
Emilie Zola; A Fan-Fiction

Created in a lab experiment by Arnim Zola, Emilie joins S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra. She befriends Peggy Carter. Turns out Agent Carter isn't the only one in a sad romance, Emilie falls for another agent. How can an unaging nineteen year old work with a regular, aging twenty-one year old.

KaturaJenks · Lainnya
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17 Chs


In loving memory of my good friend Jaiden.

Dear Diary,

Oh no, oh no. My tears are wetting the page. I think I'm going to die. I can't even talk to Carter right now, I'm too sad. She kept trying to comfort me earlier, even giving me the day off. It all started yesterday, when Jaiden and I were working on the wedding.


"Hey!" A voice called, "Johnson. Stark wants you."

"Stark wants me?" Jaidn asked, "Howard Stark?"

"No the other one," The voice I realized was Agent Emmings said, "Yes, Howard Stark. He's in the technology division."

"Okay, thanks," Said Jaiden, "Don't want to get in trouble a week before my wedding."

"Yeah, yeah," Replied Emmimgs, "Just go."

Jaiden got up, Kissed my cheek, and left. Leaving me to finish the flowers.


Three Hours Later

Jaiden walked back into the lounge, and kissed my cheek again.

"Star just assigned me a mission," He said, "Carter tried to get him to change his mind, but to no avail. Alas, I will be going."

"No," I said, determined, "There has got to be some way to get him to change his mind."

"I tried everything," He said, "Even bought that pitiless man ice cream. It was all in vain."

"Alright," I said, "Let's face it. The man is as stubborn as an ox."

"For sure," Agreed a voice I took to be Peggy's.

"I've known him a lot longer than either of you," Peggy said, "I tried all his favorite things, but he is too stubborn for anyone else's good. I think he's determined to make everyone upset."


Now? This morning I got the news that Jaiden, my Jaiden, would not be returning here alive. I didn't even get to say goodbye. I can at least say goodbye to you though.

Love from,