
Dex's struggles (2)

But the royals as they are doesn't seem to give a f**k about it. They don't care- they don't care that we noble have to suffer because of them... because of their secret.

They can control us through fear and it's enough.

When I saw Father's expression that day. That fear, that confusion, and that anger were more than enough for me to fear them too.

"... and so, this is the reason why as of today in 3879, we have five techniques that permit us to seal our evil souls! Yeah I know it's really a blessing to be born as a human, I mean, we are the only ones that won against the gods! And it's thanks to those unparalleled geniuses who were experts in the field of the "spiritual energy"! Let me tell you! Some of them could even cultivate without the help of their evil! — *cough*, *cough* — Let me catch my breath. Two seconds— *cough*!"

! Professor Galmon sure is passionate!

And he has this talent to communicate his passion. Look at him speaking of history with such passion... the key to being a good professor as always been to be passionate and passionating.

'Why ?' hehe, isn't that obvious?

Because people like that gives you the feeling that they know everything. And yet! You're not crushed by their knowledge but uplifted by it.

What I mean is that these people are enthusiastic and humble. As a professor, others' ignorance is their mortal enemy and yet they fight it with passion whereas others would fight it with scorn and arrogance. It's not something you'd learn to do at school. It's something you're born with, it's a gift I think.

Anyway, I admire Professor Galmon but sadly not his knowledge. It's unfair to him because his knowledge is biased due to his common background.

And now he is rotting in this second-tier city near Marriannestow, at the east to be more precise ... what is its name already?

Mhh~ - Ah!

Crimson City, the city of the rising sun.


I guess the city has nothing except a sun rising each morning I guess haha.

But I heard it was named like that because it's the first city of the kingdom that sees the sunrise each day. But who cares?

"Teacher are you alright ?!"

"Yeah yeah no problem. I - *cough* - It's normal, I'm always like that when I get too excited. But seriously guys and girls! As I can see from your attitude when listening, you just don't understand how amazing this is! Humph! If those people could cultivate without their evil soul ... just imagine what would happen if they were to cultivate with both of them! At that time they would no longer be simple cultivators but Du-"

Dual Cultivators. After the establishment of the kingdom, it was theorized that it's possible to cultivate both yourself and your evil. But this fit is way too hard for humans because since the appearance of the evils not even on Dual Cultivator was born.

Or should I say 'not even one Dual Cultivator was born officially'?

I'm just the son of a normal noble and doesn't know much after al--

"Dual cultivators!!"

??! What's up with this enthusiast all of sudden?!

"Eh?" - The person said after screaming at the top of her lungs.

I turned my head abruptly due to the shock and found the culprit of my panic: Lala? Why does she seem so lost after screaming? Wasn't she doing it on purpose? Why is her breathing so agitated and why is she sweating so profusely?

"Wha—?! Lala Delmon!! Why are you interrupting your professor like that! At your age, you should be more sensi—"

"sensible and calm toward others. I know yes."


She sure has some guts.

"Professor excuse me for my rudeness but I was a little too excited. I sincerely hope you will not blame me for this."

"You really have some guts!", Professor Galmon said what I thought. That's good, I was bored so a little agitation is good too.

Now, I'm going to watch the show and add some spice to it if needed.

I'm so bored here... and I don't like Lala at all.

"But! Now that you say so... I think you are right because, when you screamed just now, I thought for a second that I was seeing mys— *cough* an old friend of mine. I can't blame someone with your sincerity."

Mmh? What's that?

"Thank you! Profes—"

"But! It doesn't mean that you can do that in the future! You need to stay calm even though - and I can relate that - it's hard sometimes to hold back. Who will want you as a wife in the future if you act like that?"

"Pff-Whaahaha! "

"Haha, did you hear that Lala? Stay calm!"

Those morons are teasing her now! Nice! She is embarrassed and starts to blush hehe~

Now! It's time to add some more spices!

I stand up abruptly, lift my right arm and point her with my index while saying, "Hey? Did I see wrong? Is our proud Lala blushing? Damn, this world is really broken!"

"Haha! You're right Dex! This is hilarious!"

She won't dare to make a fuss about what I just said because she knows my background.

As a commoner, she doesn't want to stand in my way out of fears of my father hehe!

Now comes the main dish: Lala embarrassed and speechless.

"Dex! Who do you think you are to disrespect me in front of everyone?! Have you no sense of shame? Doing this while I and Professor Galmon are having a conversation. This is utterly disrespectful!"

*Harrumph*! - Lala

"W-What —", Wh-who does she think she is? Some mere commoner dared to embarrass me? If the others get to know it I'll become a laughingstock for the next three months!

I can't possibly let that happen!

"Now now you two! Dex present your excuses for Lala! And you Lala, you should be less vicious when speaking to someone! Even if the person isn't your friend!"

How can it be possible?! How can this old geezer - HOW CAN HE DO THAT TO ME ?! Is he senile to the point that he forgot who I am ?!!


And now I'm blushing as well! How embarrassing can this get?!

I'll have to present excuses now.


I turned my head away from her and the Professor, my gaze fell on the mountains that appeared through the windows and with profound indifference, I scoffed and said, "Excuse me.", then I shifted my gaze tower her and added after a second of silence " ... Lala."

With this, the damages should be limited because those idiots of classmates will be impressed by my demeanor.

Haaa.. that was quite the show to put up.

"Accepted. Professor, I have a question. it's about the 5 seals."

"Hm? Ask it quickly. Because I might not have the time to answer. We lost so much of our precious minutes of class today..."

"I wanted to ask: This there are five seals. Why don't we have a seal for each level of cultivation and one more seal for the criminals? "

?? She is more and more strange. Since the beginning of the seance, she has been saying things that go against the common knowledge of commoner. She wasn't like that before.

It's as if - as if she had learned this from a noble. But It must be my imagination because it's impossible for her to do this... my family is the only noble one in this city and she can't possibly travel to Mariannestow and come back within a few days.

She had a stroke of luck and guessed right, I guess.

All of this makes me have a bad foreboding, there is definitely something wrong with this but I don't know why.

"Well... it is said that the seals are always sufficiently strong to subdue our evil. No matter what. And that those cultivation levels are attainable just by those real geniuses or the Dual cultivators. You have probably already guessed that I have never seen anyone who has a level of cultivation superior to the "fundamental level". I also heard legends saying that in order to make a breakthrough you generally need a strong understanding of the "spiritual energy" that resides this world and that you might even need special items extremely precious! Haaa I'll probably not see one true cultivator in my lifetime. This is my only regret ..."

"But when I-"

"Ok! So no homework for the next time! Ho and have happy holidays everyone!"

What did she want to say? What a bad timing! She seemed wanting to add something important but now...

I have to ask her but how? After what I've done just now, I doubt that she will cooperate!

"You too!"

"Thanks! You too professor!"

"Goodbye Professor. And thank you for your answer!"

"Ho- yeah! Have good holidays Lala!"

"You too!"

I have to find a way to know... or else the bad feeling I have will just keep growing.

The map: https://goo.gl/gzyfjM

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