
53: Become Stronger


"So, what do you think? I'll pick you up?" a raven-haired teen asked Jiyoung.

"Yes... I will see you tomorrow, Shinji," she responded, holding a frozen rose.

"Great! See you then." he said, approaching the door, but adding with a cheeky smile, "Oh, that melts in... 3 hours."

After Shinji left, Jiyoung sat on her chair, staring at the frozen rose with her cheeks slowly turning red. But, she shook her head, composing herself as a man in a green suit entered the room.

"Chairwoman? What was Shinji Lee doing here?" he asked curiously, noticing her red cheeks.

"Nothing, Inhyuk. He just showed me his newly-created... Force Control." she replied, looking at the man.

"Oh? Did the Union Head create it?" he asked, taking a seat.

She shook her head, saying, "No... He created it.", which made Inhyuk giggle.

"I didn't know you made jokes, Chairwoman." he asked with a smile, but after noticing her serious face, he chuckled nervously, telling her, "You're... telling the truth?"

"Yes. It's unbelievable, isn't it?"

He slumped down, muttering, "Of course!... Sigh, that kid just keeps pulling surprises out of surprises..."

After exhaling, Inhyuk straightened his back, and said in a serious tone, "Anyway, I'm here to give yesterday's daily reports, Chairwoman."


A raven-haired teen scratched his ear, thinking, 'Is somebody talking about me? Heh, must be those fuckers back in the Academy. They must be missing me so much~.'

As he sped through the streets, he spoke to himself, "Should I go back now? I've done everything I wanted to do... Well, I still need to recreate Jiyoung's Force Control, but after that, that's it."

His mind reminisced the past, thinking about how far he had come. Seducing students so that he could recreate their Force Controls... Having a seizure from using said Force Controls.

He couldn't help but smile, as he thought about the friends he had created. However, that smile quickly disappeared when he remembered what happened to this country's previous Top Rankers.

"No. Sigh, I'm being stupid. I haven't done everything I wanted to do. I'm still weak as fuck, compared to the World Rankers."

'I may be the Strongest Student in WAA, but in the real world, I'm at the very bottom.' he said silently.

He may have beaten International Criminals, but they were merely child traffickers and such. From what he has heard, they were cannon fodders compared to others, those in Secret Organizations.

"Fucking hell, man. I still need to become stronger. At least almost as strong as Kayden Break..." Shinji complained.

After a few moments, he sighed.

"But, I need to take a break from time to time."

"Alright then. After recreating Jiyoung's Force Control, I'm going to take a break and spend time with Jiyoung or something. Hell, I could even go with Seongha to Korea's Awakened Academy." he decided with a content smile, but his face immediately turned serious as he continued,

"But after that, it's time to go back to training extremely."


Reaching his mansion, the teen immediately got to work. He first fed Thaddeus and Scotus, but after that, he went to his Experimentation Room and started recreating Jiyoung's Force Control.

He sat on the floor, closing his eyes while doing so.

He let his energy run freely inside his body, only guiding it whenever it was needed, fully imitating Jiyoung's Force Control.


He spent thirty minutes or so, repeatedly doing it. He then opened his eyes, his mouth raised to a grin.

Even though the room he was in was closed, his hair still blew upwards due to the wind. He held out his palm and the air started becoming visible as it swirled into a tornado.

"Hmm... Let's see..." he voiced out, starting to float.

His clothes flowed freely as he was flying wonkily, and he couldn't hide his happy smirk. He could "fly" with his Gyrokinesis, however, it was very restricting. With this, he could do more flexible movements with minimal stamina consumption!

"Kukuku." he laugh mischievously as a thought came to mind.

He could do... indecent things to women who wore skirts, walking on the streets. But before it could escalate into more... improper thoughts, he shook his head, trying to shake away the indecent thoughts.

'That would be being unfaithful to my dear Jiyoung.' he thought proudly, even though they have only gone on one date.

'Well, technically, the Cinema was our second date.'

'And... tomorrow will be our third date!' he shouted inwardly.


What did you think about the chapter?

Also, I have an idea for another Fanfic... I'd like your guys' opinion on it.

It's based on the MCU, and instead of Reincarnation, it's going to be an SI. The Main Character is going to, basically, be Quentin Quire. He's an Omega-Level Telepath in the comics.

Of course, since the mutants haven't been introduced in the MCU yet, he's going to obtain his powers through the same experimentation that MCU Wanda and MCU Pietro went through. (Wanda was shown to have Weak Probability Manipulation as a child. Quentin will be the same case.)

He's going to be an Anti-Hero of some sort...

I don't know if I could pull off the story, though. But still, I'm open to your guys' suggestions!

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