
Miracle Meeting Under The Stars (3) (Edit)

Haruka's touch is foreign, not like the one she's accustomed to, and yet there's something about it that's familiar. She usually would feel disgusted if another guy touches her; that's how it usually is. But it's different with Haruka. Haruka knows precisely where to touch her; he knows exactly what she wanted. Haruka captured her lips along the way, and her brain stopped functioning. Her thoughts all scrambled up and jumbled. Her body is growing increasingly hot.

20 minutes later. Haruka finally stopped and drew back from her. The place where he touched her was boiling. Her skin feels like it's burning. Despite the weak feeling in her knees, Lila mustered up her remaining strength and tugged on the edge of his shirt.


At first, Lila cannot get the words to leave her lips; she was still somewhat light-headed because of the passionate kiss they shared only moments ago. His touch remained on her skin. Haruka must have noticed since he walked over to the counter and poured her a glass of water. Lila accepted it, her hand brushed against him lightly, and she felt her heartbeat increased rapidly. After taking a few gulps, she found the strength in her voice and asked him.

"I want a hug," Lila asked directly, instead of glossing her words and feigning ignorance like she usually would.

"All right," Haruka nodded, Lila suddenly felt his hands trail on her thighs, causing her cheeks to turn red. Eh? Uwah..."You, you're bold, huh? Well, I don't mind doing it now, especially after that."

Wh—what is he talking about?

It hits her a second later, does he think she wants to? Lila panicked. She somehow pushed him slightly away and informed him he has the wrong idea. Haruka paused, "Huh, so you want a hug? Are you sure it's not code for something else?"

She frantically shook her head.

Code? What is he on about? Her eyes widened when he gently pulled her into his arms and wrapped his hands around hers, "This, is what you want?"

Lila nodded.

This, she woke up to this warm and comfortable feeling. Even though it's something, Haruka rarely does.

Lila didn't dislike spending time with Haruka like this. He's so warm and comfortable. It's different than when she's with Kiryu. Very different. It's so different that she's afraid. But at least she knows one thing, when they are like this, she feels safe. Without Kiryu around, she ends up feeling lonely so Haruka's presence beside her like this puts her at ease.

The darkness doesn't surround her. It doesn't engulf her and try to pull her down. Is this wrong? It probably is. She's using him. She's using him when his feelings are growing even more evident. The more time she spends with him, the more she understood. This person loves her.

He must have read her thoughts since he cupped her cheeks, "You're stupid," Haruka commented.

She had to agree with Haruka there. She really is stupid.

Lila felt Haruka's fingers brush against the corner of her eyes, wiping her tears. "Geez, I never know what to do when you cry. Don't cry."

Really, what is she doing? She doesn't know anymore.

Why did she come here? Why did she come to this place?

Since coming here, what has she achieved?

Nothing, absolutely nothing.

She hasn't even gotten to know Yumeko-chan and anyone else properly yet. Even the song she wrote Hamano-kun, she only based it on observation. The only reason it was so well received was because of the emotions he poured when he sang it.


When she woke up and spotted Haruka no longer beside her, she frowned.

Lila looked around and closed her eyes. She can still sense his presence. Despite her present state, she wrapped the blanket around her and got up. It surprised her how difficult it was to move. Her legs felt all wobbly. Haruka only kissed her too. But the kisses Haruka gives her are not simple. His kisses involved so much intimacy between them.

She followed the direction of the sound and opened one of the doors. There in the center of a spacious looking room filled with gym equipment, was Haruka-kun. He was lifting weights. Lila with curious eyes watched him for a while until his gaze fell on her.

"Ah um sorry for disturbing." Lila quickly apologized.

"It's fine, I finished just now." he placed the weights down.

...So Haruka-kun works out. He said in the magazine interview when he temporarily joined DEVIL. But, she didn't think he was serious. And just now he was holding her when — her whole face reddened. As she thought, she becomes strange when she's around him.

She doesn't have time to be fooling around like this. Her heart hurts. Whenever Haruka looked at her, she doesn't know what to do. Was it like this last year too? Or has something changed between them? Even if something changes, it shouldn't affect her so much.

It was unavoidable to say so the least, her gaze falling on his bare chest. Immediately, Lila could felt her cool cheeks heat in embarrassment. It's hard to think straight when he always exposes himself so easily in front of her. Is he not embarrassed in any way? Also, there's something, mysterious about it. She doesn't quite get it but..


Seeing the girl avoid his gaze but glanced back at his body, he paused and put the weight down. Is she that surprised? It's not like its anything special. Still, he supposed this is a good reaction from her. Since she came here, he has been attracted to her even long before he confirmed her identity.

Every action of hers, as strange as it is, seem so endearing and loveable to him. Noticing his mindset turning soft, Haruka shook his head lightly. It's one thing to fall for her; you can't become soft. Kindness is a weakness after all.

"Give me a towel," Haruka instructed.

Lila nodded and walked over to the cabinets. Although, he only brought her here a few times and when he does, he immediately pounced on her. So she doesn't have time to look around, and yet to his amazement, she already knew where things are kept. Eventually, she returned with a towel in her hands and walked over to him. Once she was in front, she immediately wiped the sweat from his chest. The entire time, he kept his gaze fixed on her. Staring at every corner of her body and slightly taking measurements. She's a first-class beauty alright.

She noticed his gaze and shyly spoke up, "Ah—um..um.."

"You're pretty." Haruka murmured.

"Q---quit complimenting me."

Now that's a first. Haruka has never heard that before.

Well. That's not surprising either. Recalling how Lila cried earlier though, he paused and didn't touch her. He just watched her nervously wipe the sweat from his chest. She's beautiful. It surprised him when he first realized it was her that time. After all, she's gotten so much more mature in the short time they parted. She's grown taller; her body is a lot more developed. Haruka is staring at the girl in amazement.

It's such amazing growth. What's with her? Despite what it seemed like, he's knowledgeable about his lineage. So this comes across as a surprise to him. Why is she like this? It makes no sense at all. But, it's not like he's complaining. It makes his job a lot easier if she's like this.

When she was finished, rather than harass her. Haruka pulled her down on the bed.

Lila seemed somewhat startled and was on the verge of protesting, "Ah..."

He cuts her off and says one word, "Rest."

She seemed surprised but nodded, and he tucks her in with the blanket. When he is sure she's fallen asleep, Haruka quickly makes plans. He ought to finish those appointments. But, it wouldn't be safe to leave her sleeping here even though he sent the order to the others not to come here certain times. There are those who break it. Lila hasn't noticed at all since she is always fast asleep during those times.

Instead of sleeping, however, she immediately turned to him and asked a question. "Senpai, tell me a story?"

Is she a kid? No wait, she technically is, Haruka mumbled something about it being stupid. But he spoke up, "I don't have many good ones.."

"Ah, but I want to learn more about you."

"...All right." Haruka said reluctantly. He doesn't mind sharing. But what does he tell her? There isn't anything good. Well, he supposes he can talk about people he knows. Not that they are any better. But at least they are better than him.

"Best friend? You have one senpai?" Lila said surprised.

"Don't be that surprised."

"But, it's you senpai."

...Then again, he doesn't have many close friends. Loads of people may surround him every day. But there are a seldom few he would call his close friends. Haruka continued speaking about this topic for a while and watched Lila listening to him attentively. Occasionally, she would ask somewhat tricky questions, and he somehow managed not to divulge too much information.

These people are technically her enemies. Hell, he's her enemy too. However, like he always said; work and private lives are separate. Right now he's the student Karashima Haruka. He doesn't have to worry about any of that stuff. Right now, he can just be with her.

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