13 Chapter 13: Two Juicy Booties One Pirate

"Juicy BOOOTTTYYY!" The giant monster cried.

[LVL XX Maze Slime Monster]


[Resistances: All Damage]

[Mob level: Max]

[Instakill moves: 0]

It was a huge demonic looking slug that sludged across the floor as it chased after the two. As it chased after Maya with lust, two slugdelike hands appeared, reaching out for her.

"Ken!" Maya screamed "Do something!"

"Ok!" Ken said stepping in front of the monster "CYBBBERR SLASH!" He yelled slashing the monster in half.

Sludged poured out from its body as he cut it, turning the once huge monster into a pile of goo.

"Hehe juicy!" Ken said

"JUICY BOOTY!" A Voiced boomed from the puddle.

The puddle warped right back into the form of the gruesome snail. As the face of a strange creature formed on its head, it stuck out its arms again, reaching for Maya.

"KENNNN!!!!" Maya yelled

"What do you want me to do! The thing is invincible!" Ken yelled

"IF you don't do something quick! This things gonna devour me!" Maya cried.

"Nothin more pathetic than a Man that can't take care of a woman!" A voice said from around the corner

Tumbling around the cornerA woman with a cyber pistol fired a volley behind Ken and Maya.

"JAAANE!" Ken said, running into her arms. He lept towards her, trying to land his head into her chest.


She smacked Ken across the face with her gun, embracing Maya.

"Jane it was so scary! That huge thing-" Maya Began

"Isn't dead yet!" Jance warned

Surely enough the huge creature got up and started running after them again.

"Jane! How long have you been here?" Maya yelled

"About an hour or so! I can't seem to get out of this maze!" She said "The creature seems to be invisible to all attacks but for some reason falls apart and comes back together."

"Yeh! And what's up with this maze? Why are there a bunch of holes in them? Do they actually lead somewhere?" Maya asked

"No, none of these paths lead anywhere! I've been down all of them and every single one leads to a dead end...."

"Hmmm maybe there's a secret to this Maze…" Maya said.

"Hmm why is it so easy to think, usually its so hard to think with Ken…"

"Hey Ken!" Maya yelled "Why Are you so quiet!"

From the moment they had started running Kens eyes hadn't left Janes loosely fitted tantop, as her breasts bounced up and down.as she ran. He had been so entangled in them that he hadn't even realized where he was or what was going on.

"DONT TELLL ME!!!" Maya grumbled.

"No it's not what you think!" Ken said nervously

"Shit!" He thought :I need something to distract them…"

Ken looked up at the top of the dungeon, and noticed a strange outline. It was a pattern of some sort arranged across the ceiling.

"Doesn't the top of this Dungeon look weird?" He said

"Wait a minute…" Maya said "The top of that Dungeon looks alot like this Maze!" She said

"Also come to think of it, that creatures organs and slime… kind of look like this Maze too!"

In a moment's time, Maya had put it all together.

"So that's it!" She exclaimed

"So what's it?" Ken asked bewildered

Stopping in her tracks Maya turned around and challenged the giant slug.

"Atlas!" She cried.

"World Smasher!" Atlast cried

Atlas Punched the creature, splattering it into the same puddle once again,

"Now Atlas!" Move a portion of that puddle into the hole in this wall!" She ordered

Just as she had ordered Atlas grabbed a heap of slime and threw it into the hole in the wall. The wall was like a magnet, gripping and attaching itself to the slime, completely sealing up the hole

Within seconds, the creature came back to life, once again chasing after them.

"JUICY BOOTTYYYSS!" It cried chasing after them.

"HAHA I Got it" Maya said gleefully. "All we have to do is wait at each portion of the wall and patch it up! IT will take some time but-"

"He, leave the rest to me!" Ken said, walking forward.

"CYBERRR SLICEERR!" Ken yelled, slashing the creature into a Puddle.

"Now!" Ken said "Dual Blade mode!"

Slashing and swiveling his swords with amazing speed, Ken cut up the creature into little puddles, flinging them all over the Maze.

"Thats…. Amazing" Jane said astonished "He's only got about ten seconds and he's slicing that thing to pieces! And each piece is landing perfectly into place dozens of feet away where he can't even see! What the hell is he?"

"He's a bumbling idiot thats what he is!" Maya said. "But he's an incredible one" She said blushing. "THere's no better wielder for that sword."

Piece by piece the creature slowly started forming into the walls, until there was no trace of the monster.

Ken withdrew his swords and faced the two of them.

"No Hehe Juicy?" Jane asked.

"Wait for it" Maya said.


A sound went off in the Maze showing them a sign that they had completed the level.


The ground began to shake and tremble as the Maze began to warp and shift.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Jane said

"Wait for it!" MAya said

The Maze drifted off the floor, and interlocked with the ceiling, perfectly sliding into place. When it had finally merged with the ceiling it molded together creating a giant wad of sludge on the Ceiling.

"WHAT THE-" Jane said

"Wait for it!" Maya said

A giant sludge Monster came out of the ceiling almost 10x the size of the one that was chasing them. Its disgusting bubbling body, oozed out all over the dungeons drenching their very feet with its slime.

[LVL 50 Mega Slime Monster]

[Health: 50,000]

[Resistances: Physical Damage]

[Mob level: Max]

[Instakill moves: 10]


"Hahahaha" Maya laughed "I just knew shit was gonna get worse! It always does whenever he holds back his Juicy, it means things ain't over yet!" She yelled "FUCK ME! Why'd it have to come to this!" She yelled


"EWWWWWW!"" They both chimed

"Hehe Juicy" Ken said.

"KEENNNN!!!" They screamed

"Sorry Slime face!" Ken said laughing "But these two Juicy Booty's are all mine and I'm like a pirate" He joked.

"AAA PIRRATTEEEE?" The Monster groaned

"Damn right! A Pirate NEVER shares his booty!"

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