
Emisyl and the missing Yearly Christmas King

Emisyl took a vacation in Canava for christmas. Every year, there's a 12-foot gorilla wearing santa costume that gives banana to the whole city. However, the gorilla is missing! What is the gang going to do?

Vhix · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


As they were inside, a commotion was happening outside.

We see Quogai, Candice and policemen approaching the scene.

As Quogai reaches, he sees the huge hole where the Christmas King fell.

Candice follows after and sees it as well.

"Oh my Lord" Quogai reacts.

"This is bad" Candice reacts.

The policemen then asks the people to go home and let them handle the scene.

They set up a block so people can't go in such as yellow warning lines.

We see a commander with eyepatch on his left eye talking to his corps.

"Investigate the left side" says the commander.

The corps nods and few were left.

"Investigate the right side" says the commander to few remaining.

"Sir! Yes sir!" the corps salutes then walks away.

Still, a few were remaining.

There was cute girl with brown hair and blue eyes on that squad.

The commander then talks to that squad and commands it.

"You" says the commander with a serious tone as he looks at the girl.

The girl then stands straight and salutes.

The commander gives a smirk then speaks.

"Investigate me" he says.

The girl gulps while the rest of the corps give bored look.

The commander then gets himself together and speaks.

"I'm just kidding, guard the hole" he says.

The rest then salutes.

After commanding, the commander looks at the camera.

"By the way, my name's Michael" he says then winks.

Meanwhile, Quogai decide if he should follow up but was stopped by the cute girl.

"Sir, we're commanded to guard this place" she says.

One of the corps also talked.

"We suggest you sir to get permission first in order to get in" he says.

Quogai then calms down.

"I'll just let you guys do your job" he says.

Candice then drags him.

While they go away, the grunt speaks.

"Thanks for understanding sir" he says.

Now back inside the tomb.

Emisyl is still fainted and Suin is carrying him as they run.

"When is he waking up?" asks Murasyl.

"Try asking him" says Suin.

"Hey Emi, when are you waking up?" says Murasyl.

Nana and Elise gives him a bored look.

"Great job" Suin reacts.

As they run, they reached a big room.

They stopped in a bit and dropped Emisyl.

A man with black and hair and black long beard welcomes them.

He then unleash his katana and swings it.

"It's the albino Santa!" says Murasyl.

They chuckled.

The bearded man then introduces himself as he swings his blade.



"I am Dadragus" he introduces himself.

Nana reacts.

"That's a cool sounding name" she reacts.

"Read it backwards" says Murasyl.

Suin gives an "Oh cmon" look as he realizes what is it backwards.

"Hyoof!" Dadragus unleashes a strong swing that released gust of wind.

Suddenly, a blast travels in the air.

(Pshhhhhhhhw) the blast travels.

It then crashed on Dadragus and he was offguard.

"Gwark" he felt the pain and he rolls.

It was Brockner with his gauntlet.

"Where's the gorilla boy ya silly-ass albino santa" he speaks as he walks in.

Dadragus then slowly stands up.

Suddenly he disappears.

He then reappears on Brockner's left and performs a slash.

Brockner was slashed and he rolled.

"Ouch!" Brockner reacts as he bleeds.

"This *bleep*'s blade is sharp as fuck" he says.

Brockner immediately stands up as he bleeds when suddenly...

Dadragus performs a blade dance as blue energy traces his blade.

"Moon's Ascension" he whispers as he stops the dance and poses.

He then charges a poke and multiple illusions of him followed up as the stab goes through Brockner.

"G-gwark" Brockner felt the stab.

He then falls and Dadragus dashes backwards then keeps his blade.

Nana approaches.

"Are you alright?" she asks.

Brockner then replies as he struggles.

"Don't worry"

"If I die, this story isn't canon anyway"

"I'll be back on the real story... urk"

After speaking, Brockner faints.


He then summons his blade and charges on Dadragus.

As he perform a downward slash, Dadragus disappears.

He then reappears on Murasyl's left and tackles him.

He then connects it with a stab.

"Gurg-urk" Murasyl felt the stab.

Nana summons her bracer and summons runes.

She then raises her palms and entangles Dadragus with her solar power.

As he is entangled, Nana looks back and talks to Suin.

"Help Murasyl" she speaks.

Dadragus is trying to free himself from the entangle.

"Quick!" Nana screams to Suin.

Suin then approaches Murasyl while Elise approaches Brockner.

Suin gives Elise first aid tools to aid Brockner while Suin fixes Murasyl.

Dadragus was finally freed and he disappears in the air.

He then tackles Nana from all angles then ends it with a spin kick that pushed Nana against the wall.

He then connects it with a stab but Nana moves away.

As the stab misses he connects a downward slash and Nana performs a sidestep.

As she reaches Dadragus, she touched him on his shoulders and releases runes.

"What is this!" Dadragus asks as he tries to remove them.

She then sends out starlike flashes to him then runs away.

Suddenly, everything exploded.

"Guwogh!" Dadragus screams.

His clothes are now ripped and he's burned.

His sword dropped as he drops on his knees.

"Hng..." Dadragus struggles.

He then disappears in the air then performs a downward spin slash on Nana.

Nana tries to block it.

As she blocks, Dadragus suddenly stops and hugs her.


Dadragus seemed to be in middle of pain.

"You smell like fruit..." he says as he struggles.

He then drops.

"Urk..." his last words as he finally faints.

Nana looks back and asks Suin and Elise.

"How's Murasyl and Brockner?" she asks.

"They're alright now but Brockner lost so much blood" he says.

Nana then goes closer.

"What will happen to him now?" she asks.

"I think he'd still be alright around... 70-30 ratio" says Suin.

Nana then sits with her toes and asks.

"What's the 30%?" asks Nana.

Suin then shows a "he will die" sign using his fingers.

"Hng-khk" says Suin.

"I see" Nana says then she stands up.

She then looks at the distance and sees Emisyl watching.

As Emisyl realizes that he's caught, he pretends he fainted.

"Ahh..." Emisyl speaks a fake death sound as he drops.

Nana gives a bored look then approaches.

She then kicks him.

"Oof" Emisyl reacts.

"I'm not stupid, wake the heck up" says Nana as she send weak kicks.

"Damn it" Emisyl then stands up.

Nana then goes forth but stopped in a bit to ask everyone.

"Anyone coming with me?" she asks.

"I will" Suin replied then stands up.

"G-good luck guys" says Murasyl as he lies.

"Take a rest" says Suin.

Murasyl smiles and the three finally leaves.

They slowly disappears as Elise looks.

Suddenly, Faye came with loose clothes.

She then removes her shirt as it is on wrong side then wears it again.

After fixing her shirt, she asks Elise.

"Where's everyone?" she asks then sits beside Elise.

Suddenly, a man speaks in the distance.

"Hey! Bring back my underwear!" he says.

He was naked, had a black eye and only covering his bottoms with his ripped clothes.

It was Missionary.

Faye blushed then immediately dashes.

She then punched Missionary and knocked him out.

Missionary slowly drops and his banana was blocked by a smiley face.

Faye then returns to Elise.

Elise blushed then asks.

"Why is he naked?" Elise asks.

She then looks around Faye.

She notices that there's an odd liquid on her legs so she points it.

"Look there" she says.

Faye notices it then immediately looks for something to wipe it with.

She then used Brockner's legs to wipe the odd liquid.

Faye then returns to Elise and speaks.

"Don't mind it" she says.

Elise then nods.

Faye starts to heal everyone and they're alright now.

Despite this, the two chooses to fall asleep.

Meanwhile, Gloriasse came and she was sweating.

"Where did you come from?" Faye approaches.

"I haven't seen you since I fought that Missionary guy" she adds.

Gloriasse then gulps.

Suddenly, she remembered was she actually did as she watched Faye do something with Missionary.

She then shakes her head and gets herself together.

"I was lost" she speaks.

She then goes closer to Elise and Faye and sits with them.