
DXD:Secrets of the Void: Dimension Journey

In a world where the concept of family was merely a distant dream, Aiden Drake lived a life filled with solitude and longing. At the age of sixteen, his life is tragically cut short, but his story does not end there. Encountering the enigmatic deity Rob, Aiden is granted a chance for reincarnation with four wishes that will reshape his destiny. 1.High school Dxd Donate to me on Patreon here is the link: https://patreon.com/Marshall303?utm_medium

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light at the end of the tunnel

Chapter 4 "light at the end of the tunnel"

At the Gremory Mansion, the atmosphere was tense and anticipatory in the operating room where Venelana Gremory was preparing to give birth to her daughter Rias Gremory. As Grayfia Lucifuge, Sirzechs Lucifer's wife, was making preparations for Rias' birth, she suddenly felt dizzy and unusually energetic inside her womb.

Sirzechs, who had been watching the situation with concern, decided to call the doctor for an examination. After the examination, the doctor discovered that Grayfia was pregnant, news that surprised everyone.

The reactions were mixed: Sirzechs was happy and cheerful, while Zeoticus Gremory, Rias father, was stunned and unable to comprehend the surprise. Grievous, on the other hand, was crying, as she was overwhelmed by a strong feeling of motherly love and affection for her pregnancy.

 Meanwhile, everyone heard a baby crying and they felt happy that Venelana had successfully given birth and all of them felt that the day was blessed

Time Skip 9 Months

POV Aiden

While Aiden was floating in that dark place, he was feeling a bit bored. Everything around him was dark and dull, as if he was in a small, unadorned room. He seemed to be trapped in an epic of inactivity, so he started talking to himself cheerfully.

"Wow, here I am in the dark, with no TV, no internet, not even a video game," Aiden said in a sarcastic tone. "I guess this is what is called forced isolation."

He felt something strange passing through him, as if there were unexpected vibrations. "Ah, it seems like there is movement! Can I request improvements? Maybe some lighting or a change in the decor?"

He started feeling something like strong pulses, as if his heart was dancing to an unexpected rhythm.  "Oh no, I hope it's not pregnancy sickness. I hope it's not something annoying like another little creature in the dark. I want to be in a decorated room, not a tense workshop!"

Then came a nagging feeling of worry about his gender. "I hope it's not a girl! If the family is expecting a girl, I need some sort of appearance to ease that tension! I don't want to have to wear fancy dresses before I even go out into the world!"

Aiden continued to talk to himself cheerfully, imagining what life would be like outside. "If I'm going to spend time here, I hope there's something exciting waiting for me! I don't want to just be part of a boring crew, I want to be on a real adventure!"

As time passed, the dim lights began to flash around him, as if to signal the end of this chapter of his life and the beginning of a new one. He felt something change, as if life was beginning to renew inside him, preparing to enter a new world.

 "This is what is known as light at the end of the tunnel"



In the scene of Aiden Gremory's birth, the Gremory family gathered inside the luxurious palace. Zeoticus Gremory, the head of the family, stands anxiously and everyone's hearts are tight. Inside the room, Grayfia lucifuge, Aiden's mother, is suffering from extreme fatigue, but she smiles happily as the moment approaches.

Venelana said in a weak voice: "Zeoticus... I can feel it... It's coming."

Zeoticus said nervously: "I know, dear... It's stronger than we imagined."

As Zeoticus tries to calm himself down, everyone suddenly feels a strong jolt, an unprecedented energy rushing out of the birth room and spreading throughout the palace. The red light, the signature of the Gremory family, begins to glow brightly, to the point that it shines in the sky.

Venelana, in a voice broken by stress: "His energy... is enormous... It can't be controlled!"

Outside, the demon kings are gathered. Ajuka Beelzebub, one of the demon kings, is surprised as he watches the sky

Which glowed blood-red.

Ajuka said in shock, "This energy... it's filling the entire world."

He wasn't the only one who saw this, as Serafall Leviathan shared the moment in a sarcastic way that left everyone speechless.

"Sirzex, I knew you were always a monster, and I knew the genes you gave to your son would make him a monster, but this is on another level."

At the same time, Grayfia whispered, holding the family's firstborn carefully, "Everyone felt it. Not just us,but the whole world knows that something is wrong."

Suddenly, a powerful beam of red energy rushes out, piercing the clouds and causing the sky to crack as if responding to Aiden's power. All creatures – from humans to angels and demons – begin to stop and sense something greater than their own power.

"This child… he is not just a member of the Gremory family," Sirzechs said nervously but with a strong personality.  "He has exceeded all expectations."

"Aiden... he was born to make a big difference," said Grayfia with a proud smile.

The power suddenly stops, and the place falls silent. Everyone hears Aiden's first cry, and they feel that the moment of his birth is not just an ordinary birth, but the beginning of a new era.

"Welcome to this world, Aiden," Sirzechs said, smiling calmly, with a sense of grandeur.

When he held his son and felt his power, he knew that his birth would attract all those with bad intentions, but it did not matter, he would protect him no matter the cost, because he was his son after all.

Sirzechs did not realize that at this moment, there were dangerous beings who had their eyes on his son, but that is a story for another time