
Enter Mount & Blade with the system

Alexander, who crossed over to a continent of cold weapons, started out as a slave. However, he discovered that he had control over a system shop. From being a servant soldier, he progressed to becoming a sword and shield soldier, then a cavalryman, and finally ascended step by step to the throne of the cavalry king. My novel's title and synopsis are really bad. Can you help me?

DaoistYcPpz3 · Peperangan
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72 Chs

Chapter 11: I'm Going to Use Your Skull as a Bowl

With money and soldiers in hand, it was time to do something big.

Alexander returned to the tavern and asked the owner, "Are there any jobs around here that we can do?"

Just as the tavern owner was about to speak, the man who had left the tavern earlier came back in, accompanied by a group of men.

The man said, "Honorable Lord Alexander, Grand Duke Ferdinand invites you to join his ranks. He wants you to serve as a mercenary for the Kingdom of Saint Martin."

Alexander was taken aback. "But I don't know Grand Duke Ferdinand."

The man respectfully replied, "Of course, Grand Duke Ferdinand has not met you, but he has heard of your exceptional skills."

Alexander nodded. "Can I get more details?"

"Certainly. Grand Duke Ferdinand promises to pay your troops' wages as compensation, and in addition, he will pay you 500 dinars each month. He also offers to provide your soldiers with the standard equipment of the Kingdom of Saint Martin."

These conditions were very generous, and Alexander immediately agreed. He was eager to seize this opportunity and make a name for himself.

Grand Duke Ferdinand's troops were stationed just outside Lisbon. When Alexander and his men arrived at the camp, they found the situation to be quite dire. The soldiers there were all injured, with haggard faces and bleak expressions. Seeing their low spirits, Alexander felt a surge of doubt.

It wasn't until they reached the main tent that they heard a burst of angry shouting from inside.

"Those damn Imperial troops! They ambushed us! Those cowards don't dare face my knights head-on."

"Grand Duke Ferdinand, we need to reorganize our troops and reclaim our honor. The defeated have no say."

"The king has not blamed me, but as a noble covered in glory, this defeat is a deep shame."


After some discussion, the man who had brought Alexander went inside to report and then respectfully invited Alexander into the main tent.

"You are the warrior of the Lion family? I've heard of your deeds. You bravely stood up to protect the weak, truly upholding the honorable knightly tradition."

A nobleman clad in luxurious armor praised Alexander as soon as he entered. The nobleman had a well-groomed mustache, hair slicked back with pomade, and an unnaturally ruddy complexion. He stood upright and dignified.

This was Grand Duke Ferdinand.

Alexander's attention was not only on the Duke's face but also on his armor, which was different from ordinary armor.

The armor bore mysterious patterns that Alexander couldn't decipher, intricate lines intertwining to form enigmatic designs. He only glanced at them briefly, as staring at someone else's armor for too long was considered impolite.

"It is indeed," Alexander bowed, "an honor to meet you, Grand Duke Ferdinand. Showing compassion, sympathizing with the weak, and aiding those in need has always been my guiding principle."

"I am delighted to have you join my army. Your presence will undoubtedly strengthen our forces, leading us to even greater victories," Grand Duke Ferdinand passionately declared, his words dripping with exaggerated promises.

Alexander remarked, "Your Grace, it seems that you have some concerns that need addressing."

"Yes, our army has suffered a recent defeat, with heavy losses. Many women may never see their husbands return," Ferdinand lamented.

"May I inquire about the number of troops we have left who are fit for battle?" Alexander asked.

With a sigh, Ferdinand replied, "We are down to 129."


Alexander fell silent for a moment, finally understanding why Grand Duke Ferdinand had recruited him. It was clear they urgently needed to bolster their fighting force. Fortunately, it seemed unlikely that they would engage in direct confrontation with the so-called Empire in the near future.

The Empire referred to here was the Karad Empire, a behemoth to the east of the Kingdom of Saint Martin. Rumor had it that the Empress was the supreme ruler, a woman. The King of Saint Martin often ridiculed the Empire, claiming it was a nation where men hid behind women.

And so, war erupted.

Sometimes, the reasons for war were as absurd as this.

The Empire, mocked as men hiding behind women, showed its fangs. Its wealth enabled it to possess sophisticated equipment, even capable of countering the famed Saint Martin cavalry, renowned for their unbeatable prowess.

The generals of the Karad Empire weren't fools; they wouldn't engage the Saint Martin cavalry head-on. Instead, they laid ambushes, launching surprise attacks on Grand Duke Ferdinand's army.

A full three hundred troops were dispersed, leaving only these 129 survivors. Fortunately, among them were over a hundred cavalrymen.

It wasn't that cavalrymen were particularly lucky; it was simply that cavalry could run really fast.

"I believe we should rebuild a combat-effective army," Alexander suggested.

"Yes, I have dispatched envoys to nearby cities and villages to recruit soldiers. However, these recruits lack strong combat abilities and are not yet ready for the battlefield," Grand Duke Ferdinand explained. He knew very well that sending inexperienced soldiers into battle would be akin to sending them to their deaths — the Empire's double-edged sword showed no mercy.

Alexander understood his implication; there would likely be a training phase.

"It seems, Your Grace, that you already have a plan in mind," Alexander remarked.

"Yes, indeed. I've decided to take this group of recruits to the coastal areas in the north. Dealing with pirates there will serve as good training," Grand Duke Ferdinand replied.

With hundreds of new recruits under his command, Ferdinand, along with one of his commanders, led them towards the northern coastal regions. Alexander and his men were among them. Alexander simply wanted to train his soldiers; after all, the commander dispatched by Ferdinand should be very skilled in training troops.

Indeed, the commander proved to be so. Along the way, he explained military regulations and shared combat experience with the recruits, who were now eager to test their mettle on the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Alexander trailed behind with his own men. After all, surviving the battlefield was the key to gaining experience.

Pirates didn't fancy becoming someone else's whetstone, so as soon as they saw the large group approaching, they hastily fled. Fortunately, Grand Duke Ferdinand had also sent a group of cavalry to follow. When the cavalry blocked the pirates' escape route, the recruits raised their weapons and charged into battle.

"I'll use your skull as a bowl!" the pirates threatened.

"Go to hell, you pirates!" the recruits retorted.

The recruits charged eagerly into battle, but they underestimated the quality of the pirates' equipment and their outrageous combat prowess. These pirates were well-equipped, battle-hardened, and could even be considered a regular army under the guise of pirates.