
drug dealer in a magic realm

Penulis: Johnny_Ramey
Martial Arts
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What is drug dealer in a magic realm

Baca novel drug dealer in a magic realm yang ditulis oleh penulis Johnny_Ramey yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. our protagonist is mildly successful drug dealer mainly dealing in highly potent marijuana and pills he gets rolled over by some corrupt cops who throw him off a bridge weighed down by heavy riot gear...


our protagonist is mildly successful drug dealer mainly dealing in highly potent marijuana and pills he gets rolled over by some corrupt cops who throw him off a bridge weighed down by heavy riot gear with a bunch of rocks superglued and ducktaped to it ...what? says one of the cops I couldn't get ahold of our cement guy dont worry I tested it on one of the boys had to have a medic resuscitate him even fortified it after. ...another older cop answers as long he dies it dosen't matter but the riot gear could lead back to us so make sure our people are on the team dragging the lake that said they wrestle heathen fredricks over to the bridge even with his arms and legs tied up with bungee cords he fights as hard as he can whitch dosen't amount to much but futile squirming his muffled screaming translating roughly to I will enjoy murdering you you fucking pigs I will roast you over an open fire. suddenly all he sees is for a moment is the sky a circle of brightly shining stars blazing in the night sky his body never hits the water disappearing midair with riot gear bungee cords and big bag of dank ass weed the seeds of which will grow into a bright future.

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Parents Strongly Cautionedmature rating