
Escaping My Contract Husband, Finding His Step Brother

Alayna Sandra's path, marked by trials and societal expectations, becomes a canvas for resilience. She faces childhood bullying due to her less affluent background. Like a phoenix rising from ashes, she moves abroad and finds success as a news anchor. Just as life looks up, a fortune approaches her through a contract marriage proposal from a famous billionaire. Yet, marriage reveals hidden facets of her husband. Five years later, the contract nears its end. Alayna never expects to it to be this tough to end a marriage. She thinks a contract marriage will be easy, but these years have been a nightmare. She wants to escape from her contract husband, but what if she finds solace with his step-brother instead, while her husband won't let her go. "We're ending our marriage now. The contract is over!" "No, I can extend it. It's written here! Plus, if you force a divorce, you'll lose all rights!" Copyrighted2023: Yuliaresi Anjelina

Yuliaresi_Anjelina · perkotaan
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24 Chs

Chapter 17 What's that Noice?

Two weeks passed quickly, and Alayna found herself immersed in her usual daily routine. Every day, she woke up on time at six in the morning.

However, this particular morning felt strange. Alayna was overcome with dizziness and discomfort in her stomach.

"I suppose I've been pushing myself too hard lately," she mumbled, climbing out of bed.

She realized that she worked too hard to keep her mind busy, so she didn't need to think about her problems.

Her stomach emitted a soft growl, seeking an explanation for the unease she felt. "Perhaps all I need is a good breakfast. I'll have it a bit just for today." She decided.

Alayna navigated her way to the kitchen, her steps unsteady. But as she swung open the refrigerator door to get some milk, a pungent odor assaulted her nostrils, intensifying the ache in her stomach and squeezing it even more.

In her trembling hands, the milk bottle slipped, crashing to the floor, the shattered glass scattering like a constellation of sharp fragments.

Startled, Alayna's shoulders jerked, her head spinning. The unfathomable sensation swirling within her grew increasingly confusing.

"What's that noise, Alayna? You want to destroy my house?" There came a sharp voice from upstairs, the voice of her husband sounding angry.

"I'm sorry," Alayna said briefly.

Sparing only a fleeting apology, Alayna sprang into action, swiftly cleaning up the shards of glass and the spilled milk.

Lev stepped down the stairs quickly, his face filled with confusion. "Be careful Alayna, don't go around destroying things in this house."

Alayna felt confused and scared. She didn't want to cause any further commotion, but a strange feeling was getting to her.

Alayna felt an overwhelming mix of confusion and fear. She had no desire to stir up any more trouble, yet the inexplicable sensation continued to bother her.

"I didn't do it intentionally," she quivered, her voice filled with anxiety. "There's something strange happening to me, Lev. I feel dizzy and my stomach hurts."

Rolling his eyes, Lev responded sarcastically, "Oh please, spare me the excuses."

"I'm not making excuses," Alayna insisted, taking a deep breath.

Exhausted from arguing, she retreated to her room to freshen up. The argument with Lev had drained her both emotionally and physically.

Once ready, Alayna donned a light gray blazer over a soft pink shirt. Her choice of attire was deliberate; it gave her a sense of confidence and control, something she needed on a day that had started so strangely.

Without waiting for Lev, she hopped into her car and headed straight to the office.

Her throbbing head no longer had time to think about Lev's reaction. She didn't even bother making him breakfast or informing him of her decision to go to the office alone.

The drive was silent, and her thoughts were still consumed by the feelings she had experienced earlier that day.

On the way to the office, the strange feeling that surrounded her intensified. Even though she tried to concentrate on the street, her mind was constantly distracted by this strange feeling. What's going on with her? She was rarely not feeling well, but this time she was not in her luck.

Upon arriving at the office, Alayna did her best to stick to her routine, but the strange sensations grew increasingly difficult to ignore. It felt as if her head was shrouded in a thick fog, and though she tried to put on a smile for her coworkers, her expression appeared weak.

"Good morning, Alayna," a friendly coworker greeted her as she stepped into the office.

However, when Alayna responded to the greeting, her voice emerged hoarse and trembling.


"Alayna, are you alright?" one of her concerned colleagues inquired with a visible worry obvious on his face.

Alayna nodded and smiled faintly, trying to ease the worries of her co-workers.

"Yeah. Just feeling a bit tired, probably had a restless night," she admitted wearily.

"Oh, in that case, make sure to take care and get some rest," her co-worker advised.

"Yeah, but I have to go on air now," Alayna replied.

"Didn't you eat breakfast first?" her co-worker inquired.

"Well, actually, usually I don't get breakfast. I've discovered that my newsreading performance is better on an empty stomach," she revealed.

"Really? How does that work?" her colleague asked, curious.

Alayna explained, "I guess it's because I've gotten used to it. Plus, hunger and slightly elevated blood glucose levels tend to enhance focus and mental sharpness. It makes me more alert while reading the news, and I feel more responsive, which allows me to carry out my tasks efficiently."

While Alayna's explanation made sense to her, she acknowledged that this approach might not be suitable for everyone. She added, "Of course, this is just my personal preference. Everyone is different, and what works for me may not work for others."

"I see, that makes sense," her colleague responded, understanding.

As the warning alarm sounded, indicating it was time for Alayna to go live on air, she softly excused herself.

She made her way to the newsroom, where she spent most of her workday. It was a typical day for Alayna, preparing for the morning investigative news program.

Despite trying to focus on her work, Alayna's strange sensations worsened. Her head felt heavy, and a sensation in her stomach seemed to be out of her control.

Taking her seat, she watched the crew bustling around, preparing for the live news broadcast she would be leading.

As she sat down at her desk, suddenly the world spun, and everything seemed like a blur.

Without warning, Alayna slumped over in her chair, completely losing consciousness.

The vibrant glow that typically adorned her face faded, and she looked pale and helpless. This sudden situation stopped all activities in the office, and the atmosphere in the room turned tense and worried.

"Alayna!" Her startled colleagues rushed to her side, desperately attempting to rouse her from her unconscious state.

"What on earth happened to her?" One panicked voice rang out, echoing the growing unease that gripped the room.

"Quick! Someone call for a doctor!" Another voice shouted amidst the shocked crowd.

The office space crackled with tension, as a concerned someone took the initiative to call medical assistance.

With Alayna lying unconscious on the cold office floor, everyone in the office was left to wonder what was going on with that woman.