
Nazarick does not need to exist

"So Ainz I challenge you to a bet" Eros made that smile

Ainz was surprised by this. "A bet what brought this on?"

"Simple I find it annoying. " Eros looked at all the guardians, maids and other NPC's and said " When I look into the room I most of you think humans are weak and nothing. You think everything is good as long as your with your Supreme ones right"

"well of course there's nothing that can beat us with you along"

"Thats what annoying. I usually am calm and don't let things bother me but there are three things that piss me off.

1. Interrupting me while I'm having sexy time, it makes me want to kill that person..." Eros looked at Ainz then he shook his head

2. Arrogant people who think just because they have power, strength, wisdom, money or protection that it can't be taken away or they will always be better than the others. " 'It makes me want to destroy their comfort.'

3. People who don't grow or remain the same. Or never learn from their mistakes." 'which makes me want to fuck with them.'

Eros then looked at Ainz and said "most of the NPC's are falling my expectations. *sigh* So I decided to make bet to see if you can change them. I will give you all the treasures, money and guardians and maids with access to all to what Nazarick has. We will play a game of thrones . I will become a ruler of a kingdom and you will form your own kingdom and we will challenge each other when we lose we have to sacrifice one of our men such as if a maid loses against one of my humans I'm training you have to give me them. If you beat one of mine I'll give you either a person or a item of your choice. Oh I am able to make World class like items.

"but going against each other seems it doesn't seem necessary"

"oh I forgot if the Nazarick forces aren't up to my standards "Eros used his divinity . It was the first time anyone ever felt his might. usually they don't feel anything. He only used a bit on Ainz so he wont be affected but he feels it. Everyone realized at that moment Eros is stronger than Ainz and by a lot...."Nazarick doesn't need to exists." Eros then smiled at the NPC's all of them felt he would kill them if they weren't up to standards.

"Eros don't joke like that"

"oh its not a joke" Eros then takes out his bow" My bow has a secret function it can instantly destroy a guild. "well its all on them.."Eros looks at them "So don't fell this city. I mean guild" Eros then runs up grabs Lupusregina Beta and puts her over his shoulder "im taking her with me. good luck with the kingdom and if you let Ainz or I down I will kill you bye" Eros teleported to the village oh he blocked monitoring.

At the gate a angel seemed to be guarding the base it was a Throne Angel. angels are ranked 1-9 1 being the first class angel Throne angel is 3. there was also 10 lower rank angels too. (all female)

As soon as the Throne Angel saw Eros it Bowed down. Eros was surprise at her summoning a powerful angel as that. As expected of my future wife.

"God of Lust Eros its an honor to meet you" Eros just nodded and walked through saying carry on

"Eros-sama whats going on why did you take me am I betraying Nazarick?"

"First no sama no your not betraying anyone. this world is bigger than Nazarick I will show you things you never thought possible and the reason why I took you... you will find out later. Any just listen to my orders ok"

"ye-yes er..eros."

"good now first I want you to turn invisible and follow me


Eros then went into a room and saw these two girls hugging. Eros then snuck up behind them and hugging them both


"ahah its me its me" Eros said and he lit up the room with his light magic

"wow" nemu said excitedly "you are amazing niisan

"haha yup I am "

"yeah wait what are you doing here?"

"I'm about to make you both my women"

Enri blushes then she freaks out"n-no Nemu is here and what do you mean both of us?'

"oh no worries I thought it be better if she joins the fun she. Eros this starts kissing Enri and she starts getting into the kiss but she forces herself back and pushes Eros off her

"No she is too young"

"oh hmm ok here one of my magic" Eros raved his hand and Nemu becomes 5 years older looking like this https://pm1.narvii.com/6949/083e36e3f38bfbb014097c5f205904bf76165641r1-458-1141v2_hq.jpg


"relax I aged magic now she the same age as you."

"is it permanent?


"Yes" she said it shaky



"Do you like me?"

"I do niisan your my hero"

"I always thought of a prince in shining armor and you were him. I feel safe around you and my heart beats faster"

"I feel the same about both of you. I'll ask you this Do you want to suffer again.

"of course not, no who wants to suffer"

Do you want to lose whats important to you again?"

"no " "I dont like feeling this way"

"Do you want to be happy and be with me forever"

"yes" "Yes"

"Do you want power so you can protect yourselves "

"OF course"

"do you hate feeling small and want to be tall like me"

""YEAH"their eyes are looking at me like a goal

"I don't want you two to follow me or will I allow that"

they looked down, Lupuregina Beta seemed happy

"I dont need followers in fact I hate followers I want my women to walk with me to all eternity.No head down no runing away just side by side. Are you willing to be with me "

"Eros if your able to make me and my sister happy and allow us to stand by you Then please"

"Eros-nii I think your the greatest person in the WHOLE WORLD. Your the one I want to marry and now your saying you will marry both of us I am happy"

"ok then Enri and Nemu I'm going to mak you both my women. Eros took off his cloths and showed his perfect body and already erect huge penis ... Eros looked to the side and saw Beta and smiled

The girls at first thought he had three legs.

"Now its time to eat some village girls

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