
Erotic RPG: Pleasure Online

[18+] [Erotic RPG: Pleasure Online] VR MMORPG RPG: Pleasure online was a Game released May 20/2030, a week before Armstrong's death. VR MMORPG: Pleasure Online was a game players could seduce and have sex with female NPCs, be it beasts girls, elves, monster girls, dragon girls and any other possibilities a human could think. Armstrong was killed by a car accident and was reincarnated by the Goddess of lust into Pleasure online. Charm: 80 Crotch size:40 Exp : Increased after sex He was given some conditions and reasons why he was reincarnated such as having sex to level up and stopping an upcoming distruction. Thou he was rich and was the only son of a great merchant life wasn't smooth for him. Watch as Armstrong rise to the top with all the beauties he could gather. 100 power stone 1 bonus chapter 200 power stone 2 bonus chapter 300 power stone 3 bonus chapter A/N English isn't my first language, so use the paragraph comment in case you spot any grammatical error.

Solomon_Adams · Fantasi
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196 Chs

Chapter 27 Blacksmith Quest

She smiled in response as she handed him 6 gold coins, but she said something as she handed it over. "Ah, I have bad news".

"Well, the guild master has asked us not to buy any more bodies. We have to sell the ones we have"

Armstrong nodded and smiled in response.

"There's an escort quest coming up soon, going to Zarious Kingdom to deliver relief supplies to the guild in Quil City. They asked for assistance so we have made it a quest"

He thought about it and wanted to do it "Yes, sign me up. How long is the quest, and where is the kingdom?"

"It takes a long time to get there and back, so the reward is three hundred gold coins, I advise you to complete more quests to level up for this quest"

Armstrong agreed with everything and got signed up. "I will let you know when it's time"

Armstrong smiled and said goodbye as he walked over to the quest board.


Name: Armstrong Heart

-Race: Dark Elf

-Age: 18

-Level: 1

-Exp: 900/1000


-Skill(s): 2

-Spell(s): 2


-Skill Points: 17

-Attributes Points: 6

-Strength: 27

-Agility: 22

-Intelligence: 18

-Stealth: 28

-Short-distance teleportation: 24

-Stamina: 25

-Charm: 80


He approached the board and searched for a quick quest. He looked closely and found the perfect one.

[Help me transport my goods to the port. I will pay for any help I get]

He took the paper from the board and returned it to Muna, handing it to her, she explained it while accepting his card, proceeding to stamp it, and gave him the location of the Blacksmiths shop.

Armstrong left the guild and headed east, he arrived outside the Blacksmiths shop and knocked at the door.

"Come in, come in"

From within, a resounding voice echoed through the air. He was greeted by the sight of a quintessential blacksmith shop straight out of a fantasy novel.

Emerging from the blacksmith shop was a towering man, with brown long hair and a massive brown bushy beard.

The Blacksmiths looked at Armstrong before speaking in a deep tone.

"Hey, weren't open for a while, I got to head to Lin-dragon City for the entry test of the Blacksmiths competition"

Looking at the man with a questioning look Armstrong spoke "I'm here for the quest commissioned in the guild.

The man's eyes widened "You look familiar young man"

"Oh, if you say am only here for the quest'' Armstrong responded.

The man mentioned Armstrong to follow him as he walked back the way he came. Armstrong followed him and entered the room.

He noticed it was a storage room full with create and barrels. The Blacksmiths instructed him to store 7 create and 5 barrels.

After doing that, he inquired "Why are you taking all this with you when entering the competition?"

The man looked at him before answering. "I'm selling the stuff in the capital. It will fetch me a lot of gold coins"

Once getting the answers, he didn't bother asking anything else and gathered more stuff the man pointed out.

Sometimes later, they were done, Armstrong followed the man to the ship he had uploaded the stuff onto.

After a ten-minute walk, they stopped before a merchant ship; the man turned to Armstrong and spoke "This is the merchant ship, it travels down the deep flow river to the capital"

Armstrong nodded as he directed his attention to the vessel, a majestic ship that sails across the rivers and oceans of the world.

The ship is a sight to behold, with its sleek silhouette flags and pennants.

One of its most striking features was it was painted black and decorated with intricate carvings of sea creatures and mythical beasts that seem to come to life.

The ship prow is fashioned as a dragon head, with, gleaming teeth and fiery eyes that glow In the dark.

Its sails are made of sturdy canvas dyed with a rich crimson hue and emblazoned with the sigil of the merchant house that owns the ship.

The sounds of bustling activity could be heard from within the ship's belly. The decks are alive with merchant and crew members.

They were loading and uploading exotic cargo from far-off lands, including spice, slicks, and precious gems. While he observed the vessel, he spotted a grizzled old man making his way towards them.

"Louis, you're late, we are about to set sail" The old man declared. As he spoke, his gaze fell upon Armstrong"

Louis turned to Armstrong and introduced "This is the ship's captain, a grizzled old sea dog named Captain Rax, you'll usually find him on deck barking orders and keeping a watchful eye on the crew. He's an old friend of mine"

He greeted the captain with a nod, and then the three made their way onto the ship, where Armstrong helped upload Louis's belongings.

After uploading the stuff, Louis gave him four gold coins. After that, Armstrong said his goodbye and left.

He made his way down to the street feeling a bit hungry and in the mood for some sweets.

As he looked around, he found a shop that reminded him of the old sweet shops on earth named, "Love Bites" Which made him chuckle.

Armstrong entered the shop, and while looking around, he saw many things: Chocolate in the shape of a square, gummy cubes, and all sorts of sweet sharped squares.

The shopkeeper walked over to him while greeting him.

"Hello young man, how can I help you?" He pointed at the square-shaped chocolate "What are they?"

The man looked at the chocolate and explained. "This is what we call chocolate, it comes from the Alish kingdom in the south, the other stuff is slime cubes from the Sabat dynasty" Armstrong looked at all the sweets before him and decided to buy them all "I want to buy as much as you can sell, the chocolate with square shape" The Man looked at him in shock and instantly started thinking.

'Why does he need so much?'

Shaking his head before smiling "Have you got the coin for such an order?".

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