

unknown_20281 · Komik
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126 Chs

Chapter 104

The master of that power approached quickly, and soon appeared in front of him.

"It's been a long time, Sazex, and..."

The visitor raised his hand, with a helpless smile on his face, and waved his hand.

"You are--"

Sazex looked stunned and surprised at the same time.

Because of this, it was the partner he thought had appeared unexpectedly.

Compared with Sazex's surprise, someone's reaction was bigger than him.

That was Shito Sona who was following behind Sazex's team.

As a new star in the underworld, she is good at resourcefulness and has grown rapidly in this war, and soon became an existence that cannot be ignored.

Even the chief conductor of the underworld, Asmodeus, the demon king who was in charge of strategy, was full of praise for her, and had the intention of cultivating her as his successor.

However, afterward, the unexpected news of her sister, the Demon King Seraph, hit her hard.

But soon, she picked herself up and threw all her thoughts into the war.

Unexpectedly, my sister, who I thought had been separated forever, could meet again here.

This kind of joy and worry about gain and loss made her instantly ignore all doubts and throw herself into her sister's arms.


The Flower of Wisdom, which bloomed awe-inspiringly in the underworld war, instantly lost its former calm and steadiness.

At this time, she was just worrying about gains and losses, worried that the picture she saw at this moment was a little girl who was hallucinating herself.

She just buried her face in her sister's arms, choked up—

Because of this, I missed the complicated expression of my sister.

Although she always seemed impatient with her sister, in fact, she also knew the concern revealed by her sister's strange behavior.

The relationship between sisters cannot be thin and unfamiliar at all.

"Anla, Canna-chan, at least I'm still here now..."

Seraph reluctantly raised the corners of her mouth to reveal a smile, and lightly patted her sister's back..

At this time, she was quite regretful in her heart, and she was too confident in herself at the beginning.

It would be great if he could ignore everything early and let Cang Na stay away from that guy.

Even if it wasn't like this, she shouldn't be overwhelmed with self-confidence and go straight to Su Mu's side to throw herself into the trap!

Now words...

She lowered her eyes slightly, looking at her sister who was still lying in her arms.

I learned that my sister had an accident, and at the same time, because of the current situation, she was unwilling to involve her beloved.

Unable to confide in Su Mu, her psychological burden was always borne by herself.

Only at this time can you relax.


"Sorry, this kind of thing is still too heavy for you."

Seraph's pink lips parted lightly.

On her hands, strange and holy tattoos shone with reddish light.

The closest sister, and her lover, stand on opposite sides at the same time.

It was for this reason that she deliberately came before the incident.

"Go to sleep in peace, when you wake up, it is already in the golden sky."

"It's time for the dust to settle, so you don't have to face a choice."

Seraph tried her best to show a peaceful smile, her pink-purple eyes were slowly covered by golden light, her voice was low and only she could hear it.

"Only this matter, even if you hate elder sister."

Seeing her smile, Sazex who was standing not far away, 3.2 suddenly noticed an indescribable strangeness—no, it should be said that the strangeness he felt instantly increased thousands of times.

"Seraph... No! Sona! Be careful!"

He exclaimed, raised his hand in an instant, and the red magic of destruction instantly condensed and was about to shoot.


Seraph ignored Sazex's vigilance and just smiled softly.

In this smile, it is not clear whether it is gentle or sad.


"Go to sleep."

Shadow, the silhouette of two people hugging each other on the ground.

One of them fell apart.

Blood was spilled randomly.


ps: Because the update is a bit delayed, please remind Cang Na that there is a stigmata left by Su Mu on Cang Na's hand.

In Seraph's words, she felt that it was a bit cruel for her sister to see that she and Su Mu were both on the opposite side of her, so she wanted her to wait until the dust settled. .

Chapter 173 Su Mu: The villain is actually me!

"Seraph! What are you doing now!"

Seeing the bloody scene in front of him, Sazex's body suddenly trembled.

The destructive power that was thrown just now rubbed Seraph's cheeks and whizzed past, leaving a bottomless pit in the distance.

He stared intently at the familiar companion in front of him, the close friend who had been walking on the same path since the civil war in the underworld.

"This is... Canna."

"Well, I know." Seraph's fingers slowly rhythmically moved, and the blood on his hands slowly subsided, and she said in a calm and slightly sad tone.

Can sense that genuine emotion.

I can tell that the demon king girl in front of me is definitely not a fake from her.

It can be felt that Seraph is acting according to his own thoughts, rather than being manipulated by others.


more intolerable.

Sazex sighed and closed his eyes gently.

He knew his longtime companion.

In the memory, Seraph talked about her sister's appearance with great interest, and it was still vivid in her mind.

Even the appearance of complaining and complaining about troubles sounds like showing off.


Sazex opened his eyes, his eyes were full of coldness.

In the past, he would only look at Seraph with a little helplessness when he was dubbed by some existences as the "Waste Demon King" and acted recklessly.

However, he could not tolerate the current Seraph.

"I understand."

he said softly.

"I'll send you...relief."

The strongest demon lord in the underworld, Sazex Lucifer, hereby declares that he will kill him.

Seraph smiled.

"Sazex, you really don't look like a demon king."

"It's incredible, shouldn't this kind of thing be said to you 03 in the past?"

"Really? I just wanted to say, maybe a devil like you is what the underworld needs, but it's a pity..."

Seraph said, suddenly silent, her beautiful eyes turned to look at the golden sky in the distance.

"Although I don't care, it seems that you have no intention of fighting me to the death here, so let me retire first."

"After all, I don't want to return to the golden supremacy in an embarrassing manner."

Saying that, Seraph turned around in an unsuspecting manner.

The purple magic circle on the ground quickly formed, and her figure slowly dissipated.

He didn't shoot easily, just stared at Seraph.

It wasn't until she disappeared completely that Sazex withdrew his gaze with a heavy expression, and had time to check the team behind him.

"Seraph didn't die, which was a good thing. But she reappeared and stood on the opposite side, and..."

"This time, the momentum is..."

Sazex sighed, his face suddenly turned stern.

He took a deep breath, as if to let out the stagnation in his chest.


"Keep going!"

"Towards that distance, the city of gold that hangs high in the sky."


"I can feel that the distortion of the space here is stronger."

Sazex raised his head and looked up at the sky, which seemed to be close at hand, but also seemed to be an extremely distant land of gold.

He could sense that it was very close to the destination.

Ahead is an alien world that is in conflict with the real world.

Although the scale is still small, it is indeed a completely different existence from the different dimension of the underworld.

Whether it is the underworld, the celestial world, or the hell where the fallen angels lived before, they are essentially accessories of the real world, and can only be said to be small spaces.

And the alien world in front of you can feel it, as if that is the real world.

Here is the direct interface between world and world, and the space of disorder and fluctuation is the characteristic here.

"Really, a picture that can make people feel intense pressure..."

Sazex couldn't help sweating from his forehead.

Moreover, even though he instructed the team he led to get as close as possible, there were still many members who were transported to other places by the chaotic space.

But in addition to this, he has also encountered many lone members of other mythical forces, even the main team.

As long as they have the same goal, they all temporarily abandon their previous hatred and move forward together.

"Sazex, if I guess correctly, we can detect the strangeness here and come here on our own initiative, which is also part of the plan of the mastermind behind the scenes."

Asmodeus sighed.

Being able to successfully reunite with his companion Sazex, who is stronger than him, before he officially encountered the enemy, gave him a lot of peace of mind.

But beyond that, he had other concerns.

"In the eyes of the mastermind behind the scenes, it doesn't matter whether we perceive a conspiracy to come here or for what, as long as a sufficient number of sacrifices can be gathered here."

"Even, that guy Asachel will invite many strong mythical forces to come here, which is also within the other party's expectation."

"I know." Sazex nodded, "So, I have never had the joy of seeing through the enemy's conspiracy."

"And then...is the real war. Only the outcome of the war can tell who is better. Other than that, it's all lies."

Asmodeus nodded lightly, and then doubts appeared in his heart.