
Eine Andere Welt (Another World)

Reinhard Curt became an orphan since an accident that claimed the lives of both his parents. This Indo-German mixed boy became a quiet teenager, didn't want to talk and was suspected of being depressed by his uncle and aunt. It turns out that it's not just depression, but since awakening from a coma Rei can see something different. Many strange creatures seemed to live together in their environment. These colorful and very microscopic spider-like creatures he could see in almost anything. Jelly-like creatures are also sometimes attached to the shoulders, corners of the room, bathrooms and dark rooms. Besides that, the shining creatures that often gather in bright places, and seem to sing to the sound of the wind. Rei once told his aunt, but instead a doctor was sent for him. Since then, Rei prefers to be silent and because of his concern Aunt Laura sent him to his Grandma’s house in the village where her mother was born. Rei, who is a half-blood, finds it difficult to get along with friends and chooses to be alone and play in his grandmother's yard. A place where he saw a mysterious hole with same size of an ant's hole that could suck him into a world he had never imagined before. What will happen to Rei? Will he be able to return to his Grandmother's house? What adventures await him and what creatures can he find there? Let's see the story!

Mrs_O · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs


That day in Helike, Ewa Lani who had taken the Sky Dew Pill became helpless. Her energy was gone, her face was pale and completely motionless when Kiora and her subordinates caught hold of her.

"Tie them!" Kiora ordered the witches who were ready to capture Ewa Lani and Rei.

"Why Miss Kiora? Isn't Ewa Lani helping you a lot!" Rei said angrily.

"I see, but I've made my decision!" she said.

"Aren't we old friends, Kiora? Why would you prefer to ally with that cunning wizard? Unite Arasely? Under Floy's lead? It's like doomsday!" explained Ewa Lani.

"Yes, we are friends, but right now I prefer my people, we won't win against him! No reinforcements! the fact everyone is afraid of Floy, the only way to keep my people safe is to hand you over, I hope you understand!" she answered.

"You are evil Miss Kiora! Your selfishness and your people's decision will not make you any better by following that witch's wish!" Rei said loudly.

"What do you know brat! You want Ewa Lani to die silly? She will die if she chooses to fight! Our power is not equal! But if we hand over Ewa Lani, most likely Floy won't kill her!" Kiora explained.

"Okay, you can leave me to Floy, but if you still appreciate our friendship please let him go! he's not directly involved in all this mess!" said Ewa Lani.

"No! I'm coming with you, I don't want to be with the traitors!" Rei protested.

"Don't be stupid! You still have a lot of work to do! You can go back to Mount Carmella, or find your family, bring my whistle! Take Grif with you!" she explained.

Rei was silent, he still couldn't accept Ewa Lani's decision to sacrifice for him. Ewa Lani looked at Kiora, a gaze so deep that Kiora thought for a moment and finally made a decision.

"Fine I will free Rei, Floy doesn't want him either, but I won't accept him in Helike, I don't want him to trouble me someday!" she answered.

"Okay thank you!" said Ewa Lani.

"Quickly bring him to Iyork!" Kiora ordered her subordinate witch.

Several witches took Ewa Lani out, with Rei's bound body screaming at the sight of his friend being dragged away from his sight. Ewa Lani just smiled as she looked at Rei, the girl sacrificed herself for the safety of Rei and everyone else.

Once again Rei was furious, he couldn't save his friend, he couldn't even save himself. The magic carriage carrying Ewa Lani flies to Iyork, while Rei is taken by the witches to be locked up in his room.

Locked up in Rei's room unwilling to remain silent, he opened Ewa Lani's bag which contained many magical items including her whistle. Indeed Rei wasn't sure he could tame the big bird, but at least he would try later.

In addition, Rei was worried that Ewa Lani's magic items would be stolen, so he purposely hid two important ones, namely a snail whistle and a bag of hair color powder in his inner pocket. Kiora said she would kick Rei out of Helike, meaning that soon the witches would drag him out of the gate.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for his room to be opened, his remaining magic items were confiscated and Rei was taken out of the gate with only a few pieces of clothes he had brought with him.

Rei walked slowly, he didn't know which way he was going. So far, Rei has only followed Ewa Lani in Arasely. Now he must be able to be independent if he wants to survive. Rei racked his brains if Iyork was north of Helike, at least he walked in the opposite direction to save himself.

But since all the regions were implementing a strict defense system, he'd better go back to Mount Carmella and meet Ewa Lani's mother, Calestyn. The problem is Mount Carmela is very far away and Rei is still hesitating to summon Grif.

Rei walked quite a distance, there was no sign of life in the meadow he passed, the sun was quite hot and he felt thirsty. As far as the eye could see Rei only saw grass that looked like weeds and dry shrubs without fruit.

"Ah, dry meadow, why is there no river here!" he grumbled.

Rei opened his shirt pocket, this time he tried to call out to Grif, he blew the snail's whistle in a long puff that caused waves in the air.

"Kaaakkk...kaakkk!" the voice of the approaching Grif.

"Grif !" Rei waved towards the sky.

The bird didn't want to come down, it looked like Grif was looking for his master, circled above Rei then flew away. Rei sighed, the big bird didn't want to help him, he put Ewa Lani's whistle in his shirt pocket again, Rei walked back. Now Rei must learn to survive, learn to hunt for food and drink during his long journey to Mount Carmella.

It was getting late, Rei came to a dense forest, the problem was that the sky was cloudy, the moonlight could not be seen, and the forest with many large trees was very dark. He was hungry, and also very thirsty, being alone in the forest was a terrible experience.

Rei decided to sit in a clean place, he looked for broad leaves for the base, broke the tree branches, and covered them with leaves. Rei makes tents with natural raw materials. Rei looked for dry leaves, dry twigs, and wood. Rei started rubbing rocks, he wanted to make a fire.

It's not as easy as the survivor reality show he's ever seen. But considering that Ewa Lani is being held captive, it's not the time for him to be a spoiled brat. The boy kept trying, and after an hour he managed to make a big bonfire.

Rei's eyes began to adapt to the darkness, he didn't realize his eyes were glowing so red now. He saw the fruit on the tree and started climbing it. Picked up some and headed back down to his homemade tent. Finally that night Rei was able to eat, the fruits he picked contained a lot of water, so besides being full, his thirst was also quite curable.

In the woods alone it wasn't too bad he thought. It was just that he had to start worrying after a roar began to approach him. Rei went back up to the tree, probably in Arasely the animal would be more ferocious than the animal in his world. Rei's eyes began to examine the darkness.

"Grrrr..!" the sound of a beast's breath approaching.

Rei's eyes tried to scan the darkness, from two o'clock he saw the leaves move and a black tiger-like creature appeared. The beast had fiery blue eyes, and long fangs, and was three times bigger than the ordinary tiger.

The giant tiger can also see him, Rei climbs on a higher tree branch, he doesn't want the big tiger to reach him. Unfortunately, the giant tiger could climb, Rei immediately jumped to the ground and ran as fast as he could.

The big beast chased him, running very fast through all the shrubs. Rei didn't want to look back, all he had to do was run as fast as he could. Rei ran fast but the roots of a tree that crossed made him fall. Rei had to be prepared because the big beast was ready to pounce on him.

"Aaaaakkkkhhh....!" Rei's screams then disappeared into the night.