

Within the underground base on the outskirts of what was once Dallas, people began to regain consciousness. Although some looked no different from before, others had undergone incredible physical transformations. Even those who hadn't changed obviously were clearly impacted, attempting to adjust to the metamorphosis they'd just gone through.

Donovan, upon regaining awareness, found his body shifting from flesh to steam and back intermittently. To his surprise he realized his power to control steam now extended to even switching between his normal human form and a body made up of steam! The experienced Jack quickly adapted to the change, bringing his magic under control.

Hayashi, in comparison, looked more normal. The writhing faces beneath his skin had vanished, seemingly gone. Whatever transformation he'd experience, it was concealed from anyone else.

As for Burns, on the surface he seemed the same. Still, he knew he'd changed drastically. He could feel it now, lurking within him, a single mass of magic that he couldn't clearly define as External or Internal. The old rules had been shattered.

All the different powers within him seemed to have merged but how he still didn't know. Would he now be able to control his own magic, like a normal person or perhaps would being an Erratic before have influenced him in some way? One way or another, time would tell. With anxious anticipation, the Erratic Jack looked forward to the answers awaiting him.

As soon as possible, people began moving. While the military readied for the main assault on the alien base, the Jacks began making their own plans. Although they were required to participate in the assault, they were free to choose how to move.

Once Burns, Hayashi, and Donovan had gathered together they began discussing their own strategy. "We should head over to one of the drone control centers" Burns suggested "We can learn more about the situation there. If you're willing to risk it, we could even control your Roving Thunder from there. The more we know about the enemy, the better off we'll be."

"The main assault is going to come up from underground using the tunnels they've prepared. They won't have to worry about any aerial attacks if things go according to plan. Why risk the Roving Thunder just to get a look at the outside of the enemy base" Donovan asked.

"It's simple. First of all, if we employ the Roving Thunder's weapon systems to attack the enemy, we'll already be participating in the assault. More importantly, the data acquired from the Roving Thunder will be available to everyone here, not just us three. Even if the information isn't particularly relevant to the battle, it can still give us a better idea of what we're up against. Most importantly though, if at all possible, I think we should try to find a way to join the assault from another angle.

The Aceron military isn't planning on relying on the Jacks for this fight. They think they can handle it on their own. The way I see it, we should let them shoulder the real burden while doing just enough to have been considered useful. Of course, if the military falters that's when we'd swoop in to steal their glory. Collecting as much information as possible will help ensure we can employ such a strategy. After all, if the military fails it'll be up to us to do what they couldn't.

We can't muster the raw power the military can. They have the advantage in equipment, numbers, training, and teamwork. So if a chance arises for us to steal the limelight, we'll only be able to follow through by doing something unexpected. It'll be our planning that determines our chances to capitalize on such a situation, should it arise. Of course, gathering information is just the first step—"

Donovan laughed and said "You've convinced me. Besides, I can afford to lose a Roving Thunder. Let's go see what's what."

With their immediate plans settled, the trio headed to one of the nearby drone control centers.

Meanwhile, as the military moved through the underground tunnels built specifically for the assault that would soon be launched, the second wave of drones attacked the Nest-Ship.

Sindra reacted much more quickly to this incursion, diverting all his attention to defense. The portal began pumping out a never-ending stream of Nest-Stalkers, with the aerial units being sacrificed in exchange. Even as the Nest-Stalkers engaged the drones, Sindra saw the improvements. His forces were being pushed back too quickly!

Although he was reluctant, Sindra spent some of the Nest-Ship's precious spiritual energy reserves, which were supposed to be used for further terraforming, to enhance the Nest-Stalkers currently within the Nest-Ship. Such an upgrade wouldn't affect the reinforcements streaming through the portal but it was the best the commander could do with his limited authority.

Using his Nest-Ship's telepathic bond, Sindra attempted to contact his superior, Felograph Viez, who was merged with this continent's Swarm-Ship. To his surprise he found himself unable to make a connection. After trying several times more, he was forced to begin contacting other Nest-Ships. Soon he learned what had happened.

The intelligent natives, the ones who should've died after the spiritual energy was raised to tier one, were still alive. They were mounting attacks everywhere, and the Swarm-Ship had suffered the greatest assault. From Phavlin Tissgreth, Sindra learned that the orbital gateway had malfunctioned. Rather than being raised from tier zero to tier one in a day, it'd taken almost twenty Earth years. Given such a timeframe, the natives had adapted to spiritual energy already. Thankfully, a call for help had been sent out successfully. As long as enough Nest-Ships could hold on, the situation could still be reversed!

At this point, conserving energy was a foolish move. As long as the Nest-Ships survived, their energy could be replenished. Every lost Nest-Ship was a far greater cost to pay than some expended energy and wasted time! The Neethloh were already desperate enough for contracts, failure couldn't be allowed!

With his resolve mustered, Sindra expended all the energy the Nest-Ship had to change modes. Rather than remain in Automatic Defense Mode and be overrun, it was time to gamble everything with the Battle Release Mode!

The Nest-Ship shuddered mightily as it shifted, morphing. Powerful spiritual energy flooded the Nest-Ship destroying the remaining drones and Nest-Stalkers. Even the portal went dark, deactivating as its power supply was diverted to the Nest-Ship's transformation. Sindra vowed to win as Nest-Ship completed its change, rising upwards. An unbelievable orb of swirling flesh and spiritual energy rose into the sky, and a devastating howl was unleashed. A sonic shockwave exploded outwards, unleashing a shocking presence.

In the tunnels below, men collapsed to the ground even as the ceiling above collapsed! Although some of the tunnels remained open, many were no longer usable and a number of troops were lost. This battle was no longer as one-sided as they'd hoped it would be!

I started binge-watching bleach today which is why this chapter came out so late. Even though I've seen the show 3 or 4 times, I still love it so much! Anyway, I'm looking forward to future chapters. We can start getting to the good stuff now!

JamondArothcreators' thoughts
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