
1.First day

It is a wonderful morning. Sarah has to wake up early 4.30 am to get her things packed.She is going to start her Under Graduate degree at a famous college.Yet she has to pack some of the things for her hostel.It is already 7.00am.The car is near the gate waiting for Sara.

As soon as the car started up Sara felt asleep since she did not sleep well the before night,thinking of how could be her first day at college and hostel.Sara is not new to the hostel as she completed her high school at hostel for about a year and a half,yet it is her first day so she is a bit nervous.It was not a long journey;it took merely 3 hours to reach the college. The time was already 9.00am;the inaugural function has started up. Meanwhile Sara's family reached hostel.They untied their luggage and made arrangements at her room in hostel.Along with Sara there were five members. Everyone is making arrangements and slowly began to greet each other.Then they reached the college together from hostel; the college was nearly 1.5 kilometres from the hostel. They have to walk up everyday.After the sessions Sara had at morning to afternoon,she arrived hostel and made call to her parents who went home after dropping Sara at college. And she made a call to a special person........