man wakes up in a universe like room. a voice tells him to choose some wishes after giving him some information on where he’ll be going. title should give you a good idea of what and where he ends up being.
A white light in the vague shape of a human stood within a massive universe. As the soul looked around, it found incredible peace among the stars. It was like being at the very center of everything.
Supernovas,nebulas, and black holes dotted the landscape….creating a tapestry of cosmic beauty.
'I wonder why I'm here,' the light thought. And as if answering his thoughts a deep voice rang out that resonated and vibrated the very fabric of the reality the light now occupied,
"Your time to move onto another world has come. According to your past deeds you will be given a certain amount of autonomy over your next life. Do you understand?"
After taking a few seconds to come back down to the ground after hearing the voice the light spoke out. "I understand. May I know in what way you plan to give me a choice over my new existence?"
The response was succinct, immediate, "you will be given requests. Wishes. After learning of the new world you will inhabit."
As soon as the voice stopped speaking, Images ran through the 'mind' of the soul. For minutes, the soul was given a cliff notes version of the world he would inhabit. A slightly familiar setting from his past-life. One he remembers seeing but can't put a name to.
What he did see was people with golden eyes, men who could transform into giant quadrupedal wolves who were chasing those with red eyes. He also saw similar but distinctly different images, he would assume they were in the same genre of movie or book. As here they showed mens bones breaking and reforming as they became two legged beasts with eyes as black as the night sky.
Next he saw a man with eyes that looked like a full moon staring down a man with glowing red eyes both had veins running throughout their face towards their eyes. He could tell these two were far different than any other he'd seen. They moved in blurs that made even the other supernatural people he'd seen earlier look like turtles next to a hare.
Suddenly the images stopped and he knew exactly what he wanted. He didn't know how he knew. But he knew. And he spoke the words that would lead him towards his new life;
"I wish to become an enhanced original hybrid. I want to wake up after my hybrid nature sets in on my 16th birthday, January 3, 2005."
And with the words spoken, A bright flash of light consumed his vision blinding him until he would wake up in his new world.
(Mc pov)
Waking up I felt like I'd been beaten with a baseball bat. I had a pounding headache and was sick to my stomach. After a few minutes of whining over my nauseous stomach and headache my eyes opened.
Well, it was more akin to trying to slide open rusted windows. My eyes were incredibly dry. I felt like I could hear everything. A steady thump thump thump made me confused. It was like listening to a stethoscope constantly.
However, as soon as my eyes cleared up, all the ailments and weird sounds I had started putting on a checklist of things wrong were forgotten as I found myself in the middle of the woods.
Not only that. But I was as naked as the day I was born and absolutely covered in a red substance that looked like blood.
As soon as my eyes came into contact with the crimson substance I remembered it all. Who I am. Who I was. Where I was. How I was here. And most importantly... what I am.
A monster…. That's what I became.
There's no other way to put it. The way I moved through the woods without a single sound faster than any biological being that should exist. The way my call into the night toward the moon seemed to let every being in hearing distance know that now a new apex predator had reached maturity and was here to stay.
I remember looking at my eyes in the reflection of a river. The eyes were set in skull of a wolf that stood over 6ft at the shoulder covered in dirty blonde fur. A white iris with a barely discernible slit pupil, nestled in a back drop of a completely black scalera that made it look like a full moon in my sockets.
I remembered the name of this body. Zane Miller. 16 years old. Used to live with his widowed aunt of 70 in her in-law sweet. Essentially a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment that was built to allow guests a certain amount of privacy while also being close by enough. My great aunt Lucy had many health problems and passed only a week ago. As her only family member, I am the sole heir to her rather impressive inheritance. I remember reading a missive about a house in a town called Forks, Washington that was my decision on what to do with.
I don't know why, but I feel like I need to go to this small town in Washington. First things first though is to compel any and all authorities that come to try and make me wait until I'm 18 to get what's mine. Or try to throw me in foster care. Ugh, this new life is going to be a lot of work in the beginning.
And I'm a little hungry now….