
What I really want

After resting for a while, they decided to leave. Kirito did regret he could not get the creepers, but it wasn't his top priority. For now, he wanted to leave, find a place to sleep, and eat. Indeed Kirito didn't know where to sleep, so he asked Elza if she had an idea.

"Hey Elza, do you a home I something, it might be too much to ask, but can I sleep at your place for a few days?"

"I'm a magician traveller you moron, I always have a place to sleep..."

She said that with a confident smile on her face as if what she was going to show Kirito was going to blow his mind. She reached for her backpack and brought out a tiny toy house. Kirito wasn't in the mood to play games and he let Elza know about it.

"Listen, Elza, if you don't want me to sleep at your house, you can just say it instead of playing stupid tricks with me..."

"First, let's go to the carriage, and find a place with no trees or bushes of any sort."

Kirito followed Elza to the carriage, where they entered and threatened the driver to kill him if he didn't leave without Mr Kawaki. During the trip, Elza spoke to Kirito about something that was catching everyone's attention at the moment.

"Kirito, have you heard of a dungeon in the borders of the Shin territory and the Yan territory."

"The dungeon between the borders of Shikamaru and Ryu? Of course, I've heard of it, I've been travelling as well you know."

"Well, I hope you've also heard that no one knows what is inside the dungeon, because anyone that goes in, never comes back..."

Kirito looked at Elza because she didn't understand where this conversation was leading them to.

"What are you insinuating Elza?"

"What I mean is, you are the fastest learner the emperor's system has ever had. You just got the power today, but you already have various skills on it. Now is the time to let the emperors know that you are coming for their throne."

"I don't know if it's time for it already..."

"Indeed, but the dungeon is not ready to be conquered. First, you must make an ally. Make a treaty with the emperor Ryu telling him that you will give him all the treasures that will be in the dungeon in exchange for an alliance!"

Kirito thought of what she was saying for a long, and he knew that first, he had to learn about the art of kurushami before going on any other expedition.

"Alright, but you have to help me decode these ancient writings and teach me the art of kurushami first."

Elza accepted and took another cigar and lighted it up. Then suddenly, she looked outside and saw a small prairie with horses. The grass wasn't too high, but not too low, and the weather was great for a night sky.

"Stop here driver. This is a pleasant spot..."

They got out of the carriage, and when the driver was about to leave, Elza dragged him by the neck of the carriage and nearly dropped her cigar in the attempt.

"You are going to stay here, and become our little assistant ok?"

"Let me think, I'm gonna call you... ah! I'm gonna call you Robinson. Now, Robinson, there is a town about 30 minutes from here, you go get us supplies, and if you try to run away, I'm not even gonna tell you what will happen"

Robinson nodded in agreement and once Elza released him, he hopped on the carriage and left in the direction of the town. Meanwhile, Elza started walking around the prairie, and at one moment she stopped, she took the toy house and threw it. Kirito thought she was crazy and she was wasting his time.

"That stupid bitch is wasting my time... What, how is it possible!"

The toy house suddenly grew into a normal size house. It nearly looked like a Karate dojo, with a training room on the left, the house in the middle, and the meditation room on the right. Elza looked at Kirito who for the hundredth time in a day, was astonished.

"Don't be surprised, I'm a potion magician, so making potions is my hobby..."

Elza then threw her cigar far away and went inside the house followed by Kirito. She showed Kirito his room and explained to him how long they were going to stay there.

"Until you learn the art of Kurushami, we will stay here."

"Alright, I'd like to thank you for letting me stay with you. I will repay you in one way or another.

"Hey, I'd just like to say, I walk around butt naked in the morning, so don't be surprised tomorrow."

'That is a very weird thing to do, but anyway I need some sleep right now.'

He was very dirty but too tired to clean himself, instead, he laid down, and called Lady system.

"Lady system, I could you just show me my quests, but don't mind about the rewards."

[Alright, here are the quests, and only the quests. They have all been modified due to your change of environment.

·Learn the art of kurushami

·Kill 5 mega pigs in the forest

·Do 100 pushups at once

·Stay underwater for 5 minutes]

'I still have a lot to do, but anyways I've got all my time to complete the quests one by one. It's just a matter of time before I reach level one hundred...'

Kirito then fell to sleep, as Elza, was sitting on the porch smoking another cigar glaring at the stars and thinking of how far she went.

'I hope you see me Armdal... I've fulfilled what you told me to do, but I will go further, I will follow him in his accomplishments, and I will see him grow into a warrior.'

At the same time, she saw Robinson coming back from his trip. She was surprised because she was just granting him a chance to run away. At that moment, she understood that Robinson would be a loyal and important person and he had to be part of the journey.

"You fat Ginger-haired pig! You came back!"

"You brought me all the way here, and you're not going to get rid of me anymore."

"You bastard! Come in, I'll show you your room."

This was the beginning of a new era. An era where a hero will be fighting emperors and dungeons and will be known beyond his territory as the greatest of all...

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