
Ernst Dawson, a Coiling Dragon fanfic

A depressed guy who lost everything died in an accident by saving a little girl being hit by a truck. Unknown to him, the little girl father is a God. To reward him for saving his daughter, He sent his soul in a fantasy world from the guys memory. What would happen in this world when he awakens? Warning: 1. This novel is set up in a world where strong prey on the weak. 2. This is a fanfic so please don’t expect anything to follow the original canon. 3. English is not my main language so please don’t expect grammar to be perfect. 4. I don’t own characters of coiling dragon.

Finney_Gan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
44 Chs

Chapter 29-Zassler, Rebecca and Leena

"What a great show. After a long time, we get to watch an interesting battle again. That Ernst becomes so strong in just short six years." Harvey said.

"Dylin was beaten so badly. If Ernst did not show his mercy, he will definitely die. Who told him to destroy Ernst home? Because of that, Ernst began to have an enmity towards him." Harry commented.

"Ernst is now the strongest Demigod in the continent. Even Catherine, O'Brien, Cesar and Dylin join forces, they are no match against him." Hart also added.

Meanwhile, the High Priest, War God O'Brien and Cesar withdraw their divine sense after the battle. They felt pressure after watching Ernst battle with Dylin. At first, their only worry was, Dylin. Now, another Deity comes, who is more powerful than Dylin. But thankfully, they do not have an enmity with Ernst, as they breathe a sigh of relief. Dylin was truly unlucky to provoke Ernst in the past.

Ernst and his parents finally returns to the Blackshadow Castle. His parents directly went to the pocket dimension to digest their insights after watching Ernst battle with Dylin. Nadia went back to Mt. Blackraven to tell the story about the battle he had witness.

Ernst went back to the back garden. He took-out the transparent bubbles from his interspatial ring drop. Seeing the attribute bubbles, Ernst smiles grew bigger. The system has been upgraded.

(Physical Attributes +500)

(Spiritual Energy +500)

(Edict of Destruction +100)

He absorbs the attribute bubbles."Crackle crackle." A cracking sound of bones could be heard as Ernst finished absorbing the attribute bubbles. Ernst feels his physical strength increases a little bit. Now, his understanding towards the Edict of Destruction started to get deeper. He feels it will not take a long time before he promoted to a Deity through the Edict of Destruction.

"Its time to relax a bit. I will accompany Anna and Jenne travel around the continent, while my divine clones will fuse the insights in the Profound Mysteries of the Laws." Ernst thought.

In the blink of an eye, two years past after Ernst battle with Dylin.

Ernst, Anna and Jenne were traveling around the continent for two years now. They are now walking on the streets of Forest City, one of the city belongs to Muhan Kingdom in the Far East Plains.

While walking, they heard the sound of fighting. Due to curiosity, Anna and Jenne runs to the location of the battle.

When the two arrives, they saw two young lady and a skinny an old man with long beard were being besieged by six-9th rank warriors. The two girls are already injured with different wounds around their bodies, while the old man was only slightly injured. On the front of the old man were two-9th rank Skeleton Archers and a Black Knight Captain.

"Zassler, surrender now. You three cannot escape from us. Do you think you can fight us, while protecting those two girls?" A member of the Radiant Church Ecclesiastical Tribunal said.

Zassler was in a great pressure. "If I'm alone, I can defeat them all." He thought.


'Water-style magic spell- Protected Icy Carapace'

'Wind-style magic spell-Windblade'


An iced armor form around Zassler, Rebecca and Leena's body, while the six-9th rank warriors were hit and pushed back by wind blades.

Seeing an opportunity, Zassler orders his undead summon to attack the enemy. The two-9th rank Skeleton Archers fire their arrows while the Black Knight Captain brandish his swords and chop the enemy nearest to him.

"Swoosh!" "Swoosh!"

"Thud!" "Thud!"


Instantly, three-9th rank enemy warriors died. Two were hit by the arrow in the head while the other one was chopped in two. Seeing their dead companions, the three remaining members of the Radiant Church turn around to flee, but….

'Water-style magic spell- Water Arrows'

Three water arrows appear suddenly, rushing towards the three-9th rank warriors.


The three arrows was block by them using their swords. Suddenly, a sword light appears and the head of the two-9th rank warriors was chopped down. The water arrows was just a distraction, the real killer was Anna's sword strike. With her 'Airwings' magic spell, she can fly and move very fast.

The last remaining 9th rank warrior did not hesitate to escape, but he was block by two-5th rank Skeleton Warriors summon by Rebecca and Leena.


An arrow shot by Skeleton Archer penetrated his heart and then slump to ground, dead.

Seeing all their pursuers are dead, Zassler, Rebecca and Leena finally breathe a long sigh of relief. They look towards Anna and Jenne with gratitude.

"Thank you for helping us. If you don't come to help us, they might already captured us." Zassler said.

Anna and Jenne smiles. During their travels for the past two years, they help many people like Zassler, Rebecca, and Leena. They like the feeling of helping others. Anna began to speak. "This is not a place to talk. Pleas follow us."

Zassler, Rebecca, and Leena looks at each other then glance towards Anna and Jenne. Since they help them, they are not malicious towards them. They follow Anna and Jenne to the hotel.

Inside the big room, Jenne heals the injuries of Zassler, Rebecca, and Leena with her water healing spells.

After being alive for many years, Zassler is very experience in judging people. He knows Anna and Jenne are not bad people. He looks seriously towards Anna and Jenne and started to talk. "My name is Zassler, a 9th rank Arch Magus Necromancer. These two girls are my apprentices Rebecca and Leena. Why did you help us? Are you two not afraid that Radiant Church will hunt you down?"

Anna and Jenne nodded, but laughs after hearing Zassler's question. Zassler's face change hearing them laughs.

"Sorry for laughing just now, but we find your question ridiculous. To answer your question, we are ordered by my brother to save you three. For your second question, we don't like the Radiant Church and we are not afraid of them. I would like them to hunt us, but they would'nt dare. My name is Anna and this is my good sister Jenne. We are both teachers from Ernst Institute. By the way, why did the people of the Radiant Church hunt the three of you?"

Zassler pauses for a while, he compose himself and started talking. "Many years ago, the Radiant Church tried to capture me. They want to use my knowledge about Necromantic magic to build their own army of Necromancers, but I did not agree. The Radiant Church and I fought many times. But nine years ago, they sent a powerful squad of 9th rank warriors to hunt me. After killing a few of their members, I was exhausted, thus, gave them the chance to capture me. They escort me from the Anarchic Lands to a transit point in one of the administrative province of the O'Brien Empire. I was imprison in the carriage while traveling, inside the carriage, I am not the only prisoner. Rebecca and Leena are imprison together with me."

"Sob sob sob."

Rebecca began to cry. "We are living happily in the Anarchic Lands, our parents are believers of the Radiant Church. One day, a group of people from the church wants to capture me and my sister. My parents fought and resist them to give us time to escape, but the attackers are strong as they killed our parents. Wuuu...wuuu...wuuuu..." Rebecca cried louder. After a few minutes she stops crying.

Seeing her sister condition, Leena continued speaking. "Both me and my sister were captured. There was a Cardinal in the group that attack us, he check me and my sister. After checking us, the Cardinal laughs loudly. Then they escort us in the carriage with a bunch of guards. I heard them saying, we have two pure souls and we will become a sacrifice for the Radiant Sovereign. When we arrived halfway to the transit point, we were transferred to another carriage, in there, we met Grandpa Zassler."

Hearing the story of Zassler, Rebecca, and Leena, Anna and Jenna became angry. They now hate the Radiant Church even more.

Zassler continued his story. "Due to a sudden turn of events, the squad of 9th rank warriors escorting us, was summoned to participate in a war against the Dawson Duchy. The only guards left are all weaklings. Though, I was wearing an antimagic manacles, with the help of Rebecca and Leena, we manage to escape."

"I thought Rebecca and Leena Necromantic magic and they becomes my apprentices. From then on, the three of us gives trouble to the Radiant Church whenever we can. Until recently, they found our hiding place and sends a strong line-up to capture us. After that, you know what happened next. I'm just curious, you said before, you save us because you were order by your brother? Who might your brother be?" Zassler ask.

Before Anna could speak, the door of their room was open and Ernst enter the room.

"Brother/Teacher." Anna and Jenne greeted Ernst.

Upon seeing Ernst, Zassler stands up from his seat and bowed.

"Lord Ernst."

He is very nervous. He did not dare to look towards Ernst. Rebecca and Leena both follow Zassler's action.

Anna and Jenne seeing their action just chuckles.

"Sit down. Don't be so formal in front of me. Am I that scary? Ernst rolled his eyes and teased Zassler, Rebecca, and Leena.


"So hilarious. Brother you scare them with your presence." Anna laughs at the trios expression.

All of them are seated on the sofa. Ernst talks to the trio casually. Seeing that Ernst was east to talk to, the trio finally relax and began to laugh at Anna and Jenne's antics. The sister's Rebecca and Leena became friends with Anna and Jenne.

After talking for a while, Ernst ask a question to the trio. "Zassler, Rebecca, Leena, what is your next plan? Your current strength now is not enough to destroy the Radiant Church. If you continue what you did before, you will just throw your lives away."

Zassler, Rebecca, and Leena becomes silent after hearing Ernst question. They really hate the Radiant Church and want to take revenge, but they are too weak right now. They also tired of constant running from the Radiant Church.

Seeing no response from them. Ernst begins to talk. "How about this? You three follow us to Dawson Kingdom. In their, you can train peacefully until you have sufficient strength to take your revenge. I believe more than twenty years from now, the Radiant Church will cease to exist." Ernst smile mysteriously towrds Zassler, Rebecca and Leena.

Zassler, Rebecca, and Leena felt warm in their hearts. They were personally invited by a Deity to stay and train in his place. This is an honor for them.

"Thank you, Lord Ernst." Zassler, Rebecca, and Leena bowed with respect.

"Don't call me Lord Ernst in the future. I don't want to be called like that. You can call my name or just call me young master is enough. If you are ready, we can return to Dawson Kingdom."

"We are now ready, young master." The trio answers.

After they walked-out from the hotel. Ernst controls the wind elemental essence and envelops Anna, Jenne, Zassler, Rebecca, and Lenna as they started to float in midair.

Seeing Rebecca and Leena are tense, Anna console them. "Don't be afraid. Nothing bad will happen." She pat their shoulders.