
Chapter 1 - The Emperor's Holiday Begins

The Great Zenith Emperor Zahar awoke in the body of the young boy, naturally half dead and dying. His soul flared, and his overwhelming Emperor's Soul Qi flowed into every part of the boy, and as if compelled by a force beyond man, every strand of the boy's body began to mend itself back.

Life in the streets is brutal, but Emperor Zahar stood up, and stretched. The body was fine, even if it is unable to contain the sheer greatness of his strength.

"Ah. Finally. My first break in a hundred millennia." Zahar stretched his new childish muscles. The boy was probably eighteen, and a malnourished street rat. It doesn't matter what his current state was, really, because Zahar would fix that up within weeks. "Let's see."

He flicked a finger and a list appeared. It floated in front of him, something only he could see.

"Ah yes, I had this holiday-to-do-list. I'd like 100 beautiful wives, 500 concubines, smack down about 5,000 young masters and arrogant sect masters-"

Zahar sighed, and looked around the dingy street.

"Eh, maybe I shouldn't be so list-driven. It's a holiday after all."

He yawned, and walked out of the alley as if he was never beaten at all, where his attackers await. There were six of them, all bullies with big muscles and all that stuff. Useless cultivationless mortals just like this boy.

"Boss!" One of the bullies looked like he had just seen a ghost. "How- how'd that-"

The Boss bully turned to see Zahar walk out absolutely unharmed. He was surprised. "Didn't we just beat you until you were bleeding all over and half dead?"

Zahar laughed. "Ah, yes, you did. But you see, there's such a thing called 'fortuitous encounters'. This body just experienced one. But for the six of you, you'll experience what is called, an unfortunate encounter."

The boss stood, flexed his big muscles. "Big words for a boy we just beaten up."

Zahar looked at the other five. "Here's the deal. I'll beat up your boss, and the rest of you will now listen to me. Agree?"

The five didn't dare say anything, because what happened, was Zahar's fist flashed in rays of gold and purple. He slammed his fist into the boss's face, and the boss's head exploded.

"I asked a question. Agree?"

The five had a look of horror in their face. "Yes, Yes we agree!"

"Great. My name is now Zahar. Do you remember that?"

"Yes. Yes! Boss Zahar!"

"Good. Now fetch me some food and water. I'm fucking hungry."


The five were obedient young ones, and they fetched him food and water. They weren't high quality stuff, hell, they were pathetic.

But Zahar ate them anyway. There was a certain kind of raw pleasure in tasting these things, and with each gulp and bite, he channeled the energies within them into the right part of his body.

With Emperor's Soul, the energies around him obeyed like a loyal , diligent servant.

After the first meal, he felt like he already broke through the body's first cultivation barrier. His body was stronger, denser, and could store more Qi.

"Boss. Zahar." One of the lackeys said. "The old boss usually goes for a meeting with the big boss at sunrise. Do you want to go? I think they meet in that building there." The lackey pointed at a slightly fancier building in the city.

"Oh?" Zahar cocked his eyes. "What kind of meeting?"

"No idea, boss. But he goes, and he usually brings money."

"Does he come back with it."


"Question, lackey number 1. What's the name of the shithole?"

"Koolan, boss."

"Alright, and who is this 'bigger boss'?" Zahar asked.

"No idea, boss."

Zahar shrugged. Oh well, should just be some small fry. He ate a bit more food, and then began to walk to the supposed location with absolutely no money in his pocket.

OPMC goes Newgame+

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