
Chapter 257

"Opening 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne (

May 1, 1866

The International Court of Justice in The Hague officially announced the recognition of the Commonwealth of America and Argentina as new members of the International Court of Justice. On this day, a judge from the Netherlands was elected as the first president.

And so the Dutch-led organization ran for shaping.

At William IV in Amsterdam, watching everything seemed to be going in the Netherlands' favor.

"Future organizations such as the International Women's Organization, the International Red Cross Society, and the International Court of Justice have been gradually established. Which organization should the Netherlands promote next to maximize the interests of the Netherlands and be recognized by other countries faster?"

William IV was lost in thought.

The difficulty of promoting the International Court of Justice made William IV hesitate.

In this era, the leaders of various countries are very conservative about their own one-third of an acre of land, just like a male lion, not allowing others to interfere, so this is a predicament for William IV.

Queen Alexandra has been busy recently. Since she became the Director-General of the International Women's Organization, she has been in constant contact with many of the organization's work, and she is not tired of it.

Some time ago, because of the war in the Balkans, many women there became widows and children became orphans.

There are also wars in Tsarist Russia, which also increased the number of orphans, widows and mothers in the country.

So the International Women's League was just established, and because the class wasn't so clear, a lot of things ended up feeding back to her. It's up to her to decide.

For example, some time ago, Princess Alice in the UK communicated with her that many women in the UK said that the Women's Alliance should play a role in reducing the influence of wars in Europe, promote the peace-loving characteristics of women in various countries, and express their views against war to other countries.

This made Queen Alexandra seem to have found a confidant, and the two turned from rivals to best friends.

This made William IV a little surprised when he found out, and he could only sigh that women are really easy to change.

After seeing William IV's distress, Alexandra hurriedly asked why.

The two people's recent work affairs sometimes communicate with each other, and there is no restriction on women not participating in politics.

Therefore, when William IV said it unreservedly, Alexandra immediately began to run fast.

Seeing a warm current flowing in William IV's heart.

Suddenly, he thought of a question, that is, why not use the current three major organizations to endorse the Netherlands?

When Alexandra looked up, her face was full of joy.

William IV suppressed the idea that had just popped up.

Ask: "What did you think of?"

Alexandra smiled, the temperament of the European noblewoman was full, which made William IV move her index finger, she said: "William, since everyone is wary of these organizations led by the Netherlands, why do you have to promote this immediately? What about an organization that deals with the rights of nations?"

William IV originally only expressed his distress, but now seeing Alexandra's expression, he seems to have some ideas.

So he asked, "What do you mean?"

Alexandra smiled slightly, "The international court proposed by the Netherlands has already caused vigilance. In this case, we should suspend the creation of this kind of power-grabbing organization now, and we should slowly absorb it before creating the next organization."

William IV: "That's it?"

"Of course not, William. Since countries are wary of Holland, what about starting elsewhere?"

William IV was taken aback for a moment, where else to start? Start somewhere else?

Suddenly, he looked up at Alexandra, who nodded.

Queen Alexandra: "The Netherlands now has more influence than its homeland"


"Yes, William, it is Greece, my father now controls the kingdom of Greece, and the influence of the Nassau-Orange family is not only in the original Duchy of Nassau, but now the Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Greece have become rulers.

If that's the case, why does it have to be where the Netherlands rules?"

and many more.

William IV suddenly thought of something. He remembered that Japan and South Korea held the Olympic Games in the previous life. Now the Netherlands and Greece are closer than their neighbors of Japan and South Korea. If the two places jointly increase their influence, they need a carrier.

And this carrier is -- the Olympic Games!

It should be completely said that it is the International Olympic Games!

He thought that this organization was under the organization of the French, and the International Olympic Games Congress was established in Paris. In order to convince the public, the first host place was Athens, the Kingdom of Greece during the ancient Greece and Roman Empire. The sign is to restore this pomp.

Since he wants to promote the major organizations, if the French do this in advance, it will benefit the Netherlands a lot. At the same time, the current situation in Greece is also very important.

Although his father, William III, was naturalized for two years, he quickly gained a firm foothold by virtue of being the king of the Netherlands for more than ten years, but he still faced the inner resistance of a small number of Greek foreign rulers.

At the same time, Ottoman Turkey has also interfered in Greece's internal affairs, and Italy is also eyeing it.

These would be a huge threat to the reign of his father, William III.

Therefore, if the Olympic Games, a feast representing peace, appears in the sky over Athens at this time, and Greece firmly grasps the recognition of this country representing peace in European countries, it will be a huge event for the countries surrounding Greece. The Weiheli, invisibly made his father's current difficulties to be solved~www.mtlnovel.com~William IV figured out this point, and suddenly felt refreshed, seeing Alexandra's calm concern Looking at himself, he couldn't help but hug her and kiss her.

"Thank you Alexandra, you are truly our goddess of luck."

So she said her own thoughts, and Alexandra couldn't help being stunned after hearing it.

Does it work like this?

William IV was very strong in execution, so he passed the idea to William III of Athens in a safe way the next day, and the reply was naturally a strong approval.

However, the surrounding Italian Emmanuel II, Sultan Abdul Aziz I of the Ottoman Empire, Franz Joseph I of Austria-Hungary and Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom did not know that Greece was about to usher in a peaceful feast .

Countries are still fighting over territory.

Since Joseph I was defeated by the Russian Empire in the eastern part of the Balkans, he had to prevent Prussia from being attacked on both sides and destroyed the country. In the end, he could only make concessions with Prussia and Russia.

He naturally caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the Austrians in the country. If he hadn't maintained his strength, he might have been overthrown long ago, so he must regain his lost face as soon as possible. In the end, he paid attention to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The army is on the frontier of Ethiopia.

He secretly transported the 20,000 troops that had just been vacated from the Nigerian colony by ceding half of it to Russia to the port of Djibouti. As a result, the Austrian army, which had been stopped because of the Balkan war, attacked Ethiopia again.

The news came back to Holland, leaving William IV speechless.

"It seems that some people really can't be idle, and really regard failure as the mother of success forever."