
Elden Ring Decks within Yu-Gi-Oh!

Transmigrated After completing the Elden ring DLC he's Dropped within Battle City With the power to make a unique Deck for the time especially when Miquella the kind Yells in his ear.

Drogan · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

chapter 15 let see if this works.

Exiting the café without paying like a Balla I pick a random directionally away from where I came from and start walking.

With my luck I find the road ahead is blocked due to just a ton of duels blocking all forms of foot traffic.

I could try and wait for them to finish but I watch as their all playing like snails coated in molasses.

Screaming their heads off while unga bunga beat sticking each other for little to no advantage.

Since I see no reason to wait I find an dark and foreboding alley way and think I'll just go around them.

That was 3 hours ago and now I'm lost in the alleyways. . .

Knowing that there isn't anyone around me I do what any frustrated and annoyed adult would do, scream into the void.

"Fuck dis shit, fuck these maze like alleyways, fuck you, fuck your cow. Fuck dis shit I'm using magic to fix this."

Do you know how hard it is to navigate a metropolitan city with no map or idea about its layout.

Sighing at my idiotic for taking three hours to try this. I channel Miquella's mind rune and the Space rune to say fuck normal-sight give me a top down view to get me out of here.

The new view gives me a new perspective on the problem and vertigo, very severe vertigo.

Luck I don't have a fear of heights.

Seeing the layout of the alleyways makes it easier but I still hate the maze, its so prolific that I swear just this section of city is a mile square of just alleyways with no main roads, its make no sense for a modern city to have something like this.

I do find a section of the alleyways bustling with life but it also seems to be on fire so I'll avoid that.

Though the maze that I progress though, my new perspective catches something.

I'm Being followed.

I don't recognise them but their wearing a black robes so I have to guess their a relic hunter, Fuck.

But coming up with a plan I have an idea since it seems their coming for me, I'll set up an ambush.

This new perspective is super useful as in one of alleyways I find what seems to be a small patch of green hidden behind all the buildings, upon better inspection it seems that the lot houses a crumbling old church like structure.

Finding it the best place I go towards it while being stalked.

Once I reach the church I find that the lot is fenced off with a rusty iron fence that I feel getting tetanus from just looking at it, but the gateway is wide open, I mean that literally since the gate is on the floor with rusted though hinges.

I lightly sidestep the gate and approach the church while also retrieving my normal line of sight, doing this I see a sign on the lawn nearly invisible from above saying the church is a world heritage site but my eyes also find the litter and trash around as well as the graffiti on the church walls.

Shrugging I just walk in and make my way to the altar which is actually illuminated by a Ray of sunlight though a cracked stain glass window, once there I turn around and look at the entrance where I can sense the hunter.

"You can come out now. I promise to not harm you unless needed."

My words make a figure flinch in the shadows and out walks the figure in robes, with a flare of drama the figure removes their hood to reveal a blue eyed goth chick with enough metal jewellery on her face to set off a metal detector.

To be honest I was expecting some creepy dude but she's around the 7 mark, recollecting myself I continue to speak.

"Why don't you step into the light and greet me properly miss since if I recall stalking someone is quite rude."

She gets closer and reaches the edge of the light, this makes her more visible before speaking.

"There's no need to give my name but you can refer to me as G, my master is very interested in you."

I simply smile nonchalantly at her and say. "Well that's a given when I'm such an interesting person, but it depends on what make him interest in me?"

I start flexing my arms which have little to no muscles on them before continuing.

"Is it my rugged good looks, my unsurpassed intellectual, my unmatched skill at the children card game that underpins the economy, or maybe that my spiritual density could crush him like a fly if he tried and found out."

My full speech just catches her stunned, I just smirk.

"Since you didn't share your full name you can call me Dro"

Regaining her position she just sighs before speaking, "my master want you to join the Relic hunters, but with your words I assume your not going to."

"Yup" I respond with a smirk.

"This is stupid but I can give you my Kaiba tournament card if you just make a deal to not interfere with my bosses plans."

Hearing the deal I was momentarily stunned at the shrewdness of the rare hunter but knowing its more than likely I would have to break that deal and with millennium items involved deals are binding, like with what I did with Ishizu.

"Sorry but no deal, I have a rule to not fuck myself over later down the line, I broke that rule once and still have the three very long scars from it, figuratively."

Again G seems dejected and with a voice full of exasperation she says "This situation is so stupid."

"How so?"

She looks at me and I see in her eyes desperation.

"My boss has gone full off the deep end and thinks if he can't recruit you I could beat you and make you submit, he didn't feel the sheer creepiness of your winged monster or the intimidation your armoured titan produced on the field against Ishizu."

"I completely understand, those two don't practice the art of subtlety, also let me guess your organisation has a no failure alive policy."

She just nods.

"Thought as much, just to tell you something, if your boss is as paranoid as I guess he is he would a possessed you by now but funnily enough he can't get close since when we entered the church I made a perspective barrier down it seems he can't find you to puppet."

My words cause the woman to collapse the ground and start bawling her eyes out in relief.

I just stand there and let her collect herself.

Once she's back up I can see her expression is better, she says simply two words, "fuck Marik!"

"Yup fuck em, its stupid how this whole scenario is because he has daddy issues and a sense of entitlement that could be compared to a toddler, wanting a toy they aren't meant to touch."

My words cause a weary smile to grace her lips, "is that it ? really? its just that he's a brat."

she gains traction and energy with every word.

"He turned my brother into a puppet and has brainwashed most of us into his minions because he's a BRAT!"

Her words stop for a second as she realises something.

"Wait I remember the brainwashing, I remember my head getting changed but why can I remember and don't feel it."

As she looks at me she sees me behind the altar resting on my elbows cradling my chin with a smirk still ever present.

"The perception barrier is blocking the connection to the Millennium rod as I said, that's what caused the brainwashing in the first place, your in the spiritual equivalent to a dead spot with no signal, which is ironic since we are standing in a defunct church."

The joke makes her smile widen, but she's silent since she's revelling in her freedom.

"That being said the moment the barrier fades its full bars again." I cut the winds to her sail as the words ring out.

The moment makes her smile crack, she steps into the light revealing her dark auburn hair in a long pixie cut style and with a streak of blonde hair swept to the side.

"Help me please."

"I don't mind but a full introduction would be appreciated." I wave my hand as a show of willing to help

My words fix her smile and she speak with less fear in her fate. "You may call me Guinevere."

I respond with "you may call me Drogan, now let's fix that pesky brain of yours."

I walk towards here and raise my hand up which glows with Miquella's Great rune of the mind.

She stands passive interested more in the rune that the magic shit I'm doing.

Using the rune I can feel something akin to a branding iron was used to imprint the Millennium eye symbol on her mind, I use the great rune to just remove the brand but its not a simple process and this is essentially magical brain surgery.

To make it simple, I fuck up the surgery.

Outside I can hear Guinevere screaming bloody murder while I was doing the process.

Once I'm done I can see the damage I caused her. . . Its not too bad if you think about it.

She gets up quickly since my fuck up was mainly just pain not anything physical, spiritually though its questionable since when she looks at me she can now see the imposing spiritual figures of the Demi-Gods standing around the room with Miquella standing next to me yelling in my ear for the last few minuets I was doing the surgery.

I just ignore the demi-god and smile at Guinevere, "well it seems you can now see duel spirits dear, congrats."