

"Princess Theodora’s sheltered existence is shattered when she encounters Tristan, a man whose enigmatic presence ignites an undeniable attraction within her. Little does she know, Tristan harbors a secret that threatens to unravel their burgeoning love—he is the offspring of a formidable demon lord, sent to the human realm to orchestrate its downfall. As their relationship blossoms, Tristan is torn between his allegiance to his kin and his growing affection for Theodora. Tristan's choices will determine the fate of both worlds. Will he forsake his demonic heritage for the chance at love with Theodora, or will he succumb to his destiny and betray her? And even if they defy the odds, can their love endure the relentless onslaught of enemies determined to see them torn apart? Embark on a journey of passion and peril in this sweeping saga of love and betrayal, where the boundaries between light and darkness blur, and the fate of kingdoms hangs in the balance."

Bekky85Ray · Sejarah
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15 Chs



 In the palace, the sun gleams brightly, casting a false sense of warmth and safety over the kingdom. The palace buzzes with activity, the servants and courtiers moving about in a frenzy. The king paces the halls, his face contorted with fear and rage, as the servants and courtiers scurry to and fro the king summons his most trusted advisors, his voice a low growl.

''We must find these creatures'' he snarls. ''we must destroy it before it destroys us.''

As the king and his advisors plot their course of action, a frantic knocking shatters the silence. The chamber doors burst open, and a guard staggers in, his face pale and drawn, his uniform stained with blood.

''My Majesty,'' he gasps, '' we've found…. Another body''.

The king hearts seizes, a cold dread creeping through his veins. For the creature's rampage has only just begun, its hunger for blood insatiable.

The king advisors circle around him, their voices urgent as they lay out their plans for defending the palace from the creature's onslaught.

''We must reinforce the walls, your Majesty'', one advisor says, his hands clasped before him. ''And double the guard''.

''And what of the bodies of our fallen men?'' Another asks, his gaze searching the kings face for guidance.

''The bodies will be burned, '' the king declares his voice resolute. ''No one must know of this, not yet. We cannot allow panic to spread through the Kingdom.

The Advisors bow their heads in agreement, their minds already spinning with plans for keeping the creature's rampage a secret.

As the council meeting drew to a close, the king turned to his advisors with a steely gaze. 

'' We must proceed with cautions he declared his voice firm and resolute. ''The faith of the kingdom hangs in the balance, and we must prepare for whatever may come.

His Advisors nodded in agreement their faces grim with determination. They knew that the road ahead would be fraught with danger, but they were united in their resolve to protect their realm at all costs. The kingdom was on the brink of a new and perilous chapter.

In the moment of quiet contemplation, the king made a decision that would shape the fate of the kingdom. The king summoned the most revered shaman, an enigmatic figure known for his ancient wisdom and mystical connection to the spiritual realm.

The shaman arrived at the palace, his presence commanding a hushed reverence from all who beheld him. With a solemn grace that seemed to transcend time itself, he began the blessings of the gods and calling upon the spirits to the shield the palace from the encroaching darkness.

As the shaman's chants filled the air with a melodic hum and his hands moved in intricate patterns, as the chant grew louder, the candles flickering around the palace seemed to dance in time, casting eerie shadows on the walls. The king, his face stern and unyielding, watched the shaman with a calculating gaze. And then, in an instant, the chant ceased, the shamans' arms fell to his sides, and the palace was silent, save for the soft echoes of his final words, lingering like whispers in the darkness.

 A palpable sense of peace descended upon the palace. Through the shaman's ancient prayers, the palace was cleansed of any malevolent forces that dared to linger within its hallowed halls.

A sense of relief was washed over the king his heart lightened by the knowledge that he had taken the necessary steps to safeguard the palace and the citizens.

The shaman's final words faded into the silence, and he bowed low, his long white hair sweeping the floor. He straightened, his eyes gleaming with a knowing light, and he turned to the king.

''The ritual is complete, your Majesty'' he said his voice low and resonant. ''The spirits have spoken, and the path ahead is clear''.

The king nodded, his expression somber, and gestured to the shaman. ''Thank you, your counsel is invaluable''.

The shaman bowed again and turned to leave, his long robes rustling as he walked away. The palace guards, stationed at attention, watched him depart.

As the shaman departed, the palace doors burst open, and prince Lucian strode into the palace.

Lucian was resplendent in his formal attire, his black velvet cot adorned with gold embroidery, and his white shirt sparkling like freshly fallen snow. His dark hair was styled. The palace guards stationed at attention, couldn't help but straightened their shoulders, impressed by the princes' commanding presence.

In his hand, Lucian carried a beautifully crafted wooden box, adorned with intricate carvings and a delicate latch. The box emitted a subtle glow, hinting at the preciousness of its contents.

Theodora's eyes met Lucian and she felt a flutter in her chest, she couldn't deny the prince charisma.

 Lucian bowed low, his movement fluid and elegant. '' Your Majesty I was sent by my father to gift you this presence on the successful royal party.

Soon the Queen emerged from the shadows, her resplendent gown shimmered like the moon on a summer night. The delicate silk folds rustled softly, accompanied by the gentle tinkling of tiny bells sewn into the hem. A procession of maids, their faces serene and hands clasped together, followed in her wake, their elegant hanbok dresses a testament to the kingdom's finest weavers.

 The Queen's raven tresses cascaded down her back like a waterfall of night, adorned with an exquisite hairpin of pure silver and precious jade. The pins delicate filigree sparkled, casting tiny stars across the walls as she moved. Her eyes, bright as polished obsidian, shone with a quite authority, commanding attention from all who beheld her.

As she glided towards the throne, the maids parted like a river, their eyes cast down in the reverence. The Queen settled gracefully onto her throne, her gown rustling softly as she arranged her skirts around her. The maids fluttered around her, adjusting the folds of her dress and presenting her with a delicate, fan. With a gentle wave of her hand, she dismissed them, and they retreated to their positions behind the throne, their eyes cast down in reverence.

As the queen gaze fell upon Lucian, her expression softened and she smiled, her lips curving upward like a sunrise over the palace gardens.

'' prince she said her voice like music, I see you've brought a gift worthy of our kingdom's esteem''.

Lucian bowed deeply his eyes fixed on the queen's face. ''Your Majesty, he said his voice low and respectful, '' I hope to show my respect and admiration for your kingdom''.

The queen's gaze lingered on Lucian, and Theodora noticed a subtle softening in her mother's expression. She couldn't deny the flutter in her chest as Lucian smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

''Thank you, prince Lucian, I must say you've grown into a handsome young man. Am glad to see you've taken an interest in our kingdom's affairs '' and am sure you also came here to see Theodora, well can you both excuse I and the king, you and the princess can both explore the palace''.

Lucian bowed, his eyes never leaving Theodora's face. ''Thanks, your majesty I would be honored again to explore the palace with the princess''.

The queen nodded, and they both excused the king and queen.

As they walked the sound of their footsteps echoed through the palace corridors, accompanied by the soft rustling of Theodora's gown and the gentle clinking of Lucian sword at his side.

As they strolled along the stream Lucian suggested they find a quite spot to rest and enjoy the scenery. Theodora agreed, as they settled on a picturesque clearing, surrounded by lush greenery and the soothing sounds of the water.

Unbeknownst to them, a discreet group of guards' palace guards, led by Captain Lee, followed at a distance, their presence a subtle reminder of the royal pairs' importance. The guards kept a watchful eye, ensuring the safety of the princess and prince as they enjoyed their leisurely afternoon.

Lucian pulled out his gayageum and began to play a gentle melody and they shared snack savoring the peaceful atmosphere. Lucian music and the streams gently gurgling created a serene ambiance. He gazed into Theodora's eyes, his own shining with sincerity, and spoke in a soft, gentle tone.

''Theodora, from the moment we were both a child you have been so special to me, your grace, beauty and intelligence captivate me.

'' Lucian words hung in the air, filled width hope and sincerity. But Theodora expression turned hesitant, her eye avoiding his gaze. She fidgeted with the hem of her hanbok, her voice barely above a whisper''.

'' Lucian, I…. I appreciate your words, but I cannot reciprocate your feelings. My father has already agreed to our marriage, and I will honor his wish, but my hearts belong to me only''.

As Theodora finished speaking, they stood in the clearing, Theodora felt a chill rundown her spine. She glanced around, sensing an unseen presence lurking just beyond the trees. Lucian noticed he unease. ''What is it, Theodora?

''I don't know '', she said her voice barely above a whisper. ''But I feel like the weather is not favorable and we are being watched ''.

Lucian expression turned grave, and he swiftly scanned their surroundings. Without warning he grasped Theodora hand and led her away from the stream, backed towards the palace.