
Chapter 11 Still feeling very tired.

Shin's hair blew in the wind as he looked over the bridge and at the sunset. He had made a habit of stopping here every day to watch as the sunset, it was always a nice sight to see the sky turn orange and reflect off the roofs of every car down below.

'Well, it looks like I'm going to die on Saturday.' Shin thought morbidly. Although, there was something that confused him greatly. He knew for a fact by now that he did not have the Boosted Gear, which meant Issei had it.

So, why is Raynare targeting him instead of Issei? Obviously, a dragon gear would be more of a threat than whatever Shin had. Maybe it's because Shin already awakened his, so it was much easier to sense than Issei's.

Oh well. He didn't want to dwell on it too much. Everything was going according to plan so far. Raynare asked him out on a date. Saturday was two days away, so it seemed his life as a human was coming to an end soon. Looking to the side discreetly, he saw Koneko watching him from behind a bush, licking a popsicle. Everything was going according to plan.

(Scene Break)

This had to be one of the most boring things he had ever done. Walking around a shopping complex, buying various clothes and accessories and eating crepes. Honestly, who enjoys this kind of stuff? Was it a bad thing that he was looking forward to the end of the date, the part where he dies?

Regardless, things were still going to plan. Rias' familiar has given him a summoning circle, he went on a boring-ass date with Yuuma, and now they were approaching a fountain in the middle of a park that he recognized greatly as the place he is to be killed.

Just like in the anime, Yumma skipped in front of him and stood a few feet away from him, her arms behind her back and leaning forward. He definitely understood how Issei thought Yuuma wanted to kiss him with the way she was acting. Keyword, acting.

"Shin, can you do me a favor? To commemorate our first date." Yuuma said as she slowly took steps forward, her generous bust bouncing with every step. Shin contemplated throwing the plan out the window and having sex with Yuuma right here and now but decided against it.

"Yea, sure," Shin said with a charming smile.

Standing right in front of Shin, Yuuma leaned forward, her mouth pressing up against Shin's ear. "Will you die for me?" Yuuma asked as she skipped back a few steps, a charming smile plastered on her face.

"Well, I'd prefer not to honestly. But hey, if you're into necrophilia I have a buddy in the morgue who might be able to set you up. Although I should warn you, they're usually either mutilated or very old." Shin said an all too serious look on his face.

Yuuma's face turned green with disgust as Shin said that. "What the fuck?" Yuuma couldn't help but say out loud.

"Hey, it's alright. I won't judge you for any of your kinks. As long as you don't judge me for mine." Shin said, internally laughing his ass off. This had to be one of the funniest things he had done since being reincarnated.

"Ok, that's it," Yuuma said as her clothes suddenly exploded, being replaced by the same BDSM outfit she wore in the anime and her fallen angel wings came out from her back. Forming a spear, she threw it at Shin with full speed, impaling him in the stomach.

'Holy shit this hurts. I mean, watching someone get hit by one of these is one thing, but holy fuck does this hurt.' Shin thought as he fell down to his knees.

"You don't know how badly I've wanted to do that," Raynare said as she sat down against the fountain. "And honestly, what in the hell is wrong with you? Necrophilia? Really?" Raynare said as she let out a few laughs.

Shin smirked at Raynare. "I know this whole situation is bad with there being a giant hole in my stomach and all. But is it wrong that I am very turned on right now?" Shin said, causing Raynare to choke on air.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Raynare yelled.

"I'm a guy staring at a hot, basically naked girl with big tits. Naturally, I'd be very turned on by that." Shin said as he coughed up some blood.

"I'm done with this shit," Raynare said as she just flew away and into a wormhole just as Rias' teleportation paper started to activate, a red glow starting to appear at the side of Shin.

As he saw Rias appear, he just had to get the last word. "Hey, Rias, how are you doing today? Mind helping me out, I landed on a rock and it's digging into my shoulder blade. It's very uncomfortable. I guess you could say I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place heh heh." Shin said before coughing up more blood, then promptly fainting due to blood loss.

Rias just stared at Shin's unconscious body. "You're an idiot," Rias said, despite knowing he couldn't hear her. "You have a giant hole in your stomach, and you're worried about landing on a rock?" Rias asked nobody in particular.

Walking forward, Rias summoned her Evil Pieces. "Don't worry, you won't die today." Rias said as she pulled out her pawn pieces.

(Scene Break)

For the first time in almost a year, Shin was awoken by the sound of his alarm clock, usually being awake moment before it went off. Reaching over, he tapped the off button and rubbed his eyes, still feeling very tired.

"Not to self, getting stabbed in the stomach by giant light spears hurt." Shin said, surprised when he heard someone chuckle beside him.

"Well, isn't that an understatement." Rias said, laying next to him completely naked, not that Shin could see that due to her being covered by a blanket.


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