
'Shuzo' of Neo Marine

Next day, Nuke woke up with a severe headache. 'Alcohol in this world is very strong.'

Nearby, Luna was also in similar condition even though she drank less.

"You two are not good at alcohol, is this your first time drinking a wine?" A gentle sound came from behind Nuke.

He saw Makino entering the bar with some items, Nuke was embarrassed because apart from him and Luna, everyone left the bar, leaving behind both of them to sleep in the bar.

'Yes", Nuke answered Makino.

"This is my first time seeing you guys here, What bring's you to our village?" Makino curiously asked.

"Haha, who doesn't know about Foosha village... Many famous peoples originated from this place. Like Fire Fist Ace, Monkey.D. Luffy, and famous 'Hero of the Marines', Garp."

"So, I came here in the hope of seeing what kind of village it is, to produce such powerful figures..." Nuke spoke in a carefree manner.

Makino smiled and said: "Even though many people say Luffy and Ace are outlaws, pirates; they are very good and kind in their heart."

"Wake up your friend, I have to clean this place and open the bar", Makino said.

"Yes... Thank you for your care and time." Nuke said and woke Luna up.

Soon they said goodbye to Makino and left the place. Lyn was training in the outskirts of Foosha village as instructed by Nuke but he was just in the beginning stage of growing strong.


Luna was still in her sleeping state, as she didn't even talk with Nuke and Lyn for some time. Nuke helplessly shook his head.

"Since we now know that the various powers of this world are mainly in the 'Grand line' and 'New World'; Our stage is also there."

"From here it will take around five days to reach Loguetown, once we stock up our supplies, we can cross the reverse mountain to reach the Grand Line."

"Luna, if we encounter any problems on the sea...It's your responsibility to assure our safety." Nuke explained his plan.

The trio soon reached the Goa kingdom port, where they docked their boat. Just as they were going to leave the Island, Nuke saw a familiar figure near their boat.

That figure is a large, dark-skinned man with a bulky build; Nuke immediately recognized that person. He is Shuzo, a member of Neo marine.

'What is Neo Marines doing here? They are supposed to be in the new world...Yes, There is two-year time skip remains till they execute their plan.'

As Nuke was lost in thought, half sleeping Luna and Lyn walked towards the ship but their path was obstructed by a large build man, Shuzo.

"Move aside, you are blocking my path." Luna irritatingly said to Shuzo who was blocking her path.

"Oh... Little girl sorry for blocking your path." Shuzo noticed he is blocking the path of the little boat so he didn't mind Luna's harsh words.

"You are traveling by boat, are you guys pirates?" Shuzo asked in a kind manner but one could see a cold light passing through his eyes.

Nuke came out of his thoughts and watched the conflict between Luna and Shuzo.

Luna who was already in an irritated state becomes further enraged, and spoke: "So, What if I am?"

"Haha...Nothing, If you are a pirate, I will kill you." Shuzo coldly said. His personality is simple, he hates pirates and desires to murder them all.

Since it comes to this, there is no meaning for further words, Luna straight away attacked Shuzo. The Showdown begins.

Shuzo is a very strong person, he was able to use Armament Haki and is strong enough to match Luffy's Haki and nullify his Haki-enhanced blows with his own with apparent ease in the anime.

Furthermore, he practiced 'Tekkai' skill to an advanced level. You can say he is as strong as 'after time skip' Luffy in gear second or even stronger. But that is after two years, maybe now he is a little weaker than the future him.

Even though he has full confidence in Luna, right now she is in an enraged state. If she accidentally uses her devil fruit powers to maximum, then it's will be a disaster to Goa Kingdome.

Nuke appeared before Luna and countered the Shuzo's punch with his own punch.

"Nuke, he is my opponent." Luna angrily said.

"You aren't even fully awake? and let me handle this, you can take rest." Nuke appeased Luna's anger and said in a spoiling manner. Only then, Luna calmed down.

"Haha... Satisfying, I didn't expect to meet some powerful kids in the East blue who are strong enough to travel the Grand Line." Shuzo laughingly said.

Without waiting for an answer, Shuzo used 'Soru' and appeared before Nuke, while he pushed one finger towards Nuke's chest covered with Armament haki.


A bullet like a finger technique, capable of piercing the human body. But Nuke's body and haki are not for show, He blocked the attack with ease.

Nuke attacked again with a heavy punch, which was blocked by Shuzo's own fist but was pushed two steps back.

"You are not bad", Shuzo said.

"You too" Nuke knows both of them haven't used their full strength. He also knows, Shuzo has a pet called Alpacacino which eaten a devil fruit.

"Since you guys are not Pirates, I won't use my full powers. My powers are only to eradicate the Pirates." Shuzo declared.

"If you become pirate in the future, I will be the first one to come after your head", Shuzo said.

"You are always Welcome", Nuke said.

"Haha, I hope that day doesn't come soon..." Shuzo left with the words.

"Nuke, why didn't you defeat him? If it was me, I would have pummeled him to the ground." Luna unhappily complained.

"Luna, he is not simple. Even if I used my full strength, at best I can only fight him to draw." Nuke said.

"His Haki already reached Advanced 'General' level, while he also mastered some of the Marines six powers." Nuke said.

Both of them knows their haki only reached Colored Stage, and haki is the key to win the Fight. Even though they can fight someone at Advanced level, they can't defeat them.

Of course, if Luna used her devil fruit powers then Shuzo can only run in the opposite direction.

"Moreover, his teacher is very powerful." Nuke said.

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