
DxD Real Dragon

Issei Hyoudo is an anomaly. Someone who shouldn't exist. Follow his life as he makes several powerful women his own, all while looking down on his enemies and creating a Dragon faction. But what will he do when his lovers find out about his hidden secret? The fact that he is a sadistic bastard, even in a battle... Surely it won't come back to bite him in the ass, right? Read chapters in advance on patre0n.com/Neil247!!!! (replace 0 with o) .... I don't own DxD or any of the characters. This is fanfiction made for entertainment purposes only.

HiroKoya · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

It Begins

After explaining to his mom about the fallen angel he had brought home yesterday night, Issei was enjoying his breakfast when Raynare walked down the stairs.

To say she was a nervous wreck would be an understatement. She had just woken up in the house of the man who killed her comrades and snatched her away. Not to mention, it was also the man she apparently had a crush on. On top of all that, a woman seemed to be cooking in the kitchen. For her, it was the most awkward situation she had ever faced.

"Um..." She didn't know what to say, as she just stood there, with her hands fidgeting and her body shrinking under the gaze of the duo she had just attracted attention from.

Issei simply said good morning and resumed eating his breakfast. But his mother had a completely different reaction.

"Ara! Raynare-chan, right? I am Miki Hyoudou, Issei's mother. That boy didn't hurt you last night, did he?" Miki had swiftly made her way to Raynare and was now holding her hands.

"Issei's mother...I mean yes! I'm Raynare, its a pleasure to meet you. And no, Issei didn't hurt me..." She was sporting a small blush when she said the last line.

"I see, I see. You're a cute one, and he has a tendency to get rough at times so I was worried." Miki proclaimed.

Once Raynare realized what she had meant, her eyes threatened to pop out of their sockets. She hurriedly tried to tell her that they didn't do the deed last night, but Miki was having none of it.

Issei was amused watching a fallen angel get flustered over such a topic.

"By the way, Issei has brought home many girls, but this may be the first time he brought a fallen angel. Can I see your wings, Raynare-chan?" Miki had made her way behind Raynare and was feeling her back where she thought the wings from come out from.

"You know about the supernatural!?! Well, I guess its not that strange..." Raynare granted the wish and let Miki admire her wings. 

Eventually Issei got up from the sofa and picked up his bag. "I'm going to school. Raynare, don't leave the house until I come back." He ordered the fallen angel and gave her a small kiss before leaving. Needless to say, Raynare was about to have a hell of a day with Miki's constant teasing.


When Issei arrived at his school, he noticed that a certain boy was standing in front of the school. Yuuto Kiba, Kuoh Academy's pretty boy. If not for Issei, Kiba would be the most hated boy in the school. And Yuuto Kiba also happened to be the only male member of the Ocult Research Club which comprised of only devils.

Of course, Issei wasn't 'supposed' to know that, so he ignored the boy and attempted to walk through.

"Excuse me, Issei-kun, right?" But Kiba stopped him in his tracks.

"Yes, what's up?" Issei replied nonchalantly. 

Meanwhile the girls in the area were trying their best not to faint. The boy who makes their crotches leak and the boy who makes their heart flutter were talking to each other in the school's entrance. Not to mention, the boys were oozing death glares.

"I would like you to come with me to the ORC room, our president wants to have a talk with you." Kiba explained.

On hearing this, the crowd went mad. The president of ORC, aka Rias Gremory was one of the two priestess of this school. And anyone who knew anything about Issei was sure he wouldn't pass up the chance to smash that red princess.

And that's why, everyone was shocked to hear his response.

"Ah, sorry. I'm busy today, maybe tomorrow." Issei declared as he left an awkwardly smiling Kiba and made his way to the classrooms.


Lunch break had arrived and the school was still full of chatter about this morning. Many suspected that Kiba would try again, seeing as this was the first time he had been denied anything.

But before that could happen, Issei got on his feet and made his way to the Student Council room.

[Partner, what are you going to do? Threatening the Sitri heir might bring forth the wrath of her elder sister, not that we'll lose. But as far as I remember, you don't like fighting.]

'Don't worry, Ddraig. I'm going to strike a deal with Sona Sitri which will keep the more annoying Gremory off my back.' Issei replied. As he neared the room, they noticed that Sona was by herself, which means this was a great opportunity. 

[It's a shame really. The Gremory heir has a great body, one I'm sure you'll enjoy.]

'Ddraig, you know that's not how I do things.' Issei argued back to which the welsh dragon nodded.

When Issei touched the doorknob, Sona was finally alerted of his presence. But before she could do anything, Issei released a controlled wave of his Dragon Aura. 

All of it was being focused on the female devil. Issei summoned the Boosted Gear for added effect. And as he stood there, a force to be reckoned with, Sona was panting under the force of his Aura.

Clenching her thighs together, she was confused as to the itching she was feeling.

'What is this!?! This aura...that sacred gear...he's the r-red dragon emperor!?! And this aura...what is it doing to me...its almost as if I'm going to...' But before Sona's thoughts and body reached their peak, Issei called back his power and reverted his arm to that of a human's. Sona was successfully edged.

"Now that the cards have been dealt, lets have a private talk, Sona Sitri." Issei used her real name to show that he was far from unaware as he took a seat across from the student council president.

"Y-You are the red dragon emperor! I-I...I apologize for my - our attitude and arrogance in our first meeting. I hope that you'll f-forgive us." Even as a relatively young devil, Sona was privy to the details of how the Welsh Dragon had massacred civilizations and traumatized beings even with the strength of the current Lucifer. So, when found at a loss for words, she begged for mercy and hoped that the current host was a reasonable man.

Although, considering he had been attending this school peacefully, she should've known that he was indeed reasonable. But after being the victim of his power, albeit for a few seconds, her brain had short circuited and reverted momentarily to the intelligence of her counterpart devils.

Which was exactly what Issei had hoped for. 

"Sona, ah - can I call you that? Sona, I like this school a lot. Same with this town. But recently, some devils have been giving me trouble. As in, following me everywhere and trying to approach me. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Issei inquired.

"Y-Yes..." Sona was still trying to recover from the near orgasm.

"With that being said, I want you to take care of it, and make sure I'm not troubled anymore. Can you do that for me?" Issei asked with a charming smile.

"Of course...if you say so, red dragon emperor." Sona meekly replied.

"Ah, you can still call me Issei, no need to be so formal. And by the way, if you keep your word..." Issei got up from his chair and went around the desk to Sona's chair. He put one hand the armrest and brought his lips near her ear. And with a whisper, he spoke, "I'll give you a reward you will never forget." 

And just as he had appeared, Issei disappeared through the door. Leaving behind a drooling devil with a puddle underneath her.


[Well done, partner. Being a devil, her instincts can't resist when you flare your aura like that.]

'Yeah. With this, the first step has been taken. And now, a visit to the familiar master.' 

[Familiar master? But you're not a devil, can you even make a contract with a familiar?]

'I got the magic circle formula from white during our last meeting.'

[Ah, I see. But why would you go there? I don't see why you would need a fami-

WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! ISSEI! Don't do this! Please, I beg you! She'll rip us apart!]

'Geez, calm down, Ddraig. I'll properly protect you, okay?' Issei sighed at the welsh dragon's remarks.

[No, you don't understand! Ever since I lost her treasures, she has been furious. She even killed some of my previous hosts whenever they met her.]

'Like I said, calm down. Meeting her is necessary for me to one day achieve my dream. And I have a plan.' Issei tried to explain, which led to Ddraig just giving up and accepting his fate.

[Again with that dream...you won't even tell me what it is, yet you expect me to understand your actions.]

'There's a reason I'm not telling you. Anyway, we're going to her cave and that's final.' Issei gave the final verdict.

[Yes, Yes, let's go. Let's go and surrender our fate at the hands of the strongest of the Five Great Dragon Kings, the Chaos Karma Dragon, Tiamat.]






Note: Issei's final dream here is not the harem.