
Enchanted Paths: Luxana's Rise to Empress

Penulis: rida_suhail
Historical Romance
Sedang berlangsung · 480 Dilihat
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What is Enchanted Paths: Luxana's Rise to Empress

Baca novel Enchanted Paths: Luxana's Rise to Empress yang ditulis oleh penulis rida_suhail yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. As a new writer passionate about crafting captivating narratives, I believe collaboration and feedback are vital. Please support me by reading my work and sharing valuable insights to help refine my s...


As a new writer passionate about crafting captivating narratives, I believe collaboration and feedback are vital. Please support me by reading my work and sharing valuable insights to help refine my stories and reach their full potential in the realms of fantasy, romance, adventure, royalty, magic, and drama. Together, we can inspire a new generation of readers. The genre is fantasy, romance, adventure, royalty, magic and drama. My Novel: A political marriage unites Luxana and Cillain, two strangers with hidden magical powers, setting them on a path of self-discovery, love, and the creation of an extraordinary empire. I will be posting this story on tapas.io , RoyalRoad.com , www.webnovel.com , www.wattpad.com , www.scribblehub.com

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You Already Be Mine

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He was her Destiny

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  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
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  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia


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