

his name z***, the only fated lightning warrior destined to rid humanity of the dangers of the elementals

ADEX2497 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


(A/N:Hey guys I know I made it sound like some old time stuff but it really isn't just imagine a small city 'as lightning kingdom' but they are still having their own kind of you know culture, short buildings good cars but still emperor, king and all those stuff)

AAAAAAAAH!!!, The boys all screamed as they were about to crash into a black car that was coming their way but surprisingly the car stopped causing the boys to go tumbling on the road when they wanted to activate their own brake (LEGS)

*groan* Zack I swear you are so giving me a piggy back when we are going home Tim said as he rubbed his head feeling pain. hehe sorry guys you know how I am when you talk about Elizabeth, yeah yeah wait where is Sam?. I think he went to apologize, "I'm very sorry you almost got into an accident" Sam said while bowing his head to the car Infront.

The car had tainted glass so Sam couldn't see who was inside but his mind told him it was very important, *clack* the sound of the car door opening "OMG Sam are you guys okay I was having a phone call with my dad and I couldn't hang up also I didn't want him to hear me opening the door.

"hey hey hey hey" "what what what"

see it's Elizabeth with Sam, you better go now before he snatches her. hmm your right no one knows what Sam is always thinking, Zack walks over to Sam and Elizabeth with a smirk on his face but he immediately took it away when he noticed it.

hey Elizabeth I'm really sorry we almost bumped into you. "...".

so Sam I guess I'll see you in school, bye.

Elizabeth said as she waved particularly to Sam as she completely ignored Zack and walked towards school.


"....."hum sorry man I didn't know she was gonna shut you down like that, tim said sadly.

I thought you guys said that she asked of me?. well here's what really happened

(EARLIER THIS MORNING) how hey, guys hey Sam so glad that Zack guy isn't here I don't like him at all , what happened did he die or something? well no hehehe Tim answered awkwardly (PRESENT TIME)

WHAT!!! Zack yelled as he heard exactly what happened. "you should have told me she asked that way so that I wouldn't have embarrassed myself in front of her!!.

sorry I just thought that maybe you'll have a chance to you know catch her off guard,look i just wanted you to have some hope okay?".

*GAWN* *GAWN* *GAWN* The school bell rang as all the students were in their classes.

In class 1c where Zack,Tim,Sam and Elizabeth were all assigned to we see Tim already making friends while some were from the same school so they had a lot of things to talk about, Sam was sitting reading his book, Zack at the centre no one to talk to well not like he needed one since all he looked at was Elizabeth who was at the front row also reading but then she sneaked a peek at Sam before facing her book again and she does this every 5 seconds


"What the why is she looking at Sam" (Zack finally noticed like at the tenth time) "wait does she like Sam? *sigh* well who cares she is so beautiful her long purple hair her sharp green eyes her medium boobs errrr *cough* i mean its like she is a goddesses or something, is she?

hey I hope I made it dramalized enough?, yeah yeah I know that's not a word but you know what I mean

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