
Chapter 7

I got ready for the meeting with the angels then teleported to the gates of heaven.

When he arrived at the gates of heaven he was stopped by two angels who looked low leveled, they were probably just the watchers.

"Halt, Identify yourself." Angel 1

I allowed my eyes to change to my dragonic eyes.

"I'm a one of the dragon gods, I wish to speak to your four great Seraph's, I can wait here while you get deliver the message if that suits." shiro said with a reassuring smile.

when I said I was a dragon god they tensed up a bit but other wise they seemed totally professional.

"very well, I'll send a message." Angel 2

The angel then proceeded to open a small communication magic circle and contact it didn't take but 5 minutes before Michael and Gabrial came down to escort me. The moment Gabrial saw me she blushed, but then again who wouldn't I'm like super charming. I'm hot, but with my dragon charm effect it's a double hit with he femals, and my rose red eyes always seem to have an effect.

"Please follow us." Gabrial spoke in a soft and please tone.

I followed Gabrial and Michael for a good 20 minutes before we arrived at 6th heaven Zabel. They led me to a comfortable room where there where a table in the middle with two sides and long comfortable seats. Gabrial and Michael took there seats on the side with Uriel, Raphael. I took the seats opposite of them, then the meeting began.

"so who exactly are you." Michael said calmly

Once again I have to explain to everyone who I am, it gets tiring. My eyes became my dragonic eyes then we began again.

"My name is Kaneshiro, the Dragon God of Space and time." shiro

They looked kinds stunned by quickly got over it.

"space and time, does that mean you can manipulate both." Raphael asked curiously

"why yes I can, I can teleport anywhere I can even shape space, or see through time both the past and the future." shiro

They weren't expecting that one.

"That's sort of why I'm here, in the future there will be a crisis, not anytime soon but it will happen, as things stand it dosent end up bad but it dosent end up good either, the factions all take a huge hit. so for the sake to time, I decided to step in and strengthen the factions." shiro

"strengthen the factions, you mean your also going to strengthen the Devils and fallen angels." Uriel

"yes and no, I'm not strengthen you all how you all would want, I just choosing the best option. in fact just before I came here I was with the four great Satan's and I gave them some gifts. I fixed there fertility issue and gave them some lost magic. I even gave serrafall her own wand that allows her to transform into a magical girl, she almost cried." shrio

"so you where just with the Devils, what about the fallen angels." Michael

"oh I've been working with them for 10 years now. My faction need jobs so Azazel gave my faction jobs and since then they have had a 100% completion rate. though I did give Azazel something kinda big it turned out for the best. I accually gave him the same lost magic as the Devils but I also gave him all my research into sacred gears and my speculations on how to create a scared gear system. he accually created his own scared gear system and his own scared gear, he accually cried." shrio

They looked intrigued by the news of my faction and the 100% completion rate but when I mentioned about Azazel creating his own scared gear system and his own scared gear they where kinda scared and worried.

"He accually did it." Michael asking for confirmation.

"Yeah, thought on himself has a scared gear for now, I think he dosent want to start giving them out until after the peace treaty is signed." shiro

They looked alot more relieved after that.

"ok if you strengthened the fallen angels that much then how are you going to help us." Gabrial

"Well" shiro

shiro raised his right arm and a few golden ripples formed again and 5 familiar books fell down, then 2 more lest thick books fell beside it then in front of Gabrial a golden bracelet with a cross landed. Shiro then pointed at the five books.

"Those 5 books have a lost magic called Rune magic from novice to legendary level. if you master it you could use them to stabilize abd strengthen your sacred gear system to allow miracles on earth again and strengthen the faith of your followers, you could use them in alot more of your projects as well." shiro

They were shocked and happy about this, and Uriel immediately started reading through a few pages.

"this is incredible, there are so many possibilities."Uriel

Shiro then pointed at the two other books.

"one of those books has a better and stronger way to create and forge holy swords, while the other has a safer and stronger option of creating a serum to allow someone to use holy swords." shrio

Michael was stunned why this one and started going through them, they were ridiculously easy.

"this is wonderful, with this our forces will be strengthened." Michael

"Umm.. what's the bracelet for." Gabrial

"Ah that I made specially for you, with it you won't fall so easily, as long as you don't do something big like betray the angel race then your pretty much safe, there also a hidden feature of contacting me if you ever need to get a hold of me. oh and now that you can't fall, you should start reading more, preferably the naughty kind of books or so, your too light headed. it might have been because of your 3 overprotective brothers but one day you will be manipulation because your light headed, take this as a warning." shiro said with a smile

Gabrial immediately started to wear it, and she felt extremely happy afterwards.

"Thank you." Gabrial

After Gabrial thanked me so did everyone else before it was time to leave, Gabrial looked kinda sadend by my leaving but I promised to come visit her. I then teleported home.

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