
All alone

A cold boot holding my face against the wet cobblestone road the feeling of my fingernails peeling off as I try to drag myself away from this hell before another boot crushes my hand with a red glow emanating from it.

A scream rent the air and was quickly silenced with a swift kick in the jaw thankfully not enhanced this time. "Why are you screaming, it's not like anyone would help someone like you, you're just a commoner who would waste there time on you."

God it's like he can't even hear the irony in that statement. A boy around the same age as me no older than 12 with bright orange hair and red eyes with a noble appearance a dress shirt tucked into some black dress pants with expensive looking boots and a red tailcoat, and of course his cronies with more average looking features but still quite obviously nobles all from house Phoenix, though he was from the main family Percy the creator of my hell.

I'm not sure why he does this to me, or why he would do this at all but this has been my life for the past two years. I can't even fight back if I tried his house is to powerful for a commoner to be messing with any of there members let alone the heir to there house. I really can't do anything.

The feeling of bones cracking resumes once more, of kicks to my abdomen or bugs being shoved in my mouth it goes on for hour after hour I'm a doll to these people something to be played with and tossed out. But I can't die cause if it's not me they'll just find another poor kid to make there plaything.

I feel tears stream down my face as I walk home as much as I could call a damp alleyway home anyway. Not like I could complain never had a home anyway at least I think so anything before 5 is blurry.

Just as my eyes begin to doze off and the adrenaline begins to lower every thing starts to hurt again a painful pulsing feeling in my hand starts and tears once again begin to flow down from my eyes.

Some one my age would usually have some sort of person to comfort them while they cry. Why do I have to live like this where are the parents I'm supposed to have sisters brothers uncles cousins where are they! "Why am I all alone."

As I muttered those words I felt something change I'm not sure what but something did.