
First Floor Master

After accepting the special quest, Dark returned to the inn where he currently resides with Lilia.

"Welcome back Brother!" Lilia who was talking with Cya greeted him as she saw Dark open the door.

"I'm back Lilia." Dark gently pats her head. After a few strokes he turned to Cya.

"Cya, do you have a clue on where to find the floor room?"

Lilia paused and pondered as she tried to remember anything related to floor rooms. After a few minutes of thinking, her eyes brightened as she flies near to Dark.

"If I remembered correctly, I heard from the previous master that a tower's name is a clue to find the first floor room." She told him with not much confidence. "He was talking to a friend of his during that time and I overheard their conversation while serving tea." She hurriedly explained.

"It's fine. Just knowing that narrows the possible location." Dark comforted the little silkie who was trying to help him. "Lilia, you stay in the city first and wait for me to come back. I will go and finish a quest Greg gave me a while ago." He said with a serious tone.

Hearing the seriousness in her brother's voice she nodded, "I understand brother."

She moved a step away from him and released a red colored aura. Cya eyes shook as she saw the skill being casted. After a few lines, Lilia finally invoked her recently learned skill.

"Brave's Descent!"

The aura immediately enveloped Dark. He clenched his fist as he felt a surge of energy flow into him.

"Thanks Lilia." He thanked his sister who was sweating profusely after using her new skill. "I will go now." He patted her head again like he did earlier and left the room.

As soon as Dark closed the door, Lilia collapsed. Cya rushed to prevent her from falling on the floor.

"I told you not to use it yet." Cya whispered with eyes filled with worry as she placed her on the bed and covered the sleeping Lilia with a blanket.

"You siblings are just the same." The silkie smiled as she guards the little sister in her sleep.


It was already night time when Dark left the inn. He thought that since the tower's name was Dawn the door to the floor room should open during dawn. But the problem was where the door will open.

He opened a map he got during one of his quests the previous month. The map contained the locations of various monsters found and also the outline of the whole first floor.

"What comes into mind when you say Dawn? Early morning? Don't tell me..." Dark saw a monster labeled in the map. Since he had no time left he kept the map and hastened.

He decided to take a gamble and ran to a place where he could get a view of the sky to see the dawn. However, he chose this place since a certain monster that is related to dawn lives here.

The spot he was headed was a cliff. The only cliff where Moonlit Rooster dwells. It was a monster he had not encountered before but seeing the name in the map gave him the idea as to how it should lead him to the floor room.

Since the cliff was far from the city, it took him time to get there. A cock crowed as he ran towards the location. He ran faster towards the direction of the noise.

When he arrived he saw a silver feathered chicken with a size of an adult ostrich crowing towards an old wooden door that was floating on the cliff.

"That must be the floor room." Dark said to himself as he quickened his steps. The chicken didn't even bothered with him and continued to crow.

Finally, the door knob is in his hands. His eyes were full of anticipation. He felt that this would be his first major step in conquering this tower.


Meanwhile, while this was all happening. Greg was brewing his coffee. The aroma from the newly brewed coffee was consumed by the man with satisfaction.

"I wonder if he found it. I told him the deadline is one day but in fact if he can't find the door before morning comes he would fail the quest. Haha..." Greg laughed as he continued to savor his favorite coffee. "That kid has a bright future ahead of him." He closed his eyes and breathed the aroma in.


A creaky sound was made from the opening of the door. Dark entered and saw nothing. The room was dark at the moment. But a few seconds later, torches lit up one by one in a circle revealing a huge Dawn colored slime twice the size of a big slime.

[Dawn Slime Level 18]

"That's a very huge slime we got there." Dark whispered as he held his weapon in his hands.

Tentacles suddenly rose, wiggling from the ground as the huge slime noticed the presence of another being inside its home. One by one the tentacles moved swiftly towards Dark with the intent to exterminate the existing threat.

The first tentacle arrived in front of him within three seconds. Dark hurriedly jumped back to dodge. However, the second tentacle was already waiting and hit him from behind.

Dark was thrown a few meters away. Dust was flying over as remnants of the slime's attack. He grasped and touched his back where the slime hit him.

"Tch... This is one smart slime."

Dark thought that this slime was different from the other slimes that he had faced so far. Unlike the other slimes who usually either face the enemy head-on or flee. This slime had intelligence to make a trap for the enemy despite it not having a brain.

Another tentacle went after Dark's head, but this time he was able to react on time. He used his right blade to deflect the incoming tentacle. His eyes turned red as he gathered a red aura unto his left fist and punched the tentacle that was after his leg. The punch left the wiggling part of the slime burning and this gave him an opening.