
DXD:Secrets of the Void: Dimension Journey

In a world where the concept of family was merely a distant dream, Aiden Drake lived a life filled with solitude and longing. At the age of sixteen, his life is tragically cut short, but his story does not end there. Encountering the enigmatic deity Rob, Aiden is granted a chance for reincarnation with four wishes that will reshape his destiny. 1.High school Dxd Donate to me on Patreon here is the link: https://patreon.com/Marshall303?utm_medium

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20 Chs

The Shadow of Three Years

Chapter 7 "The Shadow of Three Years"

Three years had passed since Aiden's birth, and these years were filled with developments that shaped the life of the Gremory family. At three months old, Aiden began walking on his own and He can speak, which amazed everyone around him. By six months, he had become more active and started interacting particularly with Rias, who considered him her younger brother and enjoyed playing with him.

At the age of one, Aiden astonished the demon world with his first spell, known as the "Balance Knot." This spell had a unique nature and tremendous power, allowing the demon to control the balance of power between different dimensions, enhancing their personal strength and boosting demonic powers in their world.

The "Balance Knot" was not just a simple spell but a revolution in the world of demonic magic. Thanks to this spell, demons were able to improve their combat abilities and enhance their control over various forces. Aiden demonstrated exceptional skill in using this spell, achieving remarkable results in boosting demonic powers and expanding the range of its influence across dimensions. His magic received widespread recognition and had a significant impact on reshaping the concept of power among demons.

Aiden's impressive performance garnered great astonishment in the demon world, and he became known as a new miracle. Ajuka Beelzebub, one of the Demon Kings, chose Aiden to be his disciple. This decision was a mark of great respect for Aiden's abilities, and the choice was met with widespread admiration from nobles and demons. Under Ajuka's guidance, Aiden received intensive and secret training, which helped him develop his magical skills to unprecedented levels.

During this time, Rias began to notice Aiden's diligence and dedication, even at the age of one. Aiden worked hard in everything he did, whether learning magic or in his daily training. He would spend long hours studying advanced magic and developing innovative combat strategies. Rias was very impressed by his dedication and enthusiasm, and this inspired her to follow his example. She began to imitate him in everything, from his training to his lifestyle. She spent her time training and playing with him, investing all her effort to be by his side, which made her

feel proud of supporting Aiden.

As time passed, Rias's feelings evolved significantly. She became more focused and determined in protecting Aiden and began to feel a sense of jealousy towards anyone trying to get close to him. She was not willing to let anyone be as close to him as she was, which made her act in a yandere-like manner, caring about every detail of Aiden's life. She would check everything he did, ensuring he did not interact with anyone other than her, keeping an extremely close distance from him.

One day, after a training session in the garden, Rias approached Aiden seriously. Aiden felt a clear sense of worry when he saw her eyes filled with determination.

"Aiden, I want to talk to you."

Aiden looked at her with concern, "What's the matter, Rias? You seem very serious."

She stood in front of him, her face filled with resolve and seriousness, "I've seen how hard you work, and I want to always be by your side. I will do my best to protect you, and I won't allow anyone else to get close to you like I do."

Aiden, noticing her shift in feelings, felt even more concerned. "Rias, I appreciate your concern and protection, but I feel you might be overreacting. I really value everything you do, but we must ensure that our feelings don't overly influence our actions."

Rias, noticing Aiden's worry, tried to calm things down. "I'm sorry, Aiden. I didn't mean to make you worried. I just want to always be here for you because you mean so much to me."

Then, suddenly, Aiden asked with curiosity, "Why don't you let me call you Aunt Rias?"

Rias froze for a moment, then her expression turned to anger, and she gave Aiden a stern look that made him shiver. Her tone was upset, "Women don't like to be called aunts, call me Big Sister!" she said, puffing her cheeks.

Aiden felt a bit frightened and began to think about how powerful women could be. "I- I understand, Rias... I'll make sure to call you Big Sister as you asked."

Rias eased her angry expression slightly but did not abandon her serious feelings. "Thank you, Aiden. I just want everything to be as it should."

At that moment, Rias seemed somewhat tense. Aiden tried to change the subject to ease the tension. "Tell me, what do you plan to do today? Do you have anything special you want to do together?"

Rias relaxed a little, and her face returned to a light smile. "I think I'll prepare some food for you, and I also want us to train together. I think it's time to develop our skills better."

Aiden smiled with satisfaction. "That sounds great, Rias. Thank you for everything you do. I'm lucky to have you by my side."

Rias, having regained her smile, said with determination, "I will always be here for you, Aiden. That's my promise to you."

As the conversation ended, Aiden felt a greater sense of comfort knowing that Rias would always be by his side, despite her strong feelings that could sometimes be intimidating.


POV Aiden

After Rias left the garden, Aiden sat alone, feeling anxious and terrified. He couldn't shake the feeling that Rias had awakened a darker side of her personality, and his mind was confused, thinking that she had triggered yandere traits.

"Was it really just imagination? Or is there something deeper in Rias's behavior?" wondered Aiden as he looked up at the dark sky, trying to understand the strangeness of his family.

He recalled how unusual his family was; his grandfather had hundreds of maids in his harem, his father had a statue of his sister, his mother had a strange habit of acting as a maid, and his grandmother acted like a newlywed older sister. "Why is this family so unnatural?" when he was thinking someone got in

Serafall, the girl with jet-black hair styled in twin tails, wearing a colorful magical outfit, entered.

"Aiden-tan!" Serafall called out enthusiastically, as she pounced on Aiden to give him a hug. Aiden skillfully avoided the hug, causing her to crash into the wall behind him.

Serafall quickly righted herself, rubbing her forehead from the impact, and said with a pouty tone, "Aiden-tan! Why were you so mean? Big Sister needs a kiss and hug to recover!" (FPI open up)

Aiden, smiling lightly, said coolly, "Serafall, why do you always act like this? Don't you have anything else to do?"

Serafall pretended to think seriously, then said, "Oh no! It seems you've forgotten how to handle Big Sister. This isn't just a hug; it's part of our magical routine!"

Aiden, thinking about how attached Serafall was to him, wondered, "Why are you so attached to me? Wouldn't it be better if you focused your attention on your little sister?" If any men heard Aiden's question, they would call him a loser virgin, and if Aiden heard them, he would tell them It's not like that, his little body hasn't developed that feature yet.

Serafall, with a mysterious smile and exaggerated acting, replied, "But I love you too, Aiden-tan! I need this hug and kiss not just to recover but because you simply mean so much to me."

Aiden laughed, remembering how Serafall always greeted him the same way, taking any opportunity for kisses and hugs, or even bathing or sleeping beside him, and said, "I guess I should get used to this. Every time you meet me, I see that hugs and kisses have become part of my daily life."

Serafall laughed, saying, "Exactly! And that's part of the fun. And when it comes to you, you'll have the chance to learn how to be part of the magical girl's world!"

Aiden feigned seriousness and then said, "Well, I think I need a lot of patience to handle all these surprises. But I'm happy you're here."

Serafall smiled with optimism, "And you can always count on Big Sister to make you happy. But don't forget, when it comes to you, you'll have the chance to learn how to be part of our magical world!"

With the interaction ending and Serafall leaving quickly to avoid accumulating papers on her desk, Aiden felt more at ease, despite his continuing anxious feelings. He realized that having Serafall in his life added a touch of joy and fun, and reminded him that his family and friends, no matter how strange, were a source of support and happiness.

Aiden remembered that it was time for dinner and that his mother would be angry if he missed it again, so he started running quickly.

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