
Enjoying Rebirth As A Devil, Uzumaki And Otsutsuki

Enjoying Rebirth As A Devil, Uzumaki And Otsutsuki

GRZG12 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


Chapter 3:soon, I get enough of those during our sparring sessions." Issei replied.

The blonde girl honestly didn't know how to feel about that, however she was happy that there were people who really wanted to help her. "A-Are you sure? I don't want to intrude." She looked away.

"I wouldn't have said anything if I thought you were going to be an issue, Asia-chan. Just please trust me, I swear on my life that I will always be here for you." Issei hoped he wasn't coming off as weird.

Asia bursted into tears again, this time they were tears of happiness, she beamed a smile at Issei. "Thank you so much for helping me, Issei-san!"

"Don't mention it, I was on my way to school but that's not as important as you are. Let's get you to your new home, Asia." The Red Dragon Emperor stated.

Asia blushed, she didn't know why she liked hearing him say that about her, wiping her tears she pulled away from their hug and picked up her clothes that came out of her suitcase. Once they were back inside, she closed her suitcase, to her shock her suitcase levitated off the ground, she watched it move towards Issei as he grabbed her suitcase with his right hand.

Issei smirked at her shocked expression. "By the way Asia-chan I'm not a normal human myself, I'm a Devil along with a couple of other things as well, I hope that doesn't bother you."

Asia shook her head. "No! Not at all, I was just amazed by your ability."

"Oh this is nothing compared to what I can truly do, maybe I'll give you a glimpse later on."

Issei then teleported the two of them to the Uzumaki Residence, where one Kushina Uzumaki was very happy to see Asia.