
Enter Mount & Blade with the system

Alexander, who crossed over to a continent of cold weapons, started out as a slave. However, he discovered that he had control over a system shop. From being a servant soldier, he progressed to becoming a sword and shield soldier, then a cavalryman, and finally ascended step by step to the throne of the cavalry king. My novel's title and synopsis are really bad. Can you help me?

DaoistYcPpz3 · Peperangan
Peringkat tidak cukup
72 Chs

Chapter 31: Knight Enfeoffment

If we calculate based on the progress of robbing one caravan of goods worth 10,000, then Alexander only needs to rob another 9,998 caravans to be able to buy a legendary dragon through the system - provided the entire continent can gather so many caravans.

In reality, such fat caravans are not plentiful. This caravan is a silverware merchant. When Viktor and the others opened the cargo boxes, they were all shocked by the many exquisite silverware pieces inside, rarely seeing so many art pieces displayed together.

"Don't look, let's move quickly!" Alexander knew it wasn't safe to stay here for long. He quickly took the loot and prisoners and returned to Lisbon.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Alexander returned to his main camp, a merchant in luxurious golden silk robes found him.

"Respected Mr. Silver Cup, I am a representative of Lord Golden Cup. I trust you remember our agreement. Noble aristocrats always keep their promises." 

Alexander shook his head and said, "That's not entirely accurate. The nobles of the Kingdom of Saint Martin may keep their promises, but the cunning people of the Empire do not necessarily."

Throughout the continent, the Empire's people were known for their cunning. Therefore, Empire people are often keen merchants and many famous dishonest merchants… er, wealthy merchants.

The rich merchant who was dressed in luxury did not argue with Alexander and continued to smile and said, "Do not worry, Sir; I have already brought the money. We can transact immediately, but I need to inspect the goods first."

"Of course."

Alexander waved his hand, and Viktor opened the box, revealing the exquisite silverware inside.

"Wow, these are all top-notch goods."

The merchant sent his underlings forward to inspect them. After the calculation, their worth was approximately 11,000, and after halving it, they were 5,500 silver dinars. He handed over the purse of money to Alexander, who took it reluctantly. After all, the goods could sell for more than 10,000 on the market. But, out of respect for the Golden Cup, he decided to follow the terms of their oral agreement.

Finally, Alexander sold the weapons and equipment he had acquired on the battlefield to the merchant for nearly a few hundred silver dinars. He naturally kept the grain and horses. Alexander converted all of the silver dinars he received into system coins to keep it safer.

Now, he checked his system panel and saw:

[Level]: 8

[Strength]: 12

[Agility]: 10

[Intelligence]: 6

[Charisma]: 9

[Available Attribute Points]: 0

[Experience]: 3000/12800

[System Coins]: 7000

With a lot of money in his pocket, Alexander was in a good mood. He decided to go out and buy some specialty wheat beer from the Kingdom of Saint Martin for his men.

"Goferay reports to you, my lord!"

At this moment, a robust voice rang out from the warehouse entrance. The familiar figure with gray-streaked hair stood straight, his towering silhouette illuminated by the setting sun, exuding a magnificent aura.

The person who had arrived was none other than the seasoned warrior Alexander valued the most—Goferay. He had already taken care of everything at home, using the money Alexander had given him to hold a proper funeral for his elderly mother. He even hired a Bright Cultist to pray for the deceased—an unprecedentedly grand funeral for the lower-class people of the Kingdom of Saint Martin.

With his household affairs settled, Goferay rushed non-stop to join Alexander. If he had read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he would have almost shouted, "Living in troubled times, never meeting a true lord in my lifetime. Today, my lord does not abandon me, and I, Goferay, will surely repay this grace with all my heart."

Alexander looked at the figure in surprise. Wasn't this the precious treasure he had rescued in his act of kindness just a few days ago?

A battle-hardened veteran like him couldn't just be called a treasure; he was a veritable treasure trove.

"Mr. Goferay, I told you I would make good use of you," Alexander said with a smile as he approached and shook Goferay's hand. Then, he announced to the room full of his men, "Now, I appoint Mr. Goferay as the chief instructor of our troops. Everyone's training must follow his arrangements."

"Don't worry, boss. We will definitely obey Mr. Goferay's orders."

"We trust the boss's judgment."

"Will following Mr. Goferay's training make us as strong as the boss?"

"I might as well just marry the boss. He's so handsome."


Everyone expressed their willingness to follow Goferay's arrangements, which pleased Alexander greatly. However, some particular voices did not please him.

As for Goferay, he was stunned. He had not expected Alexander to entrust him with such an important role right from the start.

Suddenly, he drew the long sword at his waist, held it with both hands in front of his chest, and shouted loudly:

"I, Goferay Flanders, hereby pledge my allegiance to my lord Alexander, in the manner of a knight's oath!

Humble, just, merciful, brave, fair, sacrificial, honorable, and virtuous!

In the face of strong enemies, I fear no danger.

Resolute and loyal, unwaveringly just. I will be loyal and upright, preferring death over surrender.

I will protect the weak, without violating the natural order!

I swear to treat the weak kindly, I swear to bravely resist tyranny.

I swear to fight against all wrongs, I swear to fight for those who are defenseless.

I swear to help anyone who asks for my help, I swear not to harm any woman.

I swear to assist my fellow knights, I swear to treat my friends sincerely.

I swear to love until death.

Under the witness of the Lord and the God of Light, I will follow the spirit of the knight until death!"

Upon finishing his oath, Goferay knelt down on one knee, bowing his head and planting his longsword into the ground with one hand.

This left Alexander at a loss for words. Acting on impulse, he drew his double-handed sword and lightly tapped Goferay's shoulder three times with the sword's back, saying, "Awaken from the nightmare and stay awake, turn faith into courage, and strive for noble honor!"

Goferay immediately shouted in a resolute voice, "I will become a brave knight, and I will fight as my lord wishes!"

The entire knighthood ceremony was completed in Alexander's bewildered state. Don't ask why Alexander knew all these things; he vaguely remembered this process from movies and just instinctively applied it.

In reality, this was another privilege of the nobility—knightly investiture. It directly created a class between the nobility and the common people. In a sense, knights were also a kind of nobility because they could receive fiefs and subjects, provided their lord had land to grant.

Someone like Alexander, who only had soldiers under his command, strictly speaking, wasn't a lord yet. He needed his own land and subjects to be considered a true lord.

Alexander couldn't exactly say he had no land at all. After all, he still had a warehouse and a training ground, among other things. It wouldn't be entirely accurate to say he wasn't a lord at all.

In short, it was a stretch to call him a lord, but it was just about accurate enough.

**[Detected that Lord Alexander held a knighthood investiture ceremony, triggering the mission - Establish your own knightly order]**

**[Reward: Experience +4000, System Coins +5000]**