
DXD:Secrets of the Void: Dimension Journey

In a world where the concept of family was merely a distant dream, Aiden Drake lived a life filled with solitude and longing. At the age of sixteen, his life is tragically cut short, but his story does not end there. Encountering the enigmatic deity Rob, Aiden is granted a chance for reincarnation with four wishes that will reshape his destiny. 1.High school Dxd Donate to me on Patreon here is the link: https://patreon.com/Marshall303?utm_medium

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20 Chs


Chapte six"Awake"

POV Aiden

I woke up in a luxurious room inside an cradel, I raised my hands to look at them, they were incredibly small. Everything I had experienced—meeting Rob and being reborn—felt like a fleeting dream.

 When I thought of Rob, I felt like I had forgotten something important. I remembered the mischievous smile that appeared on his face when he mentioned my gender. Suddenly, I felt extremely nervous. What if there was something wrong with little Aiden? I quickly began to carefully examine my lower body. When I was sure that everything was in place, I breathed a deep sigh of relief. Then I exclaimed excitedly, "All ladies should beware of me!" But I stopped, wondering in my mind: Why was Rob smiling like that? Was he teasing me? I decided to leave that worry to my future self.

I looked around excitedly and said out loud, "System window!" But what came out of me was nothing but the sound of a small child, causing the maids in the room to burst out laughing. Aiden's childish voices filled the room with cries of "Oh Oh" and "Ha Ha". As for the system? Nothing… no response.

At that moment, I felt that Rob had tricked me. Was everything just a scam? Anger flared up inside me. Before I could start cursing Rob and all eighteen generations of him, a floating message suddenly appeared in front of me, visible only to me.

The content of the message: "How are you, Aiden? I hope you enjoy your new adventure. You may wonder why none of your abilities work, because your soul has not yet adapted to your child's body. When body and soul are in sync, your abilities will gradually activate at the age of eight. Well, there will be a surprise about your little brother."

The message disappeared as soon as I finished reading it.

I felt my anger rising again when I realized that Rob had brought up the subject of my little brother again. I couldn't control myself, so I started cursing #@$%*&. But my anger quickly turned into tears, my little body could not handle my overwhelming emotions. My tears were streaming down my cheeks, and my loud voice as I cried was nothing but a child's… which made the maids laugh unbelievably, and the other children's voices rose with their laughter with cries like "Oh Oh" and "Ha Ha". Aiden felt embarrassed by their laughter. 

Grayvia's Pov

I heard from the maids that my little boy had woken up, and I felt a great tension rising inside me. I remembered that Ajuka was the one who sealed his power to protect him, because those powers might pose a danger to his little body. I felt deeply anxious and realized that I needed to move quickly.

 When I entered the room, I saw Aiden lying in the cradle, laughing loudly and making childish, sonorous sounds like "Oh Oh". His sweet laughter filled the room, which made me feel some relief amidst the anxiety I was feeling. I slowly walked over and gently pulled the cradle towards my arms. 

I took Aiden in my arms, and when I hugged him, he burst out laughing again. 

His laughter added a touch of joy to the situation, which eased my tension. I looked at his eyes that were shining with a ruby ​​red color, and his blood red hair that hung around his face like shiny threads. His body was small and soft like a doll, and his features were clearly feminine, which made him look like a little girl with a face that radiated innocence, and I began to wonder what he would look like in a maid's outfit.

 As I watched his innocent features, I felt a sense of pride and reassurance. I knew that Aiden would grow up to be a wonderful person, and it was clear that he would become a heartbreaker for ladies with his charming charm. At the same time, I realized the importance of teaching him to be cautious and face challenges wisely. It would be necessary for me to guide him to stay away from troubles outside, and to be prepared to face the world with caution.

 His laughter brought me a sense of hope and calm.

Aiden POV 2

From Aiden's perspective, as he lay in the cradle and laughed out loud, he was in a state of astonishment. He was not fully aware of everything going on around him, but he felt something unusual about him. When Grayfia entered the room and gently embraced him, he began to incompletely realize that he was in a completely different place than he expected, as the woman had silver hair and was very beautiful, wearing a Victorian-style maid's outfit.

Sudden suddenly realized that this compassionate woman who was taking care of him was not just an ordinary person, but Grayfia Lucifer, a character from a world he had only heard about in anime. This realization slowly began to come to him, and with it came the idea that he had been reincarnated as the son of sirzechs Lucifer.

Aiden wondered in amazement how he could be in this new situation, as if this was part of a strange dream. But he was not entirely sure about everything, and yet his feelings were filled with amazement and curiosity about how his future would develop in this new world. A sense of anxiety and curiosity mixed with joy and relief, he was trying to come to terms with the idea that he might become part of such an important and well-known family.

At the same time, he was eager to discover more about this world and how he would fit into his new role as Sirzechs's son. While his laughter expressed his innocence, he was also experiencing a deep sense of appreciation and curiosity for what the future might hold for him in this new context.

While Aiden was in his inner world, he smelled a foul odor coming from him, which made a sense of anxiety creep into his depths. When he looked, he saw Grayfia approaching with a diaper and baby powder behind her back, just like Tom the cat in the cartoon. Aiden felt that his dignity as a man was at stake, so he began to resist with his small limbs, but he was unable to escape his fate. He began to struggle hard, but Grayfia did not care about his actions. Aiden began to cry and beg: "No, I will do it myself, please leave me alone!" But Grayfia heard the voices of children. Aiden felt cold in the lower part of his body as she removed his diaper at the speed of light, which increased his feelings of resentment and despair. When Grayfia was Finished of her work, Aiden became empty-eyed and wanted to commit suicide.