
Enchanted to meet you

When you're used to live in the darkness for too long. But then something happens that will shake your world. Will you take risk? Or will just forget everything and be in the darkness again?

goofyland19 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


I eat my dinner silently. Well obviously because I live alone.

It will be scary if I'm talking and nobody's here. I'm not that crazy anyway.

After I finished eating, I wash the dishes and after that I cleaned myself.

It took me 15 mins to clean myself. Yeah clean. I just took a bath. It's just that I felt dirty since that incident happened.

I just shrugged the thought. I check my phone and log in to messenger. I had my facebook account deactivated for months,but I still logged in messenger.

They already stop messaging me. Maybe they're tired of chasing me. I've received many message everyday.

I didn't ran away from home. My parents knew that I wanted to be alone so they gave me what I wanted.

I disconnected myself with everyone. I became the silent type person or the thing you called introvert. I isolated myself.

I don't know what to do anymore. I just stared at ceiling of my room. My life's a mess.

Why do I keep blaming myself. It's not my fault but I keep on apologizing to everyone.

I was once a happy person. Everything changed because of the incident.

I hate myself.

I don't want live anymore. Yet here I am,still living because I am afraid to end my life.

I just want to be save from darkness.

Is life really cruel? Is there someone who can save me?

Can I really be save?

Can someone please save me? I'm drowning.

Then everything went black.