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Anda Mungkin Juga Menyukai

Genesis Reborn

Long long ago.... before Time and Space, Matter and Age, history and Mistry, Something and Nothing....The Earth was without form and Void and the spirit of God moved over it and He Said the words..."Let there be Light"...from that moment on Life BEGAN.... The universe came alive with the creatures of the world, the Testament began and went by the New Testament Came and has always Stay and it stretches out across Nations and Cities, humanity grew through Histories,Wars and hardship, Christianity and Muslims, came into life a struggle for salvation for the fitting of good life... Ancient era went on Middle age era came by Modern era has come to stay and The Era of Technology has Taken over. However the Centuries of time has changed alot coming down to this recent times of the Twenty first century, Men has taken the world to be ordinary 'theirs nothing out of the ordinary' they say, humans have come short of the glory of God, the world isn't a paradise anymore, Darkness had made sure to make impurity a norms that has no wrong in it, distractions everywhere youths are not youthful, Nations are waging wars, Aids and viruses everywhere, same sex relationships, technology has also find it way to give distractions to human... forgetting the most important thing "Will of God" they say The REVELATION IS TRUE...TRUE IT IS if a multitude is to perish and few to eternal life has it is written, truth to be told Heavens are giving it all thier best to make multitude have eternal life....but what if the whole earth can make it to eternal life ?, what if no one sin again ?, Can the Scriptures of Revelation be changed if Humans can be saved again?..... This is Were a Group of Teenagers got Caught up to Save humanity by taking a journey to the Under world and world of Ethereality to Face the DEVIL HIMSELF! with the help of their Guardian Angels assigned by God THE WILL OF GOD THEIRS

StarScripts · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Sky Hasn't Fallen

Aku terbangun di tempat yang tenang dan indah, tanpa mengetahui siapa diriku sebenarnya dan kenapa aku bisa berada ditempat ini. Di Kejauhan aku melihat seorang manusia dengan pakaian serba putih dan mata yang sebiru langit di tengah-tengah dekat pohon yang sangat indah berada. Dia mengatakan ini kepadaku "kamu adalah seorang dewa." aku tidak mengerti apa maksud dari perkataannya. Setelah mengatakan itu dia menghilang, tanpa memberikan alasan yang jelas. Dan aku juga tidak memiliki ingatan apa pun tentang masa lalu. Aku memutuskan untuk melakukan perjalanan untuk menemukan jati diriku. Jika aku adalah seorang dewa, mengapa tidak ada yang menyembahku? Atau memberikan persembahan untukku? Ya aku tidak mempermasalahkan nya sih, jadi aku memutuskan untuk menjelajahi berbagai tempat yang asing, tapi di mana pun aku pergi, tidak ada yang mengenalku atau bahkan menyadari keberadaanku. Namun, di dalam perjalanan yang panjang dan sulit ini, aku mulai merasakan adanya kekuatan dalam diriku yang belum pernah kurasakan sebelumnya. Aku memahami bahwa mungkin aku bukanlah dewa yang diinginkan atau diperlukan oleh orang lain, tetapi aku tetap mempertahankan keyakinan bahwa aku punya tempat dan arti di dunia ini. Aku semakin dekat dengan jawaban yang aku cari. Namun, semakin aku mempelajari sifat diriku yang sebenarnya, semakin banyak juga pertanyaan yang muncul di benakku. Apakah aku benar-benar seorang dewa? Mengapa aku tidak memiliki ingatan tentang masa lalu atau siapa diriku sebenarnya? Dan mengapa tidak ada yang tahu tentang keberadaanku?

Vaniellen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Exp Sect 9259

p exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp expexp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp

DaoistEWhaKq · Sci-fi
11 Chs


  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia


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