
Changing Stripes

Long ago in a different time a world was at its end, this worlds strongest champion nam;ed (a giant black beetle man with six arms each one getting progressively smaller as you went down, with two wings covered in a black shell thingy, a set of two mandibles, and a giant horn with a tail) hercules, was sent to slay a foul evil atop a mountain believed to be causing the worlds end.

'I wonder what manner of evil lurks up here, maybe a lich or a powerful demon that would be interesting', hercules thought to himself as he continued up the path toward the mountaintop. as he reached the top he was greeted by a WA,SHINGUR, " What manner of creature are you" hercules asked with honest curiosity. And with a voice that shook the air it asked a quedtion "I am death and life.... would you like to start anew or with the shackles of your past still holding on to you" 'If I fail here I am not worthy to carry the name hercules' "so be it" the WA,SHINGUR spoke as if reading hercules mind.

So hercules charged and with his mighty axe he swung down, the WA,SHINGUR being too quick evaded with almost no effort, " heavy boulder slice" hercules swung his axe in the general direction of the WA,SHINGUR sending forth a slash of wind, the WA,SHINGUR this time took to the sky avoiding the attack and retaliating this time, "(10+)lesser king fireball" and from the WA,SHINGURS hands burst forth a massive fire ball that blanketed the mountain.

as hercules consciouseness began to fade the WA,SHINGUR whispered in his ear "you are titanus greatest of kings".


Present day EndpoinT:" king titanus the WA,SHINGUR has returned" spoke a bug soldier (I don't know what to call them yet) " where is he" spoke titanus, " in the labrary milord".

As king titanus walked into the library he heard the voice of the WA,SHINGUR in his head " the new york cities one through fourteen have terrible security, the new yorks fifteen through twenty one have decent security but nothing quite formidable, " that ends my report sir".

" good job" king titanus replied.