
To please you (Bumblebee x Driftquill)

A/N: so, part one with the leader huh? Well enjoy.

Word count: 888

Driftquill was working extra hard on the new obstacle course. Ever since her fail from her first solo fight against the minicon

s, she told herself that she needed to train harder and harder until she could do it all on her own.

The new obstacle course was much different from the last one they did. This one had more barricades, more things to avoid. You had to have eyes everywhere to make sure not to get hurt or swung to the side. Long story short, it was more difficult than the last one.

Driftquill was in the lead of everyone with Strongarm and Sideswipe right on her tail. They had to admit that she was pretty fast for not being in her vehicle form. They smirked and zoomed past her, leaving her in a big dust cloud from their tires scratching the dirt. She coughed and almost tripped on her own ped. She growled a bit at their dirty trick of leaving her in a dust cloud, but then she got an idea.

She jumped on one of the sides and ran on the side. Once she saw Sideswipe and Strongarm, she quickly leaped and jumped on both of them and jumped ahead. The two almost spiraled out of control when she leaped off of them. She pushed a great amount of force onto both of their chassis. Sideswipe snarled but laughed.

"Nice trick Quilly. Real dirty. I like how she put that into action," he commented to Strongarm who surprisingly agreed with him. Which she thought she would never really do. But she couldn't really lie about that. She found it amusing and marvelous that Driftquill improvised to get ahead... and back at them for what they did. They both agreed that they deserved it.

The finish line was in Driftquill's sight. She smiled brightly. She was going to be the first to finish! Driftquill ran as fast as she could and soon crossed the line. She won! First place too! Soon the minicons crossed as well and congratulated Driftquill for making first. Driftquill said it was nothing and soon got flustered from all the attention she was receiving. Even Drift said she had improved a lot over the last few obstacle courses they've done. She loved it.

Grimlock, of course, was last, but he didn't care. He let them have the win. But most of the time he was watching Driftquill. Her incredible speed was impressive. Grimlock ran over and lifted Driftquill off of the ground into a big dinobot hug. Driftquill squealed and laughed as she wrapped her tiny arms around Grimlock's arms.

"That's my mini Dino!" Grimlock said with pride shaking her a bit happily. Everyone smiled and some even laughed at Grimlock's behavior towards Driftquill.

Soon Bumblebee came over and applaud everyone for doing such a fantastic job on the obstacle course.

"Good work out there team, very well done, we should take a break for now, so everyone take 5," Bumblebee said with a smile as he looked at everyone.

Grimlock nodded as he put Driftquill down and pat her head before walking off to do his own thing. Sideswipe went to go on a small ride. Strongarm went to talk to Fixit. Drift and his minicons went to go and meditate. Driftquill was about to walk aside and color, but Bumblebee stopped her.

"Hang on Driftquill, I wanted to talk to you about some thing real quick," he stated holding her arm gently. Driftquill looked at him as she nodded, walking closer towards him. Bumblebee placed his hand on her shoulder plate and kneeled down to her level.

"What you did out there was incredible. The way you used Sideswipe and Strongarm to get ahead was brilliant and amazing. I just want to reward you for that," Bumblebee smiled as he placed a servo on her face plates.

Driftquill smiled. She was happy that she could make Bumblebee proud. She was made to make others happy, so it was an honor to hear that she made her leader proud and happy.

"Right, what did you need me to you?" Driftquill asked but was silenced when Bumblebee placed a digit over her lips and smiled softly.

He brought his face closer and kissed her dermas slowly. Driftquill was shocked, but she kissed back and smiled, putting her arms around his neck. Bumblebee smiled and lifted her off the ground and into his arms. Without much time passing, Bumblebee bit her lip asking politely to enter into her territory.

Driftquill stuttered as she opened her mouth slowly, immediately having Bumblebee added his glossa into her mouth. Driftquill moaned as she added her glossa as well, her blush growing brighter. Bumblebee moaned lightly as he pulled her closer, their spark chambers colliding together. Their spark chambers glowed brightly as they combined together. They both fought for domination on who can win the other over the other. As noticed, Bumblebee won. They both separated as they looked deep into each other's optics.

"I hope you enjoyed her reward Driftquill. Keep believing in yourself and doing amazing and you might get more then a simple kiss," Bumblebee teased putting her down and walked away, leaving Driftquill a blushing mess on her trembling peds.