
Chapter Thirteen

"Ken! Marshall! Uther!!" Sandra called out while walking to her car.

"Yes Sandra" the trio answered, walking hurriedly to her.

She stopped walking and they stopped too, then she turned and screamed at them "what are you guys waiting for, find yourself in the car, stupid!" She walked into her car and so did the others.

There is a convoy of three black Lexus 350 and a GLK Jeep. Sandra and two of her men occupied one of the Jeep, five men including the driver occupied the Jeep driving at the forefront, Ken and his friends with other two men occupied the Jeep driving behind Sandra's as they drove to the location where they are to aid Rukky.

In the northern part of the nation, a desert rarely visited except the ones with no clean hands. It's the area covered by Jebblin, the leader of black boys. They are known for all kinds of evil and corrupt practices and as such nicknamed Dead Demons. Jebblin has in his possession the inheritance of Rukky, her father's gold and she is ready to retrieve all of it with her power and the help of division.

Jebblin entered his car in the court and suddenly there was a loud thundering sound from the car. The car damaged and caught fire all over as Jebblin managed to get out of the car,crawling on the field before his car finally exploded with two of his men inside. His phone rang and he took and heard his cousins' voice, Ben.

"Jebblin, where are you"

His voice rumbling on the phone "I am at the court, an explosive was planted in my car" Jebblin said

"There are Invaders Jebblin, what are we going to do?" Ben asked shakened.

Jebblin laughed out "kill them all!" He commanded.

Just when the call ended,he slightly missed a bullet shot from behind him and as he turned to see who was shooting another bullet struck him at his shoulder he groaned, rushing over to the truck beside him and hid there while he shot back. The gunshots continued for a while, Jebblin managed to get inside the building.

Rukky and her girls are taking their revenge, they fought with He Jebblin's men and killed them ruthlessly. The division, at the other end, was also fighting and shooting. Sandra had her own business in mind which she was busy with, she saw Ken fighting with three of Jebblin's men and they were beating him, one of them rushed to pick a gun from the floor and was about pulling the trigger on Ken

"Noooooo!" Ken screamed, waving his hand at the man so he wouldn't shoot, suddenly the man pointed the gun at himself and shot. His colleagues were surprised and accused Ken of killing their friend so they continued beating him, one of them picked an iron rod to hit Ken but Ken held the Iron, he was invincible. The two men were surprised how the weak boy suddenly became strong. Ken stood up and struck both men with the iron and they died immediately. Sandra was very amazed, she seemed to have found what she was looking for and walked to him.

"That's it" she said "that's all I wanted from you". Ken looked at her, his eyes were not in their original colours.

"Oh my God! Those eyes… the red flames! So you are the power all this while" she smiled and tried to touch his face but Ken avoided her.

"Don't you lay your hands on me" his voice roared. Uther and Marshall rush in and are afraid of what they saw as they attempt to go back but Ken stopped them.

"I'm okay don't run" his voice roars as his flamed eyes are fixed at his friends who almost pee on their pants.

"Ken what the hell happened to you? Uther asked

"I… I don't know" pointing at the three corpse on the floor "these three men were hitting me and everything happened so fast that before I knew what was happening the three men were lying on the floor dead" he sighed deeply "I have never had this surge of strength since I was born" he rested on a pillar behind him.

"Oh… my… God… Ken you are a genius" Marshall pats his shoulder.

"Come on guys, we still got work to do '' Sandra reminded them "I need you all to stay focused because this is a very dangerous place and we need to accomplish what we are here for" she said.

"But Sandra, what are we actually looking for?" Marshall asked

"Gold" she replied

"You all should know we are on the look for gold and also the leader of the black boys, if any of you meets him before I do, make sure to injure him before you capture him;though I know it won't be easy" she said

"Okay Sandra" the trio responded and Sandra left them to do their duty.

Jebblin was walking to the dark room where the gold is kept. His left hand covering the wound he incurred during the blast and the other holding a gun. He stopped walking as he heard hand clapping and looked to the direction where the sound was coming from pointing the gun to her.

"Jebblin,Jebblin,Jebblin who would know I will ever see you again" Rukky continued clapping.

Jebblin smiled "Rukky of course I never knew you will have the guts to come here despite the little lame group you manage to organize" he laughed "how do you do my old friend?" He asked

"I'm very fine but I can't say the same for you" she smiled.

"Rukky, Rukky, Rukky I knew I made a mistake allowing you to live until now but I refused to correct the mistake because you are useless" his tone spoiled with hatred.

"Well, Jebblin is too late. Your mistake is now your nightmare" she said confidently

Jebblin laughed loudly "you can never be a nightmare to me, little brat" he shot at her but Rukky missed the bullet and hid herself, so did Jebblin.

"Jebblin you never knew what I had in plan for you" she said laughing. Jebblin pulled the trigger again which she missed too.

She laughed out even more "I'm no longer the little girl you used to know" she said still laughing.

— — —

Ken walking by the walkway heard two of Jebblin's men talking about the dark room as they walked to a direction that seemed to be the location of the dark room, a young lady ran out of her hiding and attacked them. Ken recognized her to be a white sheep but he knew he met her somewhere else but can't remember where. She fought very well and killed the two men,searched them and took their phone, following the direction of the phone till she got to the dark room door. There, she called her sisters to come over and also called her master,Rukky, to find the gold. Ken, who secretly followed her, also called Sandra and told her the location of the gold. Ken entering the room is amazed, he has not seen anything like it before.