
Emotional Psycho

What will you do if you can sense another creature's emotion? Well, anyone with that ability likes to see everyone's emotions. But what if there is a reason for you to get those powers? See what our MC does with his power.

DaoistPlLdIZ · Fantasi
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6 Chs

Emotional Sensor (1)

Immersed in the daily grind, I often find myself enveloped in the weariness of existence, a persistent sentiment that weaves its way into my thoughts, creating an intricate tapestry of contemplation. The specifics of my origin, shrouded in mystery, unfold as an enigmatic puzzle, with the precise moment of my birth and the elusive identities of my biological parents veiled in the mysterious tendrils of the unknown. This ambiguity casts a shadow over the very essence of my existence, leaving me with an insatiable curiosity about the roots that anchor me to this world.

The initiation of my daily routine reverberates with the resounding call, "Get ready for your class, Mark," echoing through the expansive confines of our household. This daily proclamation, orchestrated by the matriarchal presence of my mother, Lila Daniel, forms a foundational rhythm in the symphony of our familial life. Firmly enmeshed in familial ties through the avenue of adoption into the opulent Daniel family, I find myself navigating the intricate dance of my adolescent journey under the benevolent patriarchal reins of Arthur Daniel. His presence casts a commanding yet protective shadow over my formative years, adding layers of complexity to the delicate tapestry of my upbringing.

The perplexities surrounding the circumstances of my adoption persistently elude my grasp, akin to ethereal phantoms dancing on the periphery of comprehension. My inquiries into this matter consistently yield responses emphasizing my distinct appearance—an amalgamation of golden eyes, brown hair, and an unceasingly cheerful countenance—that purportedly sets me apart from my peers. This revelation unravels an enigma that deepens with each passing day, leaving me grappling with the complexities of identity and origin.

A repetitive cycle commences with my mother's persistent calls, and my dutiful response of "I'm coming, Mom" signals the commencement of yet another day in my atypical existence. It unfolds as a rhythmic ballet of familial expectations and adolescent aspirations, playing out against the backdrop of the ordinary yet concealing the extraordinary nuances of my internal journey.

Mark Daniel, a mere thirteen years old, seeks solace in the embrace of online classes, a transformative realm navigated with guidance from Claire, my dedicated virtual instructor. The noticeable absence of my father, Arthur, underscores his preoccupation with a bustling business schedule, relegating familial engagements to sporadic occurrences. This dynamic adds a layer of complexity to the delicate tapestry of our familial dynamics, forcing me to grapple with the intricate balance between virtual education and the yearning for paternal presence.

In lieu of conventional brick-and-mortar educational institutions, my scholastic pursuits unfold within the ever-evolving digital realm. The hands of the clock eventually align at the hour of 3 PM, ushering in a poignant sigh as I relinquish the conscious realm to the embrace of my bed, surrendering to the ethereal tendrils of sleep and dreams. This transition becomes a crucial juncture, where the external world fades, and the internal world awakens, allowing dreams to weave their own narrative within the vast tapestry of my subconscious.

Just on the brink of succumbing to the allure of sleep, my sanctuary is disrupted as my mother, wielding a pillow as her chosen weapon, playfully intervenes in a delightful interlude. This injection of levity into the somber symphony of daily routines becomes a cherished moment, breaking the monotony with familial warmth and playfulness.

"Ouch! Why, Mom?" I inquire, my voice becoming a melodic note in the domestic sonata.

"Ouch!" she repeats the motion, a playful cadence punctuating our familial exchange. The roots of her frustration lie in my confinement since the tender age of eight, a fact she vehemently expresses with a stern gaze, unraveling a narrative of maternal concern woven into the fabric of my upbringing. A terse exchange ensues, punctuated by a slap that leaves my visage tinged with a rosy hue, a nuanced display of maternal discipline.

"Cease this physical admonishment, Mom," I implore, my plea echoing in the sanctum of our familial abode. This plea reflects not only a desire for autonomy but also the evolving dynamics of our relationship, as I navigate the delicate balance between parental guidance and the burgeoning need for self-discovery.

A directive to venture outside for recreation follows, accompanied by my mother's unexpected shift in demeanor. This revelation peels back the layers of her emotional landscape, revealing a kaleidoscope of feelings beneath the veneer of routine. A query about her sadness unearths the revelation that this day marks the poignant anniversary of my adoption, casting a shadow over the celebratory nature of the occasion, as I, unbeknownst to myself, stand on the precipice of turning fourteen.

In a momentary lapse of memory, I express my intention to venture outdoors, a decision that elicits a renewed smile from my mother. She promises a grand cake for the occasion, a gesture imbued with maternal warmth and celebratory intent. With a heartfelt embrace, I step into the outdoors, keenly observing the evolving landscape—towering edifices, diminished vehicular commotion, and a prevalence of verdant surroundings. These elements contribute to the ever-changing tableau of my surroundings, adding depth to the sensory experience of my external environment.

A sprawling market awaits exploration, each stall presenting a microcosm of diversity, a vibrant tapestry woven with the threads of communal exchange. The meandering journey leads me to the discovery of an abandoned amusement park, a site that serves as the catalyst for a flood of recollections, altering the trajectory of my existence with each step. This excursion becomes a metaphorical journey through the corridors of memory, unraveling the threads that connect the past to the present, and shaping the narrative of my identity.

The flashback transports me to a bygone era, six years prior, when I, at the tender age of eight, accompanied my father to the amusement park. It was a journey marked by laughter and revelry, a joyful experience that now resides as a cherished memory within the recesses of my mind. However, a detour into a sinister haunted house unfurls a nightmarish sequence, a traumatic episode etched into the annals of my memory. Ghostly apparitions inflict wounds and leave indelible scars, marking the inception of a life-altering chapter that casts its shadow on the canvas of my consciousness.

The crescendo of agony climaxes as an otherworldly voice intones, "You are chosen. GE2109 is your name." This revelation abruptly halts the ordeal, leaving me physically unscathed but burdened with an extraordinary ability—the perception of others' emotions. This newfound capability becomes a double-edged sword, a gift or curse bestowed upon me in the crucible of that harrowing experience. As I navigate the intricate web of human emotions, I grapple with the weight of this unique talent, shaping my interactions with others and influencing the course of my personal journey.

The weight of this newfound capability settles upon me as I navigate through the tapestry of life, grateful for my father's concern yet acutely aware of the distinctive trait that sets me apart in an unforeseen and intricate manner. It becomes a defining aspect of my identity, shaping the contours of my journey with every nuanced emotion and ephemeral sentiment that permeates the fabric of my existence. Each encounter, each experience, becomes a brushstroke on the canvas of my life, contributing to the ever-evolving masterpiece that is my story.