
Chapter Fourteen

Sandra came to the black room to see Rukkys girls packing the gold into their bags and Ken just sitting at a corner with a fixed glance on one of the girls.

"What are you doing?" She asked, her steps slow as she walked to them.

"Rukky asked us to pack the gold, every one of it" Karen answered

"Mmmm" Sandra smirked nodding her head as she walked to the corner where Ken sat

"Give me a call when they've loaded the gold into their truck" she whispered to Ken and left the room. Karen looked at Ken, she knew she couldn't trust him so she continued her work.

_ _ _

Rukky and Jebblin are fighting after they are both out of bullets. Jebblin was winning and Rukky felt terrible that she couldn't beat Jebblin but she refused to escape because she wanted to see the end of everything and to make time for her girls to pack the gold. Jebblin continued throwing punches at Rukky who is now bleeding from her nose and mouth, he grabbed her and threw her from one side of the room to another as she hit different objects, luckily, there wasn't any sharp object that could pierce through her even though she was terribly injured.

"Rukky, you have few gangs, have a leverage of drugs and a few connections, so you feel you can destroy me?" He asked as he squatted looking at her.

Rukky could barely stand so she laid on the floor as Jebblin talked.

"Jebblin I will destroy you!" She said

"How? On the floor?" Jebblin mocked her.

He threw her again to a different corner of the room as she coughed out blood.

"Jebblin even if you succeed in killing me, there are others who sought to kill you so definitely your days are numbered" she said.

"Hahahaha" Jebblin laughed loudly and continued "I'll kill you first and wait for them to destroy them the way I did to you". He said walking to the direction where his gun was, he picked it and took a bullet from his back pocket.

"Lucky you!" He said with a smirk on his face "this will do" he placed the bullet appropriately on the gun and pointed it at Rukky who was helpless on the floor.

"Rukky I really want to appreciate you for bringing yourself to me because without you coming here, I wouldn't have killed you now but here you are, making everything so easy for me. You did this to yourself by coming to the Lions den–" he quits speaking as he realizes she was a distraction.

Rukky laughed out "the gold is not there anymore all thanks to you"

Jebblin pissed and could burst in a moment pulling the trigger at Rukkys' head when a gunshot was heard and he laid on Rukky with blood gushing out of his head. Rukky looked at Jebblin who was on her body and to the direction where the shot came from to see Sandra who urged her to help herself as she left the room. Rukky pushed Jebblin's body off her and managed to walk out of the room.

– – –

Rukkys girls are at the van with the gold waiting for their boss to join them but Sandra comes out instead.

"Alright girls game is over step down" she ordered but the girls didn't mind her.

"Didn't you hear me?" Sandra asked

Karen replied to her "we only take orders from our boss and beside why should we step down" she asked.

"Wow, is that so?" She smiled and murmured "I bet this will be fun"

She called out to Ken who was sleeping in the Jeep. Ken woke and walked to her "Sandra" he called as he got closer, looking at her.

"Where's your gun?" She asked and Ken gave her the gun. She took the gun and shot at Karen who dropped to the ground as others exclaimed shooting back at Sandra and Ken. Ken ran back to the building while Sandra hid as she shot back, she was already counting three of Rukkys girls down. Ken could not place his head on what is happening but he knew Sandra was up to no good and wished he could stop her, he thought of Karen and wondered if she really died.

_ _ _

Rukky hearing the gunshots sought to look for where it was from. She knew none of Jebblin's men was alive and Jebblin himself was dead. Her mind went to Sandra but she was once her friend although she could not trust Sandra and she knew Sandra did not also trust her, she figured that someone might be wanting to kill her and used Sandra.

She remembered the drug dealer, Mr Jeff. He was her first drug buyer in bulk and one day she was going to give him drugs and she witnessed him shooting a man down the sea. She pretended not to see anything and delivered her goods. Later on, she found out that the man shot into the sea was the governor's son. Somehow during investigation they managed to find out that she was present during the killing and they used her to prove that Jeff was the killer and also brought another murder case that he was involved in, she was also used as a witness against Jeff and finally, Jeff was sentenced to life imprisonment in jail.

Recently, she heard Jeff managed to escape and he's on the run. She knew Jeff would want her head and this was his doing colliding with Sandra. This was a trap for her. She thought of how she could escape them and instead of going to meet Sandra and her group she left for the route at the back of the house where Jebblin used but unfortunately, Jeff and his men were already there waiting for her. She tried running back inside but was shot on her both legs.

Jeff walked to her "long time no see" he said smiling "you know, next time learn how to play your game well" he left her, walking to his car but halted "anyways, it's nice meeting you again" he smirked and got into his car while his men tied Rukky and carried her to the trunk of their Jeep where she is dumped as they drove of.

_ _ _

"Sandra why did you do this?" Ken asked

"The world is all about alliances and you should get into the car". She entered her Jeep and the rest entered theirs also as they drove out of the desert with the van of gold.