
DxD: Lelouch Vi britannia Return In Ero world As a Black Knight

Lelouch vi Britannia or also known as Zero had many Contracts during his living years that he made, but this one was different because it was a contract with a devil. Now he is in a completely different world where devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels live, but they will also know the the name Zero now.

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132 Chs

Chapter 81: Comfortably

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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On the bright side, she now knew for certain that her pet project still recalled his identity.

She didn't know why he couldn't sense her though, the power within him should be calling to the power within her, as hers had been ever since she finally got a lock on his signature, alerting him to her presence and making him want to seek it out.

So, the question was, why was his power not responding to her presence being so close by?

'Is it not fully awakened then?' It was possible he had awakened only a portion of the gift she had so generously bestowed upon him to assist in her goal of taking Great Red's head and returning to the wondrous silence.

'How disappointing.' It would appear that she would need to wait a little longer for him to be able to fully utilize his powers. Unless…

The pair she was observing fell asleep, but before she could walk out a magic circle appeared by her ear. "Lady Ophis, we've discovered the White Dragon's location.

" The voice of one of the Heroes she had recruited some time ago came through the communication spell. "Do you want us to engage?" Bikou, she believed he called himself.

The Dragon God frowned, torn between her Demon Emperor, whose powers remained partially dormant, and the White Dragon Emperor, whose power she knew would be useful in weakening her ultimate foe.

The Dragon of Infinity most certainly did not pout petulantly before she stomped off into the forest to go confront the White Dragon.

"No, I'll go myself." She said before she blocked the spell. She needed to blow off some steam, fighting the White Dragon seemed like a good way to test his strength and work off some of the frustration she felt now that she found out her first pet project was still incomplete.

As the magic circle twisted reality around her, Ophis thought back to the idea she'd had before she was contacted by her organization.

'I wonder, what would it be like, having an apprentice.'

"Hello, child of the line of Lucifer. Join me, fight me, or die." Those had been the words of the little girl who had been kicking his ass all over the sky for… how long now?

Vali shook his head as he looked at his Sacred Gear. The wings were glowing brighter than he had ever seen in his life.

He had never felt power like this, and according to Albion this wasn't just any girl. 'What in the world is Ophis doing outside of the Dimensional Gap?' He directed the question internally as he weaved through a net of black tendrils of energy.

"Who knows, I have always been more focused on killing Ddraig. I don't recall ever attempting to face off against the Dragon God." Albion answered, Vali's wings pulsing with each word.

'I'll need to speak with Azazel when I get back. I knew coming to Vegas was a bad idea.' Vali thought to himself as his ankle was caught and he was thrown out of the sky with a scream.

If he hadn't entered his Balance Breaker almost immediately he probably would be dead by now.

Down below, there were two spectators observing the youngest of the Lucifer bloodline fighting against a God, amused somewhat by the irony, though they were more concerned with speaking to one another at the moment.

"You do realize that just because it's called the Vegas Strip doesn't mean you have to dress like an exotic stripper, right?" Bikou deadpanned as he observed Kuroka fanning herself with a stack of dollar bills as she lounged on the roof next to him dressed in a loose fitting black kimono that revealed her cleavage.

"Hey, just cause you can't create illusions to sleep around and make some quick cash on the side doesn't mean you have to be jealous." Kuroka snickered, her twin tails swaying from side to side. Though Bikou was teasing the dark-haired Nekoshou, he certainly didn't mind enjoying the view.

She had decided to make the most of the mission they had gotten from Ophis a little over a month ago before she vanished to do whatever it was a Dragon God did in her spare time, aside from creating a terrorist group of course.

Kuroka had netted well over three thousand American dollars propositioning men and then allowing them to have their way with one of her illusions.

And it hadn't even been three days since they arrived in the city of Sin, as it was so eloquently called.

There were some men she was tempted to take personally, but she didn't want to risk having a human's brats. If she was gonna have children she wanted the father to be someone strong, not an ordinary human.

Human males were just too fertile in comparison to her species and she wasn't willing to risk an unexpected pregnancy if she lost control over her cycle in a moment of passion.

Plucking a few tens, she slinked her way over and stuffed the small crumple of bills down the collar of the shirt Bikou was wearing.

"Buy yourself something pretty and don't forget to stay in school." She quoted one of her rather odd customers, who seemed to think she was putting herself through college.

She just wanted a little extra cash, plus it was amusing watching humans enjoying her illusions so thoroughly. From her perspective, the only thing they had ever fondled, groped, or otherwise enjoyed had been nothing but air.

An explosion rang out in the sky, dispersing the rain as the shockwave displaced the air momentarily.

Looking out from underneath the cover she and Bikou were under as they sat comfortably on the roof of one of the city's numerous hotels, Kuroka watched as Vali Lucifer, the White Dragon Emperor, tumbled helplessly through the sky after being blasted by yet another one of Ophis' rather brutal attacks. "How long have they been fighting?"

Bikou ignored Kuroka's antics as he answered her question. "Two days, Divine Dividing has been keeping the White Dragon energized enough so that he doesn't need food, at least for now.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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