
Escaping My Contract Husband, Finding His Step Brother

Alayna Sandra's path, marked by trials and societal expectations, becomes a canvas for resilience. She faces childhood bullying due to her less affluent background. Like a phoenix rising from ashes, she moves abroad and finds success as a news anchor. Just as life looks up, a fortune approaches her through a contract marriage proposal from a famous billionaire. Yet, marriage reveals hidden facets of her husband. Five years later, the contract nears its end. Alayna never expects to it to be this tough to end a marriage. She thinks a contract marriage will be easy, but these years have been a nightmare. She wants to escape from her contract husband, but what if she finds solace with his step-brother instead, while her husband won't let her go. "We're ending our marriage now. The contract is over!" "No, I can extend it. It's written here! Plus, if you force a divorce, you'll lose all rights!" Copyrighted2023: Yuliaresi Anjelina

Yuliaresi_Anjelina · perkotaan
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24 Chs

Chapter 18 Trapped in a Dilemma

"What happened to her?" Dafa, who noticed the commotion in the newsroom, swiftly maneuvered through the crowd of employees, desperate to find out what had occurred.

With eyes full of worry, Dafa saw Alayna who was pale and weak in his arms. He felt Alayna's heartbeat quicken, and panic began to creep into him.

The coworker shook her head. "We are as clueless as you are. She seemed perfectly fine moments ago, and then this happened all of a sudden."

Dafa touched Alayna's forehead to feel her high body temperature. Without thinking, he embraced her and lifted her body from the chair.

Amidst the anxiety engulfing his mind, Dafa interjected, "We must rush her to the hospital without delay."

He proceeded to carry Alayna towards the office exit, maneuvering through corridors, until they reached the parking lot.

Tenderly placing her in the car, he swiftly drove towards the hospital, his heart racing with every passing second.

On the way to the hospital, Dafa tried to maintain calm even though anxiety still penetrated every fiber of his body. He looked at Alayna who was lying helplessly in the passenger seat, her pale face made Dafa's heart pound even more.

Upon arrival at the hospital, the medical team promptly took charge. Alayna was swiftly escorted to the emergency room, while Dafa was forced to wait outside. It felt as though his heart was being squeezed by overwhelming anxiety, an unbearable burden to bear.

In the waiting room, time appeared to decelerate to an agonizing crawl. Dafa attempted to alleviate his unease by clutching onto his phone, yet his gaze remained fixated on the emergency exit, which gave no clue as to what was going on behind it.

Every approaching footstep quickened his heartbeat, the sound amplifying the weight on his shoulders. The hushed conversations of doctors and nurses pulsed, intensifying the gravity of the situation.

Finally, a doctor emerged from the emergency room. His face carried a subtle empathy as he approached Dafa.

"How is Alayna, Doctor?" Dafa inquired, his voice wrought with concern.

"Are you her husband?" the doctor asked.

Dafa shook his head, his worry etched on his face, "No, I'm her friend."

"Then you better accompany Alayna to the obstetrician," the doctor advised his words echoing with significance. "It's highly likely that she is pregnant."

The doctor's revelation left Dafa momentarily silent, his mind spinning as he processed the implications.

"She never mentioned anything about a pregnancy," Dafa managed to say.

The doctor nodded, acknowledging Dafa's confusion. "Sometimes, women are unaware of their pregnancy, or they may not be ready to share the news. It's a possibility that warrants further medical evaluation."

With a swirl of conflicting emotions enveloping him, Dafa expressed his gratitude to the doctor and immediately set out to find an obstetrician.

Meanwhile, the doctor continued to monitor Alayna's condition, ensuring her well-being.

Moments later, Dafa stepped into the hospital room cautiously, his heart heavy with worry and confusion. Alayna, having just regained consciousness, appeared pale and disoriented. Dafa stood by her bedside, his gaze fixed upon her.

"Alayna, how are you feeling?" Dafa asked, his voice laced with tenderness.

Alayna furrowed her brow, struggling to piece together fragmented memories. "How did I end up here?" she questioned, her voice carrying a mix of confusion and vulnerability.

"I brought you here. You fainted at work earlier," Dafa gently explained, his worry evident.

"I did feel unwell since this morning," Alayna recalled.

"Has the doctor spoken to you yet?" Dafa inquired, hoping for clarity amidst the swirling uncertainty.

Alayna's head shook slowly, her confusion evident. "Not yet. What's wrong with me?"

Dafa's heart sank as he observed Alayna's distress. "You should speak to the doctor right away," he urged.

Without hesitation, Alayna attempted to rise from her bed.

"Wait, where are you going?" Dafa gently held her arms, preventing her from standing.

"To see a doctor, like you said," Alayna responded, determination resolute in her eyes, attempting to reassure Dafa.

Dafa's confusion deepened. "Are you sure you want to go now? Your condition is uncertain."

Alayna nodded, mustering a small smile to calm Dafa's worries. "I'm fine, Dafa. I need to know what's happening."

Though his heart still brimmed with worry, Dafa finally released his grip on Alayna's arm. He recognized her strength and independence, acknowledging that if she insisted on seeing a doctor immediately, she must have a valid reason.

Together, they made their way to the obstetrician's office.

"Excuse me," Alayna addressed the nurse at the door upon their arrival.

"Hello, do you have an appointment?" The nurse responded kindly.

"Alayna has already registered, and the doctor examined her after she fainted. Now, she wants to know the test results," Dafa explained.

The nurse nodded with a warm smile. "Oh, I see. Please come in."

They entered the office and took their seats in front of the doctor's desk. Alayna couldn't help but feel a surge of confusion as she realized they were in the obstetrician's office.

Finally, the obstetrician entered the room, holding Alayna's medical file. His expression carried a serious demeanor as he directed his gaze towards her.

"Apologies for the wait," the doctor spoke kindly. "I have reviewed the initial examination results and the tests we have carried out."

"How did it go, Doctor?" Alayna's inquiry was laced with worry.

A smile graced the doctor's face. "Congratulations, it turns out you're pregnant."

"What?! Pregnant?" Shock and joy mingled in Alayna's unexpected reaction.

Her gaze darted between Dafa and the doctor, attempting to swiftly process this monumental news.

Dafa, previously filled with confusion, now felt a wave of relief knowing that Alayna was healthy. However, another truth emerged—one that may be difficult to accept: that Alayna and Lev's relationship was very deep.

"Alayna, this is good news, right?" Dafa asked.

Alayna shook her head, frustration etched across her face. She felt caught in a whirlwind of complex emotions.

"Dafa, I don't know anymore," Alayna uttered, her eyes then turning to the doctor. "How can I even become pregnant? It's only been two weeks."

The doctor offered a simplified explanation, "Sure, you can. The results of a pregnancy test aren't solely determined by the time elapsed since you took it. It also depends on when the egg meets the sperm and implants itself in the uterine wall. Even though it has been two weeks, there is a possibility that the process has already begun, and the test confirms the positive pregnancy."

Alayna's body suddenly felt weak. She never expected to be pregnant with someone other than her real husband.

Thoughts of the signed contract with her husband came to haunt her. She was worried about the future of the child, especially if she had to face the divorce process later. All of this made her feel trapped in a complicated dilemma.