
Elamenta: The Lost City of Rieti.

"Elamenta: The Lost City of Rieti" unveils a realm where elemental kingdoms flourish, and a forgotten city, Rieti, holds extraordinary powers. Sira uncovers her lineage's secrets and seeks vengeance, igniting a quest against prejudice and injustice. As she battles adversaries and uncovers hidden truths, Sira's journey sparks change in a world where magic and unity hang in the balance.

_asalahh · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter Seven.

The crystal lamps lining the walls flickered, casting their blue glow that danced with shadows along the corridors.

A group of wardens walked past, each struggling under the weights of crates and boxes they carried. Pa Chu and Zev, aware of the risks of encountering a patrolling warden, hid around the corner. Zev stared at the old man's collar. "How did you manage to create such chaos with that collar around your neck?"

Pa Chu responded with his usual smile, his gaze locked on the distant door, "I'll tell you everything in due time. For now, we need to get in there and do what we have to do."

Though Zev was skeptical, he chose to stay silent. Pa Chu did something to the collar, and he didn't want to reveal what he had done. Zev disliked being kept in the dark, but he couldn't risk getting caught and thrown back into the cell again.

He just needed to get out of here. It was important that he leave here. Zev didn't fully comprehend Pa Chu's motives or the extent of the risks he took to help him escape. He needed answers but he'd hold his tongue until he knew the truth. Soon after, the coast was clear.

They emerged from their hiding spot and moved cautiously toward the entrance. Pa Chu placed his palm against the wall and closed his eyes. He leaned in, pressing his ear against the cool surface, listening intently. Zev watched in silence.

Pa Chu finally spoke, his voice a whisper, "There aren't many wardens in there. We might be able to slip past them unnoticed."

Zev nodded, his voice low. "Most of the wardens are occupied upstairs dealing with the aftermath of the quakes you caused."

With his ear no longer against the wall, Pa Chu opened his eyes. "There's an empty office a few rooms ahead. I can create a portal to take us there, but it will take me a while."

A portal? Zev was aware of Pa Chu's abilities as an earth elemental, but this newfound insight into enchantments piqued his curiosity.

The fact that he had access to his elemental magic and enchantments made Zev realize there was more to Pa Chu than met the eye. It seemed logical. It would explain the quakes and everything that had happened until now.

"How long do you need?" asked Zev.

Pa Chu met Zev's gaze. "Three minutes." Three minutes. A lot could happen in three minutes.

The wardens could return at any moment, leaving Zev to confront them without his magic. He nodded grimly, well aware of the disadvantage but he didn't mind. He figured he could hold his own for three minutes against a couple of wardens. Pa Chu raised a finger and began tracing glowing symbols on the wall. Zev followed his every move, watching as the symbols intensified in their brilliance.

Then, the unmistakeable sound of approaching footsteps reached Zev's ears. He turned, listening closely, realizing it hadn't been three minutes yet. He braced himself to confront them. Around the corner, a warden with blonde hair emerged, heading straight toward them. She came to an abrupt halt upon locking eyes with Zev.

"What the..." She muttered, pulling out her crystal-powered gun and aimed directly at them. "...you!"

Pa Chu turned to the woman, extending a friendly wave and a warm smile. "Hi, Linda."

Linda briefly glanced at Pa Chu, her confusion evident. "Pa Chu?"

As the old man continued inscribing more symbols, Zev carefully scrutinized Linda. It was clear she was human. Despite his reluctance to engage in combat with a woman, he knew he needed to buy some time.

Linda tapped the side of her gun, causing the barrel to emit a green glow. She aimed it at Zev. "Stand over there. Put your hands up!" Linda growled.

Zev couldn't help but grin. "Can't do that."

Linda kept her weapon trained on Zev. "Why not?"

Zev gestured toward Pa Chu. "We're kinda busy," he remarked. "And these collars? It's pretty clear they don't hold us anymore. Do you honestly think a human can take on two elementals?"

Linda's face flushed red with anger. Zev pressed on, "You might want to consider lowering that gun."

Linda shifted her aim towards the ground near his feet and pulled the trigger. A green blast erupted, carving a small crater right in front of him.

The warden glared at him. "Your heart's next," she snarled, tapping the side of her gun again and directing it toward his chest. Zev sighed in annoyance. What a hassle. Finally, Pa Chu completed his spell, and a shimmering portal materialized on the wall.

About time! Pa Chu leaped through the opening, urgently calling for Zev. "Come on, buddy!" Zev took one last glance at Linda before leaping into the portal.

Pa Chu landed with a thump on the hard floor. Zev crashed through the portal, landing on his butt, but he swiftly stood up. "Are you alright?!" He reached out a hand to assist Pa Chu, who took it and got to his feet. The old man dusted off his clothes and grinned. "Haha. That was fun."

Zev surveyed the room, it wasn't large. There was a wooden desk against one wall. It was messy, piled with parchment, quills, ink pots, an inkwell, and blank pages. On the desk rested a communication transmitter, a hexagonal fluorite with colorless facets and illuminated edges. Transmitters are activated through touch and thought. Pa Chu grabbed the transmitter from the desk and tossed it to Zev. "Hold onto that while we find the key." he said.

Zev caught it effortlessly. "Where do you think they hid the key?" he asked.

Pa Chu shrugged, "Maybe there's a hidden compartment under the desk or something. We'll have to check to be sure."

Just as Zev suspected, Pa Chu had no idea where the key might be. Zev stowed the transmitter in his pocket. As long as they stuck together, their chances of escaping looked promising. He searched the desk while Pa Chu rummaged through a nearby trunk.

Linda burst through the entrance of the quarters and glanced around.

"Hey you." She called a junior warden. "Get me a transmitter."

The young warden rushed to the closest cabinet, grabbed a transmitter and handed it to her.

She tapped the top of the transmitter and spoke loudly into it, "Attention, all available wardens. This is Chief Warden Linda."

Zev's transmitter glowed around its edges. He took it out of his pocket and tapped it quickly. Linda's voice continued talking into the transmitter, "I repeat, this is Chief Warden Linda speaking. I've just spotted Pa Chu and another prisoner attempting to escape. Their collars are no longer working, so they have access to their magic." Zev and Pa Chu looked at each other. Chief Warden Linda continued. "I need all available wardens to mobilize immediately and secure the area. Activate the sightstones and monitors. Do not underestimate their abilities. If they escape, you cannot stop them. If they're captured, bring them to me immediately. If you encounter any resistance, shoot first and ask questions later."

Zev and Pa Chu looked at each other again. It seemed like they were in for a tough night.


Alarms blared throughout Crystal Pit, echoing off the cold walls. Chief Warden Linda's sharp commands pierced the chaos as she directed her subordinates to scour every nook in the quarters. After a quick check of a couple of offices, she strode out of the corridor.

Meanwhile, Zev and Pa Chu completed their thorough search of the office. Their mission: find the key that opens the entrance to the ground floor. But they found no key and they were stuck. Disappointed, they turned to face each other.

"Now what?" Zev questioned, frustrated.

Pa Chu, his eyes scanning the surroundings, responded calmly. "We must proceed with caution."

"And we'll need a sightstone monitor," Pa Chu added. "It's like a transmitter but rectangular."

This wasn't good. Everything seemed against them. But Zev never expected it to be a walk in the park. Pa Chu leaned against the wall, his ears attuned to the sounds around them. After what felt like eternity, he removed his hands from the wall.

"It seems there are no vacant rooms nearby," Pa Chu began. "My enchantments have weakened over time so they only work over short distances now."

"So, attempting to create a portal out of Crystal Pit won't work," Zev concluded with a hint of disappointment.

"To avoid drawing attention, we should reserve our elemental magic as a last resort in dire situations." Pa Chu added.

Zev agreed. "We must make our escape quickly before the wardens catch up." He urged.

Zev gripped his collar. "Don't you think it's about time you helped me with this?"

Pa Chu laughed. "I didn't think you'd need magic to handle the wardens."

Zev's frustration bubbled. "They're armed human wardes and elemental wardens. They've got the upper hand here," he retorted.

"Alright, alright," Pa Chu conceded with a grin.

Stepping closer, the elderly man placed his palms on either side of the collar. A soft, white glow emanated from it,, and Pa Chu's lips moved in deep concentration. As the light dimmed, the collar cracked and gently slid off Zev's neck. Pa Chu removed his own collar, rubbing his neck with relief. Zev stared at the broken shards and picked one up, intrigued.

"An enchanter, huh?." Zev mused as he inspected the fragment.

Pa Chu's chest puffed with pride. "Indeed, my father was skilled in the art of enchantments. I wasn't initially interested, but he insisted i learn at least the basics."

"Now, you're putting that discarded knowledge to good use." Zev held his palm open and let the piece fall between his fingers.

"But for now.." He glanced towards the door. "Let's get out of here." Zev clenched his fists, infusing them with his aura.

Two wardens stood at the door. One held a transmitter, the other gripped a crystal-powered gun. Linda's voice crackled through the transmitter. "Have all the offices been checked?" The first warden shook his head.

"No, but we are on it," he replied.

Chief Warden Linda ordered, "Ensure those prisoners stay locked up in this floor. Got it?"

"Roger, Chief." both men replied, waiting for Linda's acknowledgement. Instead, they received only silence, dead air. They exchanged a concerned look and then nodded. The warden with the gun tightened his grip on the door handle.

He slowly pushed the door open and found himself face to face with Pa Chu, whose eyes glowed a striking green hue. "Welcome!" He greeted with a grin. He raised a finger and shot a rock straight into the warden's stomach. The warden's body thudded against the wall, crumpling to the ground.

The second warden watched in shock as Zev rushed forward and tackled him, rendering him unconscious. They dragged the wardens into the room and shut the door behind them. Pa Chu had an idea.

"Let's disguise ourselves as wardens," he suggested. "Prisoners display red dots on the monitor, while wardens display green ones. This way, we can avoid being spotted."

Zev agreed, and together, they stripped the unconscious wardens of their uniforms. Pa Chu adjusted his hat and then checked the warden's pockets. A smile crept onto his face. "Keys!" He turned to Zev, waving them in front of him. "Got 'em!"

Zev reached up to take the keys. He examined them closely but realized they were all small keys. In frustration, he dropped the keys on the floor. "Great. It's not here." He kicked the keys into a nearby corner.

"Hmm...." Pa Chu rubbed his chin in thought. "I have a feeling Linda has the key." Zev seached the second warden and discovered a small fluorite with a screen. He pulled it out of the warden's hand and inspected it.

Pa Chu took the device from Zev, trying to turn the screen on. "Looks like a sightstone monitor. Perfect."

"How is this going to help?" Zev inquired.

"Sightstones are all over Crystal Pit, even in these quarters," Pa Chu explained. "This monitor can help us find and avoid sightstones and wardens. We can also track down Linda with this thing."

Zev smiled. "You're right. It's just what we need." He glanced at the screen and pointed out a problem. "But it seems this monitor isn't activated."

"It isn't," Pa Chu admitted. "We need to link it to a sightstone surveillance device."

"Okay," Zev said, ready to face the next challenge. Pa Chu turned to him. "Ready?" Zev nodded in agreement.

They pushed open the door and entered the deserted corridor. Zev's eyes quickly scanned for a sightstone, he remembered it was a spherical black fluorite; only one stood within sight. "Look, there's one close by," Zev whispered, pointing.

"Let's move," Pa Chu replied.

Approaching the sightstone, they halted right in front of it. Pa Chu, with gloved hands, held the monitor close to the sightstone. They watched as it flashed red, the screen illuminating with green after four seconds. "It worked." Zev whispered.

Studying the viewscreen, which displayed the layout of the wardens' quarters. "Let's locate Linda." Pa Chu suggested and tapped the screen with his gloved finger. Live camera feeds from different quarter sections appeared. He scrolled along the feeds until he reached an entrance labeled "Control Room," where wardens vigilantly guarded the entrance. Zooming in, he saw Linda approaching.

Pa Chu urgently pointed at the screen. "There's Linda!"

Zev's eyes remained glued to the screen as he watched Linda approach the wardens. Pa Chu switched to audio, and they overheard Linda's command, "Call three more wardens from the main infirmary to join you here." The two wardens nodded, allowing Linda to enter the room. Pa Chu carefully lowered the monitor. "Alright," he whispered, "let's go." He motioned for Zev to follow him and they took a left turn.

As they made their final corner, they came face-to-face with a warden stepping out of his office. Zev abruptly halted; the warden was heading straight towards them. Stuck in place, they watched the warden, who appeared to be searching for something---or someone. Then, he suddenly turned towards Zev and Pa Chu, giving them a cold stare.

Zev's heart raced; a shiver ran down his spine. The warden raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you supposed to be searching for the escaping prisoners?"

"Um...yeah," Zev stammered, anxiety mounting. This was bad. What should they do?

The warden continued to scrutinize them. "If you're doing such a fine job finding them, why haven't you?"

Pa Chu responded calmly, "Chief Warden Linda requested more manpower. We're en route from the main infirmary to the control room as per her orders, sir." he saluted.

The warden paused, studying Pa Chu more closely. Pa Chu lowered his head slightly. "Very well," the warden conceded, then turned to continue down the corridor.

Zev sighed deeply, feeling a wave of relief wash over him as the warden disappeared around the corner. That could have gone much worse.

Zev couldn't help but grin. "You did well, old man." He patted Pa Chu's shoulder.

Pa Chu chuckled softly. "Come on." he said. "We still have a few more turns before we reach the control room."

"Yes." Zev started walking again.

Pa Chu led the way, recounting his past. "Before they arrested me, I was just a neighborhood troublemaker, stirring up problems but nothing too serious. My daughter, Yona, was frail and couldn't fend for herself, so i took care of her," he explained, shrugging.

"So, they caught you, and here we are," Zev guessed.

Pa Chu nodded, his expression stern. "Once they discovered I had a knack for enchantments, they made an offer. If i crafted enchanted collars for them, they promised to wipe my slate clean and reunite me with my daughter, Yonamine." A faint chuckle escaped him. "But promises meant nothing to them."

Zev shot a sideways glance at Pa Chu, sensing the pain in his voice, as they rounded another corner. "They slapped that collar on me and tossed me into a cell. After a week, i was losing my mind, desperate to plan an escape. My thoughts were consumed with the idea of seeing my Yona again."

Pa Chu rubbed his neck awkwardly and continued, "My elemental magic was useless, and my enchantment skills faded with age."

Pausing, he took a deep breath, and halted abruptly at a T-junction. Zev turned to see their decision point, opting for the right path down a narrow corridor. "I tried various methods to break the enchantment, but my limited abilities made it a challenge."

Pa Chu sighed deeply. "After fourteen years, with what little power I had left, I finally figured how to remove the enchantment."

They strolled past several numbered doors, which Zev recognized as the wardens' rooms. "With the enchantment gone, I tried to escape again, but age had me weak. So, i began searching for a partner." Pa Chu shook his head in disappointment. "Most of the prisoners I approached were either cowards or weaklings. Despite their yearning for freedom, no one dared to make a move."

Zev noticed Pa Chu casting a glance towards the wardens' rooms. "And then you ended up in this hellhole."

As they reached a fork in the path, Pa Chu checked the monitor and gestured towards the left corner. "Taking that route leads to the control room," he informed Zev.

"Turning right will bring us to the door that leads to the ground floor." Zev nodded. They were almost there.

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