyes pealed. I whispered to Charlie, "how long does this usually take?"

He replied, "A few of hours if we're lucky. Wait- do you hear that?"

We were all quiet for a second and I heard a small cluck from behind me. We all turned our heads and a wild turkey was behind us; Ian and Derek readied their bow and arrows. The moment was suspenseful. Time froze. A small thrill rushed through my veins and I held onto my dagger for dear life.


Both arrows missed the turkey and it went running. Immediately my first reaction was to chase it, the others slowly catching up behind me. My feet sprang on the dry soil, my clothes tugged on the bushes and branches, my eyes focused on the task and a small smile tugged at the corner of my dry lips. The reason I was enjoying this hunt was beyond me. I reached a clearing of trees and realised I was losing it and so I jumped. It started pecking and kicking, but I grabbed it by the legs. Holding them together upside down. The thing was about the half the size of me. I was on the ground, my clothes covered in small trigs and leaves. Once the others reached me they were dumbstruck and mouths agape.

Ian was the first to talk, "If one of us were to be honest, I really didn't think you would catch it. For a girl, you've got guts."

I was about to say something back when the wild turkey started to shuffle again and I had to hold it down more securely with the help of Charlie. I looked at it in the eye and it hit me: I was going to have to kill it. I looked up at Charlie and he realised my eyes held pity, pity for the poor creature. I regretted chasing after it and scaring it. It didn't deserve it.

Charlie realised and put both of his hands on it neck. He closed his eyes and tried to snap the neck apart. The turkey started to panic wildly so I had to secure my grip by pulling my weight over it. It kept fighting until I heard a gruesome crack of a bone. It laid there limp, it's head flopping about a little. There was no blood thankfully, but it's eyes were still creepily open. I guess he broke the spinal bone.

Ian helped me up, "Its hard the first time round, but you get used to it."

I dusted off my knees. "I know, but I can't help feel bad that's all."

Charlie finished tying its neck around with rope and gave the Turkey for me to carry, "On the bright side, you caught a fat one and you can brag about your first catch." He had a big grin.

I took it hesitantly. I knew I couldn't say 'no' because I had to be brave about these things. I didn't want the boys to see me as a weak girl. Girls are not weak and I needed to prove that. "I guess, but it wasn't that har-"

"Well if it isn't Peter Pan's lost sheep."

I turned my head and found a group of several pirates with their swords pointing right at us. Ian stood in front of me and spoke first while the others pulled out weapons ready for a fight, "Well if it isn't Captain Hook and his pathetic sea dogs."

This was Captain Hook? He looked awfully young for a pirate, nevermind a captain. He looked twenty at most, black hair and brown eyes, but those didn't catch my eye. What did was the hook for his right hand. From the research I did before coming here, Peter apparently was the cause of his missing hand and fed it to a crocodile that ticktocks and to this day it's waiting to finish the meal. I wonder if this was true; I could imagine Peter cutting it off in cold blood. The thought gave me chills.

His eyes went over to me and he lifted his brow, "I didn't know Peter was accepting lost girls now. He must be desperate." He laughed and his crew did too.

Now my face was completely red and I didn't know what to do. Luckily Charlie pointed his weapon right at him and spoke, "What do you want Hook?"

Hook put his sword back in his scabbard, "Calm your temper, we are not here to fight. I need to talk to Pan for something and we'll be on our way."

"You called for me?" Peter stood confidently behind us with his hands on his hips. How he knew we were in trouble was beyond me, maybe it was his connection with the island? I shrugged those thoughts off and focused on the conversation.

Hook smiled, "Aye... It's been a while Pan."

Peter walked straight through us, nudging me in the process quite hard. He ignored my grunt and gave a wicked smile, "It has, hasn't it? It's a pleasure to see you again. Now tell me, what do I owe the pleasure?"

Hook tried to seem confident in his words, "Well, my crew and I are low on supplies and your island was the nearest we could make it to, without running out."

Peter was nonchalant, "What kind of supplies?"

"The usual of food, rope, water and bandages."

"And how do you suppose you'd pay back?"

"We don't have much, but my crew and I are willing to trade some of our weaponry in return. I hear you might be needing it soon." I realised he isn't wrong. With the war due soon, I guess anything would potentially help. I really hope I'll get the lost boys home by then.

Peter contemplated, "I'll be back. I need to find out what exactly you're selling." And abruptly vanished in thin air; there were little clouds of smoking left behind momentarily.

We all stood there awkwardly until Hook broke the silence, "I guess Peter is on my ship without my permission. Great. So, how's Neverland been treating you?" He directed the question to Ian and Charlie.

Ian answered, "Quite fine, you look older."

"And you haven't aged a day." Hook responded, his eyes then went to me...and the dead turkey in my hand, "And who are you exactly?"

My shoulders tensed, "I'm A.J." I wasn't really sure what to say; Peter had told me to keep my mouth shut.

He raised a brow, "So what's a wee lass like you doing on an island full of boys?" His crew laughed.

He could've said anything, but "wee lass". I'm sick of being called little girl. I crossed my arms, "So how's a wee lad like you, captain of a ship?"

He laughed and took a step closer, "Girl's like you bark more than they can bite. Some advice for you: be a little wiser. However, I don't mind a girl who can't control her mouth."

All the boys were signalling me to keep quiet, but I couldn't, "I wasn't barking, just merely an observation and I don't bite. I kick ass."

He began to take off his scabbard and gestured a fight stance, "Why don't we prove that."

I was sick of his mockery, so I took off my scabbard and dropped the dead turkey. Charlie grabbed my shoulder, "Don't." And Ian gave me a death stare.

He tempted, "aww did Pan tell you to behave girly?"

That did it. I took my weapons off and he did too. I tied my hair into a pony tail and then we were both in a stance, two feet away from each other. All rational thoughts were out the window, "What are the rules?" I asked.

We were circling each other in front of everyone, "First one to keep the other on the ground for more than three seconds, wins."

He threw the first punch; I dodged. I could hear distant cheering in the background. He threw another and I dodged again. I smirked and threw a punch; he dodged. He threw another and it hit my stomach, but I recovered quickly and kicked his leg causing him to tremble. Daniel and Derek were cheering me on. I took the opportunity to tackle him and we fell to the ground. I was straddling him, but he pushed his weight up and managed to get on top of me; holding both my arms down.

He started counting with a chuffed voice, "One."

I tried to move my hands.


I couldn't lose. I had something to prove.


I kicked his back from the free space between his legs as hard as I could. I heard a groan and he lifted his weight off my arms. I pushed him down. Straddling him again, I put my weight onto both of his arms to secure it down.

I counted, "One."

He tried to escape my grip. I put all my weight onto his wrists.


I looked down at him with a smirk and the cheers were getting louder.

"Three." I grimaced.

He looked up at me, spent. It was only

I realised the intimate position we were in. We looked into each other's eyes breathless and a weird feeling in my stomach arose.

He snapped me out of my thoughts, "How about two out of three?" He was smiling at me and I smiled back. I can't deny the fight was quite exuberant.

"Its a pity I missed the show." I knew that voice from anywhere: Peter Pan.

I immediately and shyly got up from Hook's body and looked at Peter. He looked absolutely enraged and his eyes darkened into a dark abyss. I swear I saw smoke coming out of his ears.

Hook gladly got up and laughed slightly embarrassed, "She is quite the fighter. I can see why you kept her company." He smiled at me and I involuntarily smiled back.

Peter stormed up to me and spoke with a deep, spine chilling voice, "Go back to camp." Grabbing me by the collar he whispered, "and into my tent, little robin. I'll deal with you later." I shivered, what did he have planned?

Hook noticed Peter scolding me and interrupted, "She didn't do anything wrong, it was merely a friendly match. I... tempted her."

All sanity in Peter's eyes were drained out, he let me go of me and stormed to Hook, "Don't ever put your hand on... on my wife again."

I can't believe he said that! I could hear the gasps of the Lost Boys and the distant murmuring of the pirates. We made a deal, I had a week to tell them. He broke our deal. They all looked at me in disbelief. Ian and Charlie in particular looked at me with confusion. I couldn't handle it. I did what any overwhelmed person would've done.

I ran away.

I grabbed my sword on the way and made a run for it. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care. I had to get away from the madness; all my thoughts were clouded. My head kept replaying that awful scene again and again. I felt ashamed and embarrassed. Curse that Pan!

Eventually I stopped to catch my breath. I lifted my sword and caught my reflection: a stupid, pointless and ludicrous girl. I snapped and swung the sword into the nearest tree. I repeated the action again and again while cursing profanities under my breath.

One last swing over my head and I groaned, "Fuck You Peter Pan!" The sword plummeted into the tree; I tried to pull it out to no avail.

"What did that tree do to you?"

I groaned once again at the voice, fully knowing who it belonged to. I slumped my shoulders and sighed in exhaustion, "I was meant to have a week to tell them. You broke your promise."

I turned to Peter, he took a few steps closer, "I may not be the most well-behaved boy on the island, but I always keep my promises and I never promised to keep it a secret, I only gave you a week till the wedding. However you promised me you would behave." He lifted a brow, "you should be punished."

I didn't want to be punished. I couldn't stand another day in the cage again, so I changed the subject, "If I had known any better, you seemed jealous."

Peter scoffed and came closer, he lifted his hand to graze against my arm, "I don't like hands on you."

My breaths became unsteady, "Y-your hands are on me."

He reiterated, "I don't like when people touch what belongs to me."

I tilted my head, "Where did you get the idea that I 'belonged' to you?"

"The second you agreed to be my wife."

"I belong to me."

He had a grim smile, "Sure you do."

I pulled away from his touch, but he gripped my arm. I tried to pull away causing his grip to become tighter; I knew it would leave a bruise. Before I knew it, he pulled me closer so our faces were only centimetres apart. My eyes strayed away from his burning gaze and my breaths slowed. His other hand wrapped around my waist, causing my stomach to flutter. My body was really betraying me today.

I wanted to move away, but I couldn't. Something deep within my was resisting all motives to do the right thing. His touch seemed sensual and threatening at the same time. His fingers felt as soft as feathers, but I still expected it to sting.

He sighed, "Look at me."

I submissively turned my head in his direction. His eyes darkened at this gesture and I internally scolded myself for doing as I was told. I felt embarrassed all of a sudden.

"You are mine. Never forget that. And if that isn't enough for you, then listen closely." Then, he bent forward and kissed my forehead. It could have been a tender gesture, a sign of affection, but now it felt like I was branded. I felt the touch of his lips burning my skin and a claustrophobic feeling crept on me.

I could feel his hot breath fanning my face and he let out a menacing growl, "I will strip you away of all that you know, all that you love."

Shivers went down my back like a spider crawling down my spine.

His distanced from my head and he spoke slightly soothingly, "Now, we are going to head back to camp. I'm not expecting you to be thrilled to be by my side, but you could at least fake a smile."

All I could do was reluctantly nod. He took his hand out for me to grab, I looked at it hoping it would combust into smoke. It didn't unfortunately; Pan grew impatient and grabbed my hand. As we were walking, I realised that this was the first time he wasn't dragging me, instead we strolled. There was an awkward silence in the air, but I was too lost in my thoughts to care.

I noticed how Peter never stumbled once, however I was a tumbling mess. Maybe plotting my next move was a good idea, then I realised what could I do? My goal was to survive Neverland until I receive Rumplestiltkin's message so I could ask him for a magic bean which meant I could get all the lost boys out of the here. But Peter is making this too difficult for me. The way he makes me feel is sickening and gut-wrenching and all I want nothing more than to run away and at the same time I want nothing more than to be close to him. Maybe it was my crave for attention or touch, something I never received back at home. Either way, I figured out I needed to cooperate with whatever Peter's plans are with the marriage because it would be wise to get on his good side. My thoughts then stumbled to the moment when Peter told me to go to his tent. I guess he wanted to talk to me about his plans in private, but I couldn't help to think his tone was implying something else. There was a weird thrill inside me at the thought and I scolded myself immediately afterwards.

I don't have feelings for Peter Pan. I know that. I have better priorities than him. I hate him even. He took my brother. Haunted my dreams. Steals children. Kills people. I cannot and will not fall for him. He's a monster. I simply refuse.

My thoughts were cut off once made it to camp and all the lost boys seemed to be busy packing supplies. I guess Peter took Hook's deal. They noticed our arrival and I immediately took my hand from Peter's, but they didn't miss it unfortunately. I felt slightly empty without his grip. My eyes landed on Thomas who looked utterly betrayed. I guess gossip travels fast here. I looked at him with complete guilt and held my breath.

"Pay attention little robin." Peter's voice was fairly loud.

I turned to him, "What?"

He groaned quietly and repeated himself, "I will remind you once and only once again, you will not tell any of them of this arrangement. For this plan to work, everyone must be convinced and I will not hesitate to kill anyone in my way. Even if they were my responsibility."

I scoffed, "you wouldn't dare kill a lost boy."

He came closer, "You want to test that little theory of yours? You don't seem to know what I am capable of. So promise me you won't tell any of them."

Maybe I could compromise, "Can't I at least-"

He interrupted, "No. Promise me now."

"I promise." I had to get on his good side, even if I had to make empty promises.

"Little robin, where's your sense of joy." He wanted me to plaster a fake smile.

I gave him the most fake smile I could muster, "Up your arse."

He smiled and it weirdly seemed genuine, "How lady-like."

I crossed my arms, "My goal in life."

"I'll speak to you later. Good luck with..." he looked over the others, "that." With that he left me. Well it's nice to know he has a sense of humour.

I whispered under my breath, "You're really doing my head in."

He shouted without turning around, "I heard that."

I mumble, "Whatever." And headed to the others. Confrontation isn't my strong suit, but I knew they needed answers. I headed to Thomas, who was basketing fruits with Frankie, Ian and Charlie. They noticed my arrival and looked at me expectantly for answers. It was then I noticed this was going to be harder to explain than I thought.
